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TIPS Drug Overdose Treatment Plan

Why do I need to know this??

1 person dies every hour from a drug overdose related injury in Australia. With such a high rate it is essential to understand and be aware of the treatment plan.

How am I supposed to know whether its an overdose?

Symptoms may include issues relating to vital signs including heart rate, chest pains and confusion or sleepiness.

Whats the plan if this does happen?

Here are some TIPS
T. Talk to someone at the Poisons Hotline on 13 11 26 and explain the symptoms of the overdose. I . Investigate scene for pills or syringes and if found retain for future reference for medical staff P. Check vital signs by proceeding with DR ABCD (Check for Danger, Response, Airways, Breathing, Circulation and Defibrillate if necessary) S. Seek assistance via 000

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