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Cognos Tool Known Errors and its Resolution Document 1

Cognos Tool Known Errors and its Resolution Document

Table Of Content
1.1 Batch report and report service error................................................................2 1.2 Content Manager Service Errors........................................................................7 1.3 Delivery Service Errors....................................................................................12 1.4 Event Management Service Errors..................................................................15 1.5 Job Service Errors............................................................................................17 1.6 Monitoring Service Errors................................................................................18 1.7 Agent Service Errors........................................................................................19 1.8 Report Data Service Errors..............................................................................23 2. PowerPlay Transformer......................................................................................26 3. Cube generation................................................................................................28 4. Caf tool............................................................................................................ 31 5. Framework manager.........................................................................................33 6. Configuration.....................................................................................................38 7. Other Errors.......................................................................................................46

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Cognos Tool Known Errors and its Resolution Document 2

Cognos 8 services, Cognos reporting studios 8.3 except metric studio , Framework manager 8.3, PowerPlay Transformer 8.3, Caf tool 8.3 plug-in and Cognos connection 8.3.

Cognos Tool Known Errors and its Resolution

1.1 Batch report and report service error

S. No

Cognos Service/ Compon ent

Batch report and report service error

Error Code


Recommended Resolution/Action



The given report specification is not a valid XML document. The specification is not valid XML. Provide a valid specification.

Resolving the problem Report specification seems to be corrupted due to incorrect deployment or any invalid change in the report or any change in content store. Replace the report specification with the last deployed version from configuration management tool or with the last working back-up copy.


Batch report and report service error


There are no sessions currently available. Please contact your Administrator. The server is busy. Wait and try again or get the administrator to increase the number of requests that can be handled by the system.

Resolving the problem This is related to Cognos configuration. Contact administrator and report the problem, this error has occurred due to the fact that no. of user request for a particular service has increased beyond the limit set for that service. Workaround: Try after sometime (approximately 30 minutes later).

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3. Batch report and report service error RSV-BBP0029 Failed to cancel the request: CAM-CRP0026 An error was returned from the underlying socket implementation. RSV-BBP-0029 Failed to cancel the request: CCL-BIT-0005 A socket reported a communication error. or CM-SYS-5144 While processing your request, Content Manager locked some objects for 703.491 seconds. This lock may have caused some other requests to be abandoned. 4. Batch report and report service error RSV-CM0004 Error 'RSV-CM-004 ... capabilities required to execute the 'runSpecification'' running adhoc reports Resolving the problem Ensure that the relevant user(s) are members of both "Controller Administrators" and "Controller Users" security groups, inside Cognos Connection. uid=swg21371052 5. Batch report and report service error RSV-DST0012, RSVDST-0013 or CM-REQ4315 An error occured while saving the output for the burst instance <param index="1" type="string"/> with the recipients (<param index="2" type="string"/>). Here are the details: <param index="3" type="string"/> The most likely cause is that the burst recipient list contains an invalid recipient. For more information, see the details. If the problem Resolving the problem Change //group to //role in the burst key expression definition. Steps: 1. Open the report in Report Studio. 2. In the Query Explorer pane, select the particular query. 3. In the Data Items pane, select the burst key. 4. In the Properties pane, select Expression and click the ellipsis. 5. In the Data Item Expression window, change //group to //role. 6. Click OK. 7. Save the report. uid=swg21341475 Resolving the problem Contact network administrator to reduce the MTU size (a networking parameter) from 1500 to 1400 uid=swg21342486

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is recipient related, correct the report or update the data in the database to generate valid recipients


Batch report and report service error


This report has been truncated since it exceeds the Excel spreadsheet row limit.

Resolving the problem In the report specification-Set "Rows per Page" property to default. rs=3442&context=SS9RTN&context=SSW GNW&uid=swg21402602&loc=en_US&cs= UTF-8&lang=en Workaround: Reduce the amount of data in the report.


Batch report and report service error


The user does not have the capabilities required to execute a report that contains button, hyperlink or HTMLItem objects.

Resolving the problem You must have Execute and Traverse permissions on the HTML Items in Reports capability (a sub capability under Report Studio). Steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Go to the Cognos Connection portal. Log in as a user with administration rights. Click Tools and select Capabilities. The list of available capabilities is displayed. Click Report Studio (not the settings button). The list of subcapabilities is displayed. Click the Set Properties button beside the HTML Items in Reports capability. Ensure that the user in question has Execute and Traverse permissions (either explicitly, or by being a member of a group or role that has this permission)

Note: In Cognos 8, you must also have "Read" and "Traverse" permissions on the "Report Studio" capability. uid=swg21344861

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Cognos Tool Known Errors and its Resolution Document 5


Batch report and report service error

RSV-UPG0003, RSVUPG-0004, RSV-UPG0014

Can't find Java class "<param index="1" type="string" usage="The name of the Java class."/>".

Resolving the problem Ensure that the JAVA_HOME environment variable points to the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) supported by this version of Cognos 8.


Batch report and report service error

RSV-BBP0022 and RSV-SRV0042

Unable to run reports: RSV-BBP-0022 and RSV-SRV-0042 When a report is run, an error message occurs. If the same report is run again it may run with no error message. RSV-BBP-0022 The absolute affinity request 'asynchWait_Request' failed, the requested session does not exist. Details: RSV-SRV0042 Trace back

Cause This error typically indicates a timing condition in long-running reports. Reports that run for more then 7 seconds enter an "asynchronous communication" mode. In this mode, the session sends periodic "wait()" requests to retrieve the data. If this request isn't received for over 30 seconds (the default async timeout) due to delays in the architecture, the dispatcher closes the session. This error is generated when the dispatcher then receives the "wait" request for the closed session. Resolving the problem Possible environmental causes and solutions of this error: 1. 2. Ensure that the minimum hardware requirements for Cognos 8 have been met. Ensure that settings for a local firewall are not interfering with Cognos 8. Either disable the local firewall, or if that is not an option, modify the firewall settings for the Cognos 8 ports.

Ensure that multiple browsers (more then 2) aren't being used on the workstation, as this may interfere with the communications. uid=swg21340994 Workaround:

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Try scheduling the report.


Batch report and report service error


RSV-BBP-0022 The absolute affinity request 'asynchWait_Request' failed, the requested session does not exist. DPR-ERR-2082 An error has occurred. Please contact your administrator. The complete error has been logged by CAF with SecureErrorID:200905-08-10:19:27.702#4

Cause 'standard reports' are powered by a Cognos 8 BI reporting engine. The error message is triggered because there is a problem with this Cognos 8 BI reporting engine communicating to the end user's Microsoft Internet Explorer session. Typically the error is because a longrunning report has timed out. MORE INFO Reports that run for more then 7 seconds enter an "asynchronous communication" mode. In this mode, the session sends periodic "wait()" requests to retrieve the data. If this request is not received for over 30 seconds (= the default async timeout) due to delays in the architecture, the dispatcher closes the session. This error is generated when the dispatcher then receives the "wait" request for the closed session. For a full explanation of this process, refer to separate IBM Technote #1340993. There are several potential root causes for this timeout, and they include the following: Scenario #1 - The report server is overloaded, because the recommended hardware specifications have not been met See separate IBM Technotes #1340994 & 1339581 for more details Scenario #2 - Firewall is interfering with communication between the client and the report server See IBM Technote #1340994 Scenario #3 - Three (3) or more browser sessions are being used on the client device simultaneously See IBM Technote #1340994 Scenario #4 - Network connection between client device and Report server is slow For example, there is a poor-quality wireless network or WAN connection See IBM Technote #1344573.

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Resolving the problem Solution #1 - Review the Technotes referred to inside the scenarios above. Resolve any issues that are found with your system. Solution #2 - Increase the Cognos 8 async timeout parameter, to reduce the chance of a timeout For example, increase the timeout from the default (30 seconds) to something larger (for example 60 or 90 seconds) See IBM Technote #1344573 for complete details. uid=swg21385378 Workaround for Scenario #3: 1. 2. 3. 4. Close all the instances of the browser, Delete cookies and temp files, Re-login and Try re-running the report.

For other scenarios: 1.Try scheduling the report.

1.2 Content Manager Service Errors

S. No

Cogno s Servic e/Com ponent

Content manager service error

Error Code


Recommended Resolution/Action



CM-SYS-5007 when trying to start Cognos 8 service in cogserver.log

Corruption of the JDBC-driver. Environment System Z, Oracle 10g Resolving the problem Replace the JDBC-driver in Cognos with the one from the DB-client. Steps: 1. Navigate to your Oracle DB-Client <OracleClient_ROOT>/jdbc

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2. Copy the JDBC-driver (ojdbc14.jar or - depends on your Cognos 8 / JRE version) to the following directory:

<C8_ROOT>/webapps/p2pd/WEB-INF/lib uid=swg21343265 2. Content manager service error CM-REQ-4193 and CM-CFG5049 Package Export Fails with CM-REQ-4193 and CM-CFG-5049 Cause A package in the deployment definition no longer exisits in Cognos Connection. Resolving the problem Remove the non-existant package from the deployment export definition. CM-REQ-4011 errors even though sufficient permissions defined for a report and its ancestors. Users are getting permission errors like the one below when attempting to run a report for which they have Execute and Traverse (and maybe more) permissions for. These users also have sufficient permissions on all the report's ancestors including the report's package. Cause The report that was to be run contained a Layout Component Reference that was referencing a report for which the user did not have adequate Resolving the problem Provides appropriate permissions on the report that report that is being run's Layout Component Reference is using. uid=swg21342718 Workaround: Have someone who does have appropriate permissions change the Layout Component Reference's Embed property from Reference to Copy. This change will make it so that the layout from the other report is copied to this report then and only then, rather than every time the report is ran. Steps:1) Log in as someone who can run the report. Log in as System Administrator if necessary. 2) Open up the report in Report Studio. 3) Select the Layout Component Reference that is in the report. 4) In its properties window, change the Embed property from Reference to Copy permissions.


Content manager service error



Content manager service


CM-REQ-4023 You cannot create an object at the location

Cause A folder name was changed within Cognos

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error <...> when scheduled reports execute CM-REQ-4023 You cannot create an object at the location <...> when scheduled reports execute. This only affects previously scheduled reports new schedules execute without error. Connection. The originally scheduled report referenced a location that no longer exists or no longer matches the original path. Resolving the problem Disable the scheduled task, and then reenable it. This will recreate the association to the new folder location. uid=swg21340398


Content manager service error


Error logging into Cognos Connection CM-REQ-4159 Content Manager has returned an error in the response header.

Cause Scenario where the end user's Cognos 8 BI Reporting Service user profile (located in the content store) is invalid/corrupt. Resolution

Refer embedded document:



Content manager service error


CM-SYS-5100 Content Manager internal error occurred

error appears while trying to open or to execute a report system hangs after the error appears

Cause This error means that an attempt has been made to insert a record with a duplicate (unique) key. This error will also be generated if an existing record is updated to generate a duplicate (unique) key. Typically this is a duplicate primary key, but it need not be the primary key. Environment Windows 2003 Server Oracle Server Oracle Client JDBC 9.2.0 UTF-8 instance of database Resolving the problem

CM-SYS-5001 Interner Content ManagerFehler ist aufgetreten. ORA-00001: unique constraint (COGNOS8.PK_CMOBJE CTS) violated

create a new content store and make a full deployment from the old content store


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create a new schema in your oracle db server for the new content store open Cognos Connection -> Tools -> Content Administration use the export functionality to make a full deployment open Cognos Configuration and enter under Data Access -> Content Manager -> Content Store the new content store restart the server make an import of the full deployment uid=swg21340367 7. Content manager service error DPR-ERR2058 Content Manager Error When Starting IBM Cognos 8 In the cogserver.log file, the following error appears: An attempt to register the dispatcher in Content Manager was unsuccessful. Will retry periodically. When connecting to http://computer name/cognos8, the following error messages appear in the browser: Resolution: IBM Cognos Configuration uses a user ID to bind to the LDAP database. If this user ID is moved to another group, IBM Cognos Configuration can no longer locate it. To correct the problem, move the user ID back to the original group. 8bi/v8r4m0/index.jsp? topic=/ nux.8.4.0.doc/inst_cr_winux_id25040Cont entManagerErrorWhenStartingCog.html

The dispatcher cannot service the request at this time. The dispatcher is still initializing

eption: Connection Refused

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Content manager service error


CM-CFG-5063 A Content Manager configuration error was detected while connecting to the content store. MSG_NOT_FOUND=cm CannotUpgradeInStand ByMode

Cause Incorrect signon specified for the account used to connect to the content store Resolving the problem Verify that the correct username and password for the database user account is specified in Cognos Configuration for the content store settings. uid=swg21341492


Content manager service error


CM-REQ-4132 The existing deployment archive 'Package Name' could not be removed from the file system. Error when exporting a package using Cognos 8 deployment.

Cause The deployment location should be accessible from all Content Manager hosts so that it is available regardless of any failover of the Content Manager. Environment This is a multi-server install, with one active Content Manager and one stand-by content manager. Error occurs when the stand-by content manager becomes active. Resolving the problem Use absolute instead of relative path to define the deployment directory in Cognos Configuration. In addition, the deployment directory should be accessible by all distributed servers e.g. the deployment directory is on a NFS mounted drive which is available to all distributed servers. We recommend that all Content Managers and Application tier hosts access the same shared Deployment location using NFS on UNIX or UNC on Windows. UNC will require that the Service run as a Domain Account [which is required anyway for integration with Print Spoolers or access to MSAS]. Configure the multiple environments (Dev, Test, Prod) to refer to the same Deployment Location. It can be on a generic File server, and this would provide the facility to migrate content from one Environment to another without any need for direct access to the hosts. Steps: 1. Open Cognos Configuration 2. Under Environment, Deployments file

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location, specify a UNC (Windows) or NFS (Unix) path 3. Save the Configuration. 4. Repeat steps 1-3 on each Cognos 8 server. 5. Restart Cognos 8. uid=swg21340924 Workaround: Copy the content of deployment folder from the location defined for active CM to the deployment folder location defined for stand-by CM.

1.3 Delivery Service Errors

S.N o

Cognos Service/Compo nent

Delivery service

Error Code


Recommended Resolution/Action
By default, SMTP servers are configured to block any relay messages from servers which are not on the authorized list. This is to prevent any unauthorized sender to send messages through that server. Resolving the problem On the SMTP server, add the IP of the Cognos application server(s) to the authorized sender list.


CNC-SDS-0335 Error returned from SMTP server. Scheduled

reports fail to send by e-mail even though the SMTP server tests fine in Cognos Configuration. Multiple error messages are generated.
2. Delivery service CNC-BAL-0509 and CNC-DS-0001 When trying to run scheduled report which send output by email, we encountered the below error message. If we check the status of the report in Cognos

Cause Delivery service was disabled.

Environment Windows, Unix Resolving the problem 1) Enable Delivery service. A. Delivery service can be enable in IBM Cognos

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Administration - under status section. or B. Cognos configuration (require a restart of Cognos 8) - under Environment, Cognos 8. 2) Check if SMTP server is up and running. It is required to be up and running in order to forward report or report link to the intended recipients. ss?uid=swg21343405

administration, its status is unavailable in the "run by" column. CNC-BAL-0509 One or more errors have occurred. Your request could not be fully processed. In the file cogserver.log under the logs folder where Cognos 8 is installed. The below error message was logged <trace>CNC-DS0001 The following Delivery Service general error occurred: Could not connect to SMTP host: mailserver, port: 25Could not connect to SMTP host: mailserver, port: 25</trace> Problem with mail server, will test again in 10 seconds 3. Delivery service CNC-DS-0008 Same report attached twice (or more) to an event result in a HTML file with error: CNC-DS0008 CNC-DS-0008 No output available for: < >c

Cause By default, only one report output version will be kept. This means, when the same report will be add to an event with option save more than once, the first output will be removed as soon the second output is created. Environment IBM Cognos 8 BI Event Studio Resolving the problem In Cognos Connection, in the properties of the attached report, increase the number of occurrences or set the duration at least to one day. Steps: 1. Open Cognos

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Connection In the properties of the report, under Report output versions, increase the number of occurrences or set the duration at least to one day. ss?uid=swg21342404 4. Delivery service CNC-GEN-2107 CNC-GEN-2107: An unexpected error has occurred. Unable to Print PDF Reports There may be no error messages and the status of the print job is Succeeded. To correct the problem, try the following:

Ensure that Adobe

Reader version 5.0.5 or later is installed on each computer where IBM Cognos 8 servers are installed.

Ensure that the IBM

Cognos 8 server is started using an account that has access to the network printer. Sometimes, system accounts may not have access to network printers.

If IBM Cognos 8 is
installed on UNIX, ensure that Adobe Reader is installed in the path of the user that starts IBM Cognos 8.

If IBM Cognos 8 is
installed on UNIX, ensure that the lpstat -v command returns a configured printer and that a printer variable is defined.

When you define the

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network address for the printer in IBM Cognos Connection, use the following syntax:

For Windows: \ \server_name\printe r_name

For UNIX: printer_name

When you define the

network address for the printer, try using the IP address of the printer instead of the computer name.

Ensure that IBM

Cognos 8 users have the correct access permissions for the printer. nfocenter/c8fpm/v8r4m0/index .jsp? topic=/ .ug_cra.8.4.0.doc/ug_cra_id375 ml

1.4 Event Management Service Errors

S.N o

Cognos Service/Compo nent

Event management service

Error Code


Recommended Resolution/Action
Resolving the problem Ensure that the Notification Database in Cognos Configuration on the Application Tier Cognos 8 servers point to the same


Unable to persist the event status record.

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database defined as the Notification Database in Cognos Configuration on the Content Manager Cognos 8 servers. If there is NO notification database in cognos configuration on the content manager Cognos 8 server ,then point the notification database on the application tier only install to the content store database that is defined in cognos configuration on the content manager install. If no notification database is defined on the content store database then it gets built in the content store database and a multserver installation of cognos 8 can only have 1 notification database For Oracle, DB2 and Sybase databases ensure that the relevant database client/JDBC driver is set up in the c8/webapps/p2pd/WEB-INF/lib directory on the Application Tier servers. ss?uid=swg21339360 2. Event management service CNC-EVE-3105 CNC-BAL-0509 error when trying to cancel long running reports. CNC-BAL0509 One or more errors has occured. Your request could not be fully processed. CNC-EVE-3105 Unable to update the event status record Resolving the problem Recreate the report using the existing report specification. Save the report under a new name. Reschedule the report. Steps: 1. Open the existing report in Report Studio. 2. Copy the report specification to the clipboard. 3. Create a new report in Report Studio. 4. Open the report specification from the clipboard 5. Save the report with a new name. 6. Reschedule the report ss?uid=swg21339351

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1.5 Job Service Errors

S.N o

Cognos Service/Compo nent

Job service

Error Code


Recommended Resolution/Action
Cause timing of server reboots Resolving the problem Change the time of night that Cognos servers are restarted so that there are no active schedules. For example, if reports are scheduled to kick off at 5:05 AM, it is unlikely that a multiserver environment (or a slower single server) will be up and ready to process those requests in such a short time frame. In addition, make sure there is a sufficient amount of time between server reboots so that the distributed components are brought back up properly. This is especially true for the content manager server which must be up and fully running before any of the other servers are restarted. Once the primary content manager is active and running, the application tier servers (report servers in ReportNet) are next, with gateway servers restarted last. ss?uid=swg21340925


CNC-JOB-0004 An error has been encountered in one of the steps associated to the job. Overnight scheduled jobs fail in a multiserver environment.


Job service


Unable to schedule or save report: CNCJOB-0025 Encountered an error updating the event status. CNCJOB-0025 Encountered an error updating the event status. CNC-

Resolving the problem Ensure that the Notification Database in Cognos Configuration on the Application Tier Cognos 8 servers point to the same database defined as the Notification Database in Cognos Configuration on the Content Manager Cognos 8 servers. If there is NO

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EVE-3102 Unable to persist the event status record. notification database in cognos configuration on the content manager Cognos 8 server ,then point the notification database on the application tier only install to the content store database that is defined in cognos configuration on the content manager install. If no notification database is defined on the content store database then it gets built in the content store database and a multserver installation of cognos 8 can only have 1 notification database For Oracle, DB2 and Sybase databases, ensure that the relevant database directory on the Application Tier servers.client/JDBC driver is set up in the c8/webapps/p2pd/WEB-INF/lib directory on the Application Tier servers. ss?uid=swg21339360 3. Job service CNC-JOB-3300 Unable to retrieve the Job details from Content Manager. Consult the log files. Unable to add a Job. The JobService is currently disabled. More than one Job exists in Content Manager for the given search path. Resolving the problem Ensure that the path is correct and the user has the necessary permissions. Resolving the problem Enable the job service.


Job service



Job service


Resolving the problem Correct the searchPath so that only one job is run.

1.6 Monitoring Service Errors

S.N o

Cognos Service/Compo nent

Monitoring service

Error Code


Recommended Resolution/Action
Cause The system had 4 content


Using Cognos Administration on a

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multi-node system is showing errors sporadically in logs and in the gui. Monitor Service paging error: Failed Logon:com.jnetdirec t.jsql. managers, but several of the installations only referenced two or three of them. If the active content manager fails over to one of the content managers that isn't configured in all the is added and configured on the dispatcher.configurations, the notification code on the servers that don't know about that content manager won't know to use their local content manager database connection information. Resolving the problem Ensure that all dispatchers contain a complete list of all the content managers in the system. Alternatively, ensure that a Notification Database is added and configured on the dispatcher. ss?uid=swg21371582 2. Monitoring service CNC-MON-0024 CNC-MON-0024 Monitor Service Paging Error: invalid arguments in call Resolving the problem Delete the Notification Database from the Cognos Configuration / Data Access / Notification. Save and restart. This should allow correct access to the Cognos Administration Page. Then add the notification database to the configuration again, save and restart. ss?uid=swg21343394

1.7 Agent Service Errors

S.N o

Cognos Service/Compo nent

Agent service

Error Code


Recommended Resolution/Action
Resolving the problem The error is caused by an


CNC-ASV-0001 Agent Service general error:

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Exception occurred: java.lang.OutOfMem oryError. When trying to send an email from Event Studio through the preview window or through Scheduling it fails after about 10 minutes with the following error: CNC-ASV-0001 Agent Service general error: Exception occurred: java.lang.OutOfMem oryError. event returning too many results. If you limit the results to fewer values the email sends correctly. ss?uid=swg21339566


Agent service


'CNC-ASV-0050 Event condition not met' although conditional expression is true Event conditions are never met as long as there is no direct transaction on any data base table or the cube. For example the following event condition 'sysdate() = 2008-03-27' is never met, not even on March, 27th of 2008. The same behaviour can be investigated when the '1=1' condition is used.

Cause An event condition does not cause any transaction on any of the database's tables or to the cube as long as the result can be calculated. Resolving the problem Enhance the event condition with a boolean condition that provokes at least one database access and where the result is always true. example 1 : Instead of 'sysdate() = 2008-03-27' use ' 'extract(day, maximum([Introduction date])) > 0 and sysdate() = 2008-0327' example 2 : Instead of '1=1' use ' caption of [xxx] = 'xxx' ' ss?uid=swg21342900 Cause


Agent service



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Agent Condition invalid CNC-ASV-0025 Agent Condition invalid: RSV-SRV0040 An application error has occurred. Contact your Administrator. CCLAssertError:0:Fa tal: CCL_ASSERT(config Stream.good()); 1 appserver with all cognos8 service set to true and 10 jobservers with cognos8 service set to true except for Presentation, Report and Planning Administration Console service were set to false. Resolving the problem Change all the cognos8 services from true to false on all jobservers except for Dispatcher and Planning Jobserver, those should stay as true. Save and restart the cognos configuration. ss?uid=swg21348047 This problem is related to the replacement of the Sun Java Runtime Environment (JRE) by IBM Java Runtime Environment (JRE) in this release of IBM Cognos 8. To avoid this problem, modify the bootstrap_win32.xml file in the c8_location\bin directory by adding the following line of code for the spawn element under <process name="catalina"> : <param condName="$ {java_vendor}" condValue="IBM">Xss128m</param> nfocenter/c8bi/v8r4m0/index.js p? topic=/ .rdm_cmm.8.4.0.doc/rdm_cmm _id242Error_When_Calling_Rep ort_Trigger.html Cause The event condition was using a calculation that did not account for dividing by zero. Resolving the problem The original condition was: [Difference] > 0 For the [Difference] calculation, you must use the following expression:


Agent service


CNC-ASV-0007 Error When Calling a Report Trigger From a Web Service Task.CNC-ASV-0007 An error occurred with the agent Web service task. The operation failed. org.apache.wsif.WSI FException: CloneNotSupported Exception cloning context.


Agent service


CNC-ASV-0025 Agent Condition invalid: DPR-ERR2056 The Report Server is not responding. Running event studio agent fails and causes report server to shut down.

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if ([YesterdayUnits] <> 0) then ((([TodayUnits] [YesterdayUnits])/ [YesterdayUnits])*100) else (0) The original expression for the [Difference] calculation was [TodayUnits] [YesterdayUnits]/ [YesterdayUnits])*100 ss? uid=swg21410532&myns=swg imgmt&mynp=OCSS9RTN&my nc=R Cause The was not existing at location <install Dir>/c8/bin . It was either moved or deleted by a user. Resolving the problem To resolve this issue you would need to copy to <install Dir>/c8/bin directory. If its a distributed system you can copy it from the other server or else you would need to copy it from backup of file system. Restart Cognos services after the file is placed at the appropriate location. ss?uid=swg21380306


Agent service

CNC-ASV-0025, CCLSRV-0501, CCL-PLG0001

CNC-ASV-0025 Agent Condition invalid: CCL-PLG0001 Failed to load the pluggable shared library. The specified module could not be found. (D:/Program Files/cognos/c8\./bin \AuthoredReportGe nerator.cpi) CCL-SRV-0501 The server process caught an unexpected exception. CCL-PLG-0001 Failed to load the pluggable shared library. BIBusTKServerMain: fatal: open failed: No such file or directory.


Agent service


CNC-ASV-0022: Agent web service task error, WSDL cannot be parsed.

Resolving the problem Append the URL with ?wsdl to retrieve the XML description of the web service. For example, for the service: http://www.pliantsoftw instead use: http://www.pliant

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1.8 Report Data Service Errors

S.N o

Cognos Service/Compo nent

Report data service

Error Code


Recommended Resolution/Action
Set the Class Loader Policy in WebSphere For WebSphere, the best solution is to set the Class loader policy to PARENT_LAST. The WebSphere documentation tells the administrator how to do this.


Report Data Service Could Not Process the Response from the Content Provider. In WebSphere, this error occurs if another XML parser, such as Xalan is colliding with the one RDS uses.

Edit the Report To avoid problems with report layout, you must modify the report by performing one of the following:

Take the repeater or

repeater table out of the block or table.

Cut the layout object

from the conditional block into a new conditional block, block, or table. /infocenter/caapps/v8r4m0/in dex.jsp? topic=/ os.ug_cra.8.4.0.doc/ug_cra_id 38106Troubleshooting.html


Report data service


The Request Received by Report Data Service Is Not Valid

Resolving the problem This error message could indicate that someone is trying to externally access RDS.

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Stop and restart RDS. nfocenter/caapps/v8r4m0/inde x.jsp? topic=/ .ug_cra.8.4.0.doc/ug_cra_id381 06Troubleshooting.html Resolving the problem A report fails because it exceeds the data size limit set by the administrator. Increase the size limit for report data by changing the Governor limit setting. nfocenter/caapps/v8r4m0/inde x.jsp? topic=/ .ug_cra.8.4.0.doc/ug_cra_id381 06Troubleshooting.html Workaround: Re-run the report with smaller date range, lesser prompt values to reduce the data volume fetched by the report. There may be iterations to get complete date and then try merging it into one output format manually. Resolving the problem The provider, such as IBM Cognos 8 or PowerPlay is not responding. Ensure that IBM Cognos 8 or PowerPlay is running. Check the server log for error messages related to these providers. nfocenter/caapps/v8r4m0/inde x.jsp? topic=/ .ug_cra.8.4.0.doc/ug_cra_id381 06Troubleshooting.html Resolving the problem Generally, this error occurs when trying to log on to the


Report data service


The Report Name Could Not Be Run Because It Exceeds the Report Data Service Data Size Limit Set by the Administrator


Report data service


Report Data Service was unable to retrieve the metadata for Name


Report data service


The Logon Requirements for IBM Cognos 8 Could Not Be Obtained. You May Already Be

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Cognos Tool Known Errors and its Resolution Document 25

Logged into this Namespace, or the Target Namespace Does Not Exist

same namespace twice. In some cases, it may indicate a problem with a security setup such as SiteMinder. Ensure that you are not already logged in. nfocenter/caapps/v8r4m0/inde x.jsp? topic=/ .ug_cra.8.4.0.doc/ug_cra_id381 06Troubleshooting.html Resolving the problem The report output version that you want to run cannot be retrieved from the content store. This problem can be caused by one or more of the following:


Report data service


The Output for the Requested Version for Object NameCould Not be Retrieved

the requested report

version name, specified burst key, or burst ID, does not exist

the requested version

does not have any outputs that meet any of the accepted formats, such as XML, PDF, or HTML The report author did not specify a default format to be used when the report is run.

you do not have

sufficient access permissions to retrieve this output To run the report, you must have execute permission for the report and traverse permissions for the folder that

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Cognos Tool Known Errors and its Resolution Document 26

contains the report. nfocenter/caapps/v8r4m0/inde x.jsp? topic=/ .ug_cra.8.4.0.doc/ug_cra_id381 06Troubleshooting.html Resolving the problem This error occurs if a user (or administrator) tries to cancel an RDS request, but the request no longer exists. This can happen if the user clicks Cancel after the administrator has already restarted RDS. Wait for RDS to restart. nfocenter/caapps/v8r4m0/inde x.jsp? topic=/ .ug_cra.8.4.0.doc/ug_cra_id381 06Troubleshooting.html


Report data service


The Request Could Not Be Cancelled. The Request is No Longer Running

2. PowerPlay Transformer

S.N o

Cognos Service/Compo nent

PowerPlay Transformer

Error Code


Recommended Resolution/Action
Cause Namespace timeout was occurring. Resolving the problem Increase Inactivity Timeout in seconds for Authentication from 3600 to 7200 in Cognos Configuration. ss?uid=swg21343193

No error code

During cube build process, Transformer reprompts for the security after an hour. During cube build process, Transformer reprompts for the security after 60 minutes. Logon Window pops up with the

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followning: Please type in your credentials for authentication. 2. PowerPlay Transformer Unable to access service at URL, error from transformer Installed Transformer 8.3. When going to Log On As (to add security to the model), getting the below error message. Unable to access service at URL:http://xxxxx:80/ cognos8/cgibin/cognos.cgi? m=portal/close.xts& h_CAM_action=logo nAsPlease check that your gateway URI information is configured correctly and that the service is available. Cause Additional/incorrect dispatcher URI in gateway's cognos configuration Resolving the problem Delete the additional/incorrect dispatcher URI from gateway's cognos configuration Steps:1.Open cognos configuration on gateway server 2. check Dispatcher URIs for gateway property 3. Delete incorrect dispatcher URI 4. Save configuration 5. Open Transformer configuration and save. This solution is only applicable when incorrect URIs used. Be aware that the identical error can be generated by different reason ss?uid=swg21343119 Cause When using the MDL format in Transformer 8.3, the order of data sources is not kept (the reason is unknown at present). Here, the positiion of the Cognos Package is systematically placed at the top of the data sources list whereas, as a fact table, it should always be placed at the end. The effect is an incorrect generation of category codes, that is not consistent between two cube generations. Environment The Transformer model is based on some text files as structural data sources, and a


PowerPlay Transformer

Opening a cube in Report Studio : some categories do not appear

Some Report Studio reports connect to a powercube that was generated by batch. After each cube build, some categories disappear from the report and even from the left "Insertable Objects" pane.

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Cognos Package as the fact data source. Resolving the problem Always save categories in the model after each cube build OR Place the fact data source at the end of the list and save the model as PYJ. Then use this PYJ in the cogtr command-line instead of the MDL. ss?uid=swg21343121 Cause The cube file is not accessible from the system where Transformer is installed. Resolving the problem There are at least 2 ways to resolve this: In your datasource connection for the cube on your cognos server, make sure the connection is a shared network directory that the transformer system can access. ss?uid=swg21343154 Workaround for option 1 above: If the above is not viable due to security concerns you can copy the cube locally to the transformer system and place it in the same file system path that is listed in the datasource connection on the Cognos server. The only caveat for option 2 is if the original cube is updated you will need to copy it over to the transformer system again so it has the latest version.


PowerPlay Transformer

PDS-PCT-0020 or BMT-MD-6003

Transformer 8.3 'New Model' wizard errors with Cognos cube packages: PDS-PCT-0020 or BMT-MD-6003. PDSPCT-0020 Unable to open the PowerCube: (Open Data Cache). Cube path/name may be incorrect; cube may be corrupt or may not be a PowerCube. Alternatively, you may continually receive a Data Source Signon window. Even if you enter in the correct credentials, the signon window will appear again once you click "OK". If you click cancel you may get the following error: BMT-MD-6003 No connection to the data source could be established.

3. Cube generation

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Cognos Tool Known Errors and its Resolution Document 29 S.N o


Cognos Service/Compo nent

Cube generation

Error Code


Recommended Resolution/Action
Cause There is not enough disk space to create the UDA temporary files. Resolving the problem With older versions of Transformer, a solution would be to redirect TEMPFILEDIRS to another disk with enough available space, and to increase SortMemory in the file cer*.ini, but this file does not exist anymore in version 8.3. The first thing to do is to verify that "Series 7 IQD Bridge" has been installed with Transformer 8.3. If this is the case, then a folder named CS7Gateways should exist under /cognos/c8. In that directory, there is a /bin directory where a file named cs7g.ini can be found. This file replace the old cer*.ini files. Steps: - Open cs7g.ini - Add the following variables under the [Services] section : TEMPFILEDIRS=D:\TEMP SortMemory=8192 (the values here are just examples) - Save the file - Restart Transformer.

TR0109 - TR3312

Building a cube : errors TR0109 TR3312 - DMS-EGENERAL during open cursor. Unable to generate a cube : a data source cannot be read. When the amount of data is reduced in that data source, the cube build succeeds.


Cube generation

PDS-PCT-0020 PDS-REC-0021

Cannot test datasource connection to secured powercube on Cannot test datasource connection to secured powercube on. Cannot test datasource connection to secured powercube ss?uid=swg21343222 Symptom PDS-PCT-0020 Unable to open the PowerCub PDS-REC-0021 (Open Data Cache). Cube path cube may be corrupt or may not be a PowerC

Cause By default, the Cognos 8 service is started with the "Local System" account which is unable to access network resources.

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on Environment Windows installation Resolving the problem Change the Cognos 8 service to start with a named user account that has the appropriate permissions on the shared drive. ss?uid=swg21370888 3. Cube generation PCConn fails in a distributed environment when the -f option is used and Anonymous access disabled ===== Cognos 8 PowerCube Connection Admin Command Console ===== Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayInde xOutOfBoundsExcep tion: 2 at sion.ConsoleConnec tionContext.<init>( Unknown Source) at com.cognos.util.c8a dm.C8Adm.connect( Unknown Source) at com.cognos.util.c8a dm.C8Adm.main(Un known Source) Getting error(TR1102) and (TR0701) while updating a cube using a mdl script. While updating a cube through command line[cogtr.exe command] using a mdl script, the below mentioned error was received. Refer to the embedded document:

PCConn fails in a distributed environm ent.doc


Cube generation

TR1102, TR0701

Cause In the mdl script for CUBEUPDATE statement customer had given the path of the mdc file instead of Cube name. We can also get the above error if the correct cube name is not provided. Environment Windows, Unix Resolving the problem Put proper cube name in the CUBEUPDATE statement of mdl script. Steps:Following was the scenario: MDL script[updatecube.mdl] which was used :-

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SignonAdd "signonname" UserId "user name" password "password" AutoLogon {True} SignonNamespace "namespace name" SignonType "Cognos OPENPY "D:\Transformer\XYZ.pyj" EVENTSTART "Build Monthly Powercube" CUBEUPDATE "D:\Transformer\XYZ.mdc" SAVEPY "D:\Transformer\XYZ.pyj" EVENTEND SignonDelete "signonname" Command used was :cogtr.exe -mupdatecube.mdl The correct script should be as below :SignonAdd "signonname" UserId "user name" password "password" AutoLogon {True} SignonNamespace "namespace name" SignonType "Cognos OPENPY "D:\Transformer\XYZ.pyj" EVENTSTART "Build Monthly Powercube" CUBEUPDATE "CubeXYZ" SAVEPY "D:\Transformer\XYZ.pyj" EVENTEND SignonDelete "signonname" ss?uid=swg21343187

4. Caf tool
S.N o

Cognos Service/Compo nent

CAF tool

Error Code


Recommended Resolution/Action
Cause Corrupt CAFE installation. Environment Windows XP, Microsoft Office

No error code

CAFE 8.3 Exploration View not working in Excel 2007. After loading
the Cognos Analysis for Excel (CAFE) 8.3

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Plugin in Excel 2007, the hyperlink to create an exploration view is inactive. Therefore making CAFE unusable.

2007, Microsoft Excel 2007 Resolving the problem Deinstall CAFE, Reinstall CAFE. ss?uid=swg21343229 Resolving the problem IBM Cognos 8 BI Analysis for Microsoft Excel does not support prompts. You receive this error message when a package that contains prompts loads or when selecting or expanding members in the source tree of a package with prompts. You must choose a package that does not have prompts. nfocenter/caapps/v8r4m0/inde x.jsp? topic=/ .ug_cra.8.4.0.doc/ug_cra_id381 06Troubleshooting.html


CAF tool


COR-ERR-2011 Prompted Metadata Is Not Supported


CAF tool


COR-ERR-2014 Due to Excel worksheet limitations the results may be truncated

Resolving the problem

If the data that you receive back has more than 250 columns or more that 65,500 rows and you are not using Microsoft Excel 2007, the result is truncated. You receive this message to make you aware of the truncation. er/caapps/v8r4m0/index.jsp? topic=/ 8.4.0.doc/ug_cra_id38106Troubleshoot ing.html Workaround: To avoid this limitation, limit your data selections.

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Caf tool


CM-REQ-4179 The locale 'nb-no' is not one of the configured content locales. The following error message occurs when attempt to publish a report from CAFE to Cognos Connection.

Cause The required locale is missing from content locale in Cognos Configuration. Resolving the problem Define the required content locale under the 'Edit Global Configuration' option in Cognos Connection on all machines with Cognos8 installed. Steps: 1. Invoke Cognos Configuration. 2. Goto 'Actions - Edit global configuration' 3. Enter the required content locale definitions into the 'Content Locales' and 'Content Locale Mapping' tabs. 4. Restart the Cognos8 service. ss?uid=swg21343101

5. Framework manager

S.N o

Cognos Service/Compo nent

Framework manager

Error Code


Recommended Resolution/Action
Cause The Usage property for the query item is set to Fact in Framework Manager. Resolving the problem 1.Change the Usage property to Attribute. Steps: In Framework Manager, select the query item. 2.If the Properties pane is not already visible, go to the View menu and click Properties. 3.Under the Usage property in the Properties pane, select Attribute. 4.Save and re-publish the package. http://www-

Numbers display properly in Framework Manager but not in Cognos Viewer

A numeric query item displays properly in Framework Manager, but not in Cognos Viewer. For example, a number such as 20080401 in framework manager would be displayed as 428408580343 in Cognos Viewer.

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Cognos Tool Known Errors and its Resolution Document 34 ss?uid=swg21343167 Cause Gateway URI on the server was incorrectly configured User has not logged in to a valid namespace Resolving the problem Correct the Gateway URI entry on the server. enter in the correct gateway URI Log in to a valid namespace. ss?uid=swg21340902 Cause The model is corrupt or missing some of the relevant files. This is reflected in the second error message as FrameWork Manager cannot read the model.xml file which stores most of the model metadata. The .CPF file must reside in the project directory with all the relevant XML files. Resolving the problem If the model is corrupt, restore the model from backup to a different directory. When restoring a model from backup, restore the entire model folder to get all model files - not just the model.xml. OR Use bmtscriptplayer.exe to recover the project from the logs (steps below). Steps:1. Open a Command Prompt. 2. Go to the ReportNet_installation or Framework_Manager_Installati on\crn\bin directory. Ensure the directory contains the bmtscriptplayer.exe file. 3. From the directory where the project file (.CPF) is located, locate the logs directory and sort the files in that directory by date. The earliest (oldest) file is the first file and most recent file is the


Framework manager

BMT-MD-3999, BMT-MD-2036

Error validating a converted model or creating new project: BMT-MD3999 An unknown error occurred. Error occurs when validating a converted model or creating new project.


Framework manager

BME-EX-0071 and BME-EX-0073

BME-EX-0071 and BME-EX-0073 Error opening Framework Manager Model. Unable to open a Framework Manager model.

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Cognos Tool Known Errors and its Resolution Document 35

last file. You can also use the command - dir /OD project_dir\logs 4. At the Command Prompt, type Bmtscriptplayer -c new_project_dir\newproject.cpf -a old_project_dir\logs\oldest_file. xml for example Example : Bmtscriptplayer -c d:\My Projects\newproj.cpf -a d:\My Projects\logs\newproj20050217083318-log.xml The above command will create a new project file and apply the transactions from the oldest (first) transactions file. 5. Delete the newly added transaction log file from the logs directory. 6. Use the following command to apply the rest of the transaction logs to the project for /F "usebackq delims==" %i in (`dir /B /OD Old_Project_dir\logs`) do "BmtScriptPlayer.exe" -m New_Project_dir\NewProject1.c pf -a <Old_Project_dir>\logs\%i Example: for /F "usebackq delims==" %i in (`dir /B /OD d:\temp\Old_Project1\logs`) do "BmtScriptPlayer.exe" -m d:\temp\NewProject1\NewProje ct1.cpf -a D:\temp\Old_Project1\logs\%i If the application of all the logs is successfull, the newly created project file should be a copy of the old project. Note that if authentication is enabled, using the username and password for the BmtScriptPlayer.exe might be needed. "-u <username> -p <passwd>"

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Refer to the FrameWork Manager Users Guide for more details. ss?uid=swg21341395 Cause Database was not available after server reboot. Resolving the problem From Cognos Configuration save Configuration settings and then restart the Cognos service. ss?uid=swg21342616 Cause The model.xml file is corrupted (easily verified by opening the file within Internet Explorer or any other XML validator) Resolving the problem ss?uid=swg21340059 Refer embedded document


Framework manager/Configurat ion


UDA-SQL-0432 Unable to locate the gateway. Datasources not available and reports will not run. "UDA-SQL-0432 Unable to locate the gateway "cogudaor"


Framework manager


Unable to open existing FM project: BME-EX-0125 The Document Object Model (DOM) parser failed. Unable to open a previously created Framework Manager model. This occurs regardless of whether the model is opened from the workstation it was originally created upon or from other workstations. Unable to cast a Float field as an Integer: RQP-DEF0177, UDA-SQL0564, UDA-CUR0000. RQP-DEF0177 An error occurred while performing operation 'sqlScrollBulkFetch' status='-232'. UDA-SQL-0564 [Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server]Arithmetic overflow error for

Unable to open existing FM project.doc


Framework manager

RQP-DEF-0177, UDA-SQL-0564, UDA-CUR-0000

Cause This is caused by values larger than 2147483647 in the float field. A signed, 4-byte integer datatype only allows for values up to positive (2^31) - 1. Environment Reporting Database: Microsoft SQL Server Resolving the problem You can cast the field as a bigint datatype instead. The expression editor for a field in a Model Query Subject will not allow you to use bigint as a datatype, so you must make this change in the SQL of the underlying Data Source Query

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type int, value = 2210000101.00000 0. (SQLSTATE=22003, SQLERRORCODE=2 32) UDA-CUR-0000 Unable to fetch the row. Subject instead. Steps: 1. Locate the underlying Data Source Query Subject in your FM model which is bringing back the float field in question. 2. Right-click it, and choose Properties. 3. On the SQL tab, edit the SQL so that instead of selecting floatField, you are selecting cast(floatField AS bigint) as "intField" ss?uid=swg21340969 Resolving the problem Workaround, copy the DLL 'BmtEEPlugin.dll' from another installation. ss?uid=swg21340946


Framework manager

Error: Could not load plugin 'drive:\Program Files\cognos\c8\bin \BmtEEPlugin.dll'

When I run Framework Manager, I get the following error message when I try to load a project. Creating 'bmtEEPlugin.CBmt EENodeHandler' failed error Could not load plugin 'E:\Program Files\cognos\c8\bin\ BmtEEPlugin.dll' How to publish a package after modifying the model without impacting existing reports based on that package.


Framework manager

No error

Resolving the problem This is essentially a question about how model versioning works. If you want all your old reports to still work fine after changing a model, you need to enable model versioning when you publish the package in Framework Manager. With this option checked, ReportNet (or Cognos 8) will create a new version of the model for this package in the content store, instead of overwriting the existing model. Once done, the published package will have multiple versions of the model in the content store. All old reports will automatically link to the old model, and all new reports

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will be created against the new model. Please be aware, however, that if you open an existing report from within the Studios, it will run against the newest model. There may be a validation prompt, and it may result in error messages becasue the old report may not match the metedata of the newest model. Steps:1. Check Enable model versioning in Framework Manager in the package publishing wizard. 2. Publish the package. ss?uid=swg21340910 Resolving the problem Ensure Framework Manager's Cognos Configuration has the correct Gateway and Dispatcher URI. Steps:1. Open Framework Manager Cognos Configuration 2. In the Explorer Pane, click on Environment 3. Ensure Gateway URI and Dispatcher URI for external applications has the correct IBM Cognos 8 BI Server URI's. If unsure what the Gateway URI and Dispatcher URI needs to be set to, you can check it in the Cognos 8 BI Server's Cognos Configuration. ss?uid=swg21340857


Framework manager


CAM-CRP-0287 error is thrown when opening a project in Framework Manager. Opening Model Failed error-13 CAM-CRP0287 Unable to read the CRYPTO section of the 'cogstartup.xml' configuration file. Loading Project Failed

6. Configuration S.N o

Cognos Service/Compo nent


Error Code


Recommended Resolution/Action
Resolving the problem Decrease the "Maximum


Cannot login to Cognos 8: CAM-

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Cognos Tool Known Errors and its Resolution Document 39

AAA-0027 The function call to 'CAM_AAA_Authenti cate' failed. Intermittent problem, users not able to login to Cognos Connection and service restart is required to resolve. memory in MB" setting in Cognos Configuration. Try default 768 Mb or 512 Mb. Steps: 1. Open Cognos Configuration and navigate to Environment->Cognos 8 service->Service name. Decrease the Maximum memory value. Restart Cognos 8 service. cview.wss? uid=swg21343228

2. 3.

Workaround: Try after some time. 2. Configuration CAM-CRP-1095 CAM-CRP-1095 Unable to find the encryption certificate with alias 'encryption' in the keystore. Unable to generate the cryptographic keys in a multiserver installation. Resolving the problem Ensure that the dispatcher and controller URI's point to the correct application server. Steps: 1. Under Environment in Cognos Configuration, change the Dispatcher and Controller URI's to point to the proper application server. Right click on Environment and click Test cview.wss? uid=swg21343186 3. Configuration 403: Access Forbidden Due to the presence of characters known to be used in Cross Site Scripting attacks, access is forbidden. This web site does not allow Resolving the problem IBM Cognos ReportNet supports the Netegrity Siteminder CSS checking filter. By default, the Siteminder filter rejects any requests that contain greater than (>) or less


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Urls which might include embedded HTML tags. than(<) symbols, or single quotation marks (') that are passed as content in parameters in GET requests. Cognos Application Firewall (CAF) analyzes and validates HTTP and XML requests before they are processed by ReportNet Application Servers. Cognos Application Firewall may modify these HTTP and XML requests. CAF is actually the Cognos ReportNet component which does the replacing of the XSS characters that SiteMinder checks for. To protect ReportNet from SiteMinder-prohibited characters, the following must be done on each Cognos ReportNet server to enable the XSS checking feature: Enable CAF validation Add the gateway and application server name(s) to the valid domains or hosts list in your Cognos Application Firewall settings. Ensure that the third party XSS checking is enabled on each server. The XSS property can be used only if CAF is enabled because it's actually a feature of CAF. Activating this property without CAF being activated will lead to errors in Cognos Connection. Steps: 1. Start Cognos Configuration. 2. From the Security menu, click Cognos Application Firewall. 3. Set Enable CAF validation option to True. 4. Add the gateway and application server name(s) to Valid Domains or Hosts. 5. Set the Is third party XSS checking enabled? option to True. 3. Save the configuration and

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restart services. ss?uid=swg21339001 Cause JAVA_HOME was pointing to Java 1.4 Environment In this case multiple versions of Cognos 8 were installed on a Windows machine. Resolving the problem Set JAVA_HOME variable to Cognos 8.3 location/bin/jre and use 1.5. Or remove the JAVA_HOME variable completely and each installation will pick up their own Java. Steps:1. Go to the Windows Control Panel 2. System icon 3. Advanced tab 4. Environment Variables button 5. Under the system variables, not user, section you can modify the JAVA_HOME. ss?uid=swg21342788 Cause Invalid credentials specified for the Cognos 8 service. Resolving the problem Re-enter the credentials for the Cognos 8 service in Windows Services. Steps: 1.Go to the START menu, click "Run...", type in "SERVICES.MSC" and click OK. 2.Windows Services should appear. Double-click the Cognos 8 service and click the "Log On" tab. 3.Re-enter the account name and password to be used by the Cognos 8 Service and click OK. http://www-




Unable to start Cognos BI 8.3: CFGERR-0106 Cognos Configuration did not receive a response. Error CFG-ERR-0106 Cognos Configuration did not receive a response from the Cognos 8 service within the time alotted. Check that the Cognos 8 service is available and properly configured




Cannot start Cognos 8: CFG-ERR-0103 Unable to start Cognos 8 service. CFG-ERR-0103 Unable to start Cognos 8 service. Execution of the external process returns an error code value of '-1' Cognos 8 cannot be started from Cognos Configuration or from Windows Services but it can be started from the command line via STARTUP.BAT.

Page 41

Cognos Tool Known Errors and its Resolution Document 42 ss?rs=0&uid=swg21370764 There are two possible causes for this problem: The IBM Cognos 8 service needs more time to start. A standby Content Manager computer may be configured incorrectly. The IBM Cognos 8 Service Needs More Time By default, IBM Cognos Configuration checks the progress of the start request every half second for three minutes. If IBM Cognos Configuration does not receive a response within this time, the error message appears. To avoid this error, you can change the amount of time that IBM Cognos Configuration waits to receive a response from the IBM Cognos 8 service. You do this by configuring the ServiceWaitInterval and ServiceMaxTries properties in the c8_location/configuration/cogc onfig.prefs file. The ServiceWaitInterval property represents the time interval, in milliseconds, at which IBM Cognos Configuration checks the progress of the start request. By default, its value is 500, which is equivalent to half a second. The ServiceMaxTries property represents the number of times that IBM Cognos Configuration checks the progress of the start request. By default, its value is 360. Content Manager Is




CFG-ERR-0106 Error When Starting the IBM Cognos 8 Service in IBM Cognos Configuration. CFGERR-0106 Cognos Configuration received no response from the Cognos 8 service in the allotted time. Check that Cognos 8 service is available and properly configured.

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Configured Incorrectly If the error message appears on a standby Content Manager computer, the setting for storing the symmetric keys may be incorrect. To avoid this problem, configure the standby Content Manager computer to store the symmetric keys locally. Steps to Change the Wait Time Using IBM Cognos Configuration, stop the IBM Cognos 8 service. Open the c8_location/configuration/cogc onfig.prefs file in an editor. This file is created automatically the first time you open IBM Cognos Configuration. Add the following code to the file: ServiceWaitInterval=number of milliseconds ServiceMaxTries=number of times Tip: Add the numeric values that correspond to your configuration needs. Save the file. Using IBM Cognos Configuration, start the IBM Cognos 8 service. nfocenter/c8bi/v8r4m0/index.js p? topic=/ .ug_cra.8.4.0.doc/ug_cra_id311 97CFG-ERR0106ErrorWhenStartingtheCog nos8Se.html

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7. Configuration QE-DEF-0285, QEDEF-0068 Problem creating Oracle data source in Cognos 8 FM. QEDEF-0285 The logon failed for the following reason QE-DEF-0068 Unable to connect to at least one database during a multi-database attach to 1 database(s) in: testDataSourceCon nection UDA-SQL-0432 Unable to locate the gateway "cogudaor" 8. Configuration No logging to Cogserver.log file No logging for certain amount of time in Cogserver.log file until restarting Cognos 8 service. Failed Log Server socket error <parameters><ite m name="Port"><! [CDATA[9362]]></it em><item name="Error"><! [CDATA[Address already in use: Cannot bind]] Cause Unknown Environment Cognos 8 single server or multi-server installation Resolving the problem Change "Enable TCP?" to True in C8 configuration Steps: 1. Launch C8 configuration 2. Click logging, set "Enable TCP?" to True 3. Restart Cognos 8 service ss?uid=swg21340944 Cause This error can occur due to a memory limitation within the configuration. Correcting the configuration may correct the problem. Resolving the problem Modify the sort size and the number of processes for each of server in the installation. Note that the actual settings will vary from one server to another, depending on hardware specifications Resolving the problem Check whether Oracle client (9i or 10g) is installed or not. In system environment variables your path should be for 10g. C:\Oracle\ora101\network\admi n (pointing to tnsnames.ora file) or for 9i C:\oracle\ora92\network\ADMIN



PRS-PRH-0252, DPR-DPR-1013

Running reports occasionally generates errors: PRSPRH-0252, DPRDPR-1013. PRS-

PRH-0252 The response received is invalid. An XML result was expected from

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Cognos Tool Known Errors and its Resolution Document 45 "dispatcher" HTTP Status 500 DPR-DPR-1013 Unable to parse response envelope. The response does not contain a valid XML document
(memory, CPUs). Restart the services and re-run the reports. Steps:To modify the sort size: Launch Cognos Configuration on your application tier server In the "Explorer" window, select "Environment". In the "Environment" window, find and modify the setting "Sort buffer size in MB". The default is 4, values over 32 are not advised. Larger values may cause resource shortages, smaller values may cause additional local processing of large data sets. To modify the number of proceses Launch a browser and log into Cognos Connection as a user with access to the Server Configuration Click on Tools->Server Administration Process settings can be set at either the global, dispatcher or service level. Settings at the lower level will override settings at a higher level. Select the appropriate level, and click the "Set Properties" button. Click on the "Settings" tab to open up the settings. There are different settings for Interactive processes and Batch processes. Find and modify the setting for "Maximum Number of processes for the batch report service" or "Maximum number of processes for the Interactive report service" as appropriate. The number of processes should typically not exceed 2 times the number of CPU's (or 1.5 times the number of cores), but this may vary by system depending on the architecture and the type of reporting being done. ss?uid=swg21340908 Cause When CAM initially binds to the LDAP the Binding Credentials



CAM-AAA-0134, CAM-AAA-0036

Error CAM-AAA0134 occured upon

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authentication (BCs) specified in Cognos Configuration will be used. If the BCs are empty anonymous bind is used. Once the bind succeeded an LDAP search for the user entry is sent. If no entry is found the authentication will fail with CAM-AAA-0036 . Resolving the problem Refer below link: ss?uid=swg21343378 11. Configuration CAM-AAA-0172 CAM-AAA-0134 Unable to retrieve information for the user. CAM-AAA-0172 The main identity returned by the provider is invalid. The number of results returned must be equal to one. Cause During Phase 2 of the authentication process, the provider was unable to read attributes for the user entry or one of the parent entries using the provided Binding Credentials (BCs) when running Single Sign-On (SSO) or User Credentials when running Basic Sign-On. Resolving the problem Refer below link: ss?uid=swg21343393

7. Other Errors

S . N o

Cognos Service/ Compon ent


Error Code/Mess age



Recommended Resolution/Action

Unable to Publish PowerCube as Data Source and Package from Transformer: PRS-OBJ-0617

Cause The user that is logged into Transformer is missing permissions.

Resolving the problem The user (or a Group or Role that the user is a member of) needs the following

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permissions: To be able to create the data source, the following permissions are required by the user that is logged into Transformer:

Execute and Traverse for the Administration capability Execute and Traverse for the Data Source Connections capability (note that this is child of the Administration capability) Write for the Data Source Connections area in Cognos Administration

To be able to create the package, the following permissions are required:

Traverse and Write permissions for the Public Folders area or folder where the package is to be located.



No error code

Blank Internet Explorer page remains open after saving report output in Microsoft Excel 2007 format uid=swg21343277 Cause Internet Explorer 6 Resolving the problem It was noted that after upgrading to IE 7 the issue disappeared. Workaround: Delete the cookies and temp files using browser options and try with a fresh instance of the browser.




Error for Scheduled Reports: CNC-SDS0413 There was a problem in executing the task



No error code

Prompted report hangs when invoked

Resolving the problem Renew the credentials Steps:1. Have the user log into Cognos Connection 2. Click on My Area - My Preferences 3. Click on the Personal tab - under Credendials click on Renew the credentials 4. A dialog box should confirm that credentials have been renewed successfully - click ok 5. Trigger or have the schedule run and test for the error. uid=swg21343239 Resolving the problem Add 'Read' permission to the report for all

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by non-administrator user users who can use the 'Run with options' option. Steps: 1. 2. Open the properties sheet for the report. Go to the 'Permissions' tab.



No error code

Getting 'XML HTTP Error' while accessing certain packages in Report Studio from client machines

Add 'Read' permission to the required users or user groups. uid=swg21343237 Resolving the problem When client machines are on the same network with the BI Server's Netowork(10.1.X.X), they are able to download metadata for all packages. Its only when the client machines are on the 10.10.X.X network that users are not able to load the metadata for certain large packages. Customer should direct this to their network administrator at investigating it in the proxy server. A possible root cause of this issue can be traffic is being filter in the proxy server. uid=swg21343232 Workaround: A possible work around is to bypass the proxy server to use 10.1.X.X for their client machines.



No error code

Cannot View Reports in Excel Format with Internet Explorer 7. Whenever a user tries to open a report in any Excel format within Cognos Connection the page reopens as an HTML document. Other formats appear to work (such as PDF), this appears to just affect Internet Explorer 7 users trying to open Excel reports.

Cause This issue is due to the increased security in Internet Explorer 7. Environment Windows XP with Internet Explorer 7 and Cognos 8.3. Resolving the problem Add Cognos to Trusted Sites in internet Explorer 7, and lower the security for trusted sites to Medium-Low. Steps:1. Go to the 'Control Panel', after ensuring that Internet Explorer is closed. 2. Open 'Internet Options' 3. Go to the 'Security' tab, ensure that Cognos is a 'Trusted Site' 4. Click 'Custom Level...' ensuring that Trusted Sites is highlighted. 5. From the 'Reset to:' drop down menu select 'Medium-low' and then click 'Reset' 6. Click 'Yes' if prompted, then 'Ok', 'Ok', then restart Internet Explorer and try

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again. uid=swg21343225 7. Sign on CAM-AAA0071 Unable to login to Cognos Connection: CAM-AAA-0071 Cause The connection to the LDAP server was dropped/lost for some reason Resolving the problem With the help of your IT team see if there is something going on within the network that would be causing the connection to be dropped. Possible causes (but not all) would be server reboots, network traffic, packet dropping, network drop, etc... Restart the Cognos Services Steps: 1. 2. 3. Open Cognos Configuration Stop the Services (black square on the tool bar) Start the Services (green arrow on the tool bar)

NOTE: if you have a distributed environment you need to ensure the services on the Content Manager machine are stopped last and started first. uid=swg21343208 Cause The browser is trying to pass the cookie information from one install to the other. This will not work as the cookie information is only valid for the environment initially authenticated against. In the case where the installs are like below: Install 1: nos8 Install 2: nos8 The cookies from both installs will have the same settings (domain is and path is /cognos8).


Sign on


CAM-AAA-0203 Unable to generate or validate a userSessionID. If multiple Cognos environments are secured against the same security authentication source, and you move between them within the same browser session, this error will appear.

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Resolving the problem Add Domain and (if applicable) Path information into Cognos Configuration Global Settings, so that the browser understands the cookie is only valid for a certain install. Steps:1. Open Cognos configuration 2. Navigate to Actions - Edit Global Configuration - General tab 3. Enter a value into the Domain option such as and Path information such as /c8 uid=swg21343190 Cause Excel security in Office 2007 Resolving the problem Solution came from Steps:Add new registry key as below. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\MICROS OFT\OFFICE\12.0\EXCEL\SECURITY Rightclick --> new>DWORD> add key ExtensionHardening value = 0 make sure the key word without any spaces. uid=swg21342407


Excel 2007

No error code

Warning message in Excel 2007. When running a report to Excel 2007 you might receive a warning . "The file you are trying to open, 'xyz', is in a different format than specified by the file extension. Verify that the file is not corrupted and is from a trusted source before opening the file. Do you want to open the file now?" DPR-DPR-1035 Dispatcher detected an error. (in cogserver/crnserver.l og) DPR-CMI-4007 A request to perform an active content manager election failed. (in pogo_.log)

10 .



Cause There are several possible root causes for these errors, including:

unsupported database collation sequence used for the content store insufficient permissions for the user configured to connect to the content store

modifications made to key system files Resolving the problem 1. Ensure that the database collation sequence for the content store is

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case-insensitive. Grant create and drop table privileges for the content store to the user who will be specified in Cognos Configuration. Ensure that the above user account is a member of the db_ddladmin role.

Verify that none of the system.xml files were modified in any way, and that no customizations have been performed (a file comparison utility could be used to compare each system.xml against those present in a new base install). If modifications have been done, undo these by restoring the original files and restarting the service. uid=swg21339758 Cause Oracle application server does not parse the XML property Environment Oracle 10g3 application server Resolving the problem Set wrap_input_stream=true before creating WAR or EAR Steps: 1.Locate <C8_location>/webapps/WEBINF/ 2.Find the following lines: #set this to true to wrap the input stream so that Oracle Application Server will parse the XML properly #wrap_input_stream=true 3.Uncomment the second entry. I.e. the lines will be as shown below: #set this to true to wrap the input stream so that Oracle Application Server will parse the XML properly wrap_input_stream=true 4.Then create a WAR or EAR file using Cognos 8 configuration tool uid=swg21343136 These error messages usually occur when the dispatcher cannot communicate with Content Manager. To help you determine the specific cause, look in the

11 .



Getting DPR-DPR1013 Unable to parse response envelope. The response does not contain a valid XML document or error message below in cogserver.log when accessing security or configuration tab in cognos connection.

12 .



DPR-ERR-2058 Error Appears in Web Browser When Starting IBM Cognos

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8. DPR-ERR-2058 The dispatcher encountered an error while servicing a request. XTS handler must be initialized before being invoked. DPR-ERR-2058 The dispatcher cannot service the request at this time. The dispatcher is still initializing. Please try again or contact your administrator. cogserver.log file in the c8_location/logs directory. The most common causes are listed below, with solutions. IBM Cognos Services are Not Done Initializing After you start the services in IBM Cognos Configuration and the configuration tool shows that the services are running, wait a few minutes for all services to start before you open the portal. Content Manager is Not Available In a distributed installation, ensure that Content Manager is installed, configured, and running. Ensure also that the other IBM Cognos computers are configured with the correct Content Manager URI. The User Does not Have Appropriate Permissions Ensure that the user has the appropriate permissions. Refer for more at: bi/v8r4m0/index.jsp? topic=/ .4.1.doc/c8pp_inst_id18142DPR-ERR2058ErrorAppearsinWebBrowserWh.html 13 . Dispatcher DPR-ERR-2065 Error accessing column: DPR-ERR2065 The response from Report Server is not well formed. Using a report column that contains special characters in a report. Cause There are several special control characters that can cause conflicts if they exist in the reporting data source. The ones most likely to be problematic are: &<>"' There are a number of other characters that can similarly cause trouble, which have been identified as: !#$%(),:;=[]\^`{|}?~ Any character that is not considered a valid XML 1.0 character (for example, a Unicode control character) can cause issues. Resolving the problem Removing the characters from the source data can eliminate this issue. uid=swg21341099 Cause




After launch of IBM

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. Cognos 8 Connection the following error message appears: Cognos 8 Help DPR-ERR-2009 A request to authenticate the user in Content Manager failed. Details: DPR-ERR-2082 An error has occurred. Please contact your administrator. The complete error has been logged by CAF with SecureErrorID Other Resolving Oracle connection errors QE-DEF-0285 Logon failure. QE-DEF-0068 Unable to connect to at least one database during a multi-database attach to 1 database(s) in: testDataSourceConn ection UDA-SQL-0432 Unable to locate the gateway "cogudaor". 16 . Other Unable to create query subject using synonyms Client has synonyms on Oracle database user. User wants to create query subject in Framework Manager using those synonyms. But the user can't see any synonyms while creating query subject in FM. All other objects tables, views,procedures and functions are visible. The only issue is with synonyms. Cause Following might be the reasons when user is not able to see synonyms: Synonyms are created under a different schema user than the one trying to access the data source. User used to connect to the datasource does not have permissions to view synonym. Resolving the problem Please cross check if the user schema for synonyms and the data source connection is the same and the user has the permission to view the synonyms. If the user schema for synonyms and the data source connection are not the same then grant approprite access rights to the user accessing the datasource connections on the synonyms defined in the other user schema. When Cognos 8 service was starting, there was a problem with the server network connection. Resolving the problem Launch IBM Cognos Configuration and restart the IBM Cognos 8 Service, using the Restart icon at the top.

15 .

Refer embedded document:

Resolving Oracle connection errors.doc

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uid=swg21343157 Cause ActiveX controls settings disabled or misconfigured. Environment Windows XP/2000 IE 6 Resolving the problem Check the ActiveX controls settings in your browser. If ActiveX controls are enabled, you may need to re register the associated dll files. Steps: 1. In your browser go to Tools -> Internet Options 2. In the Security tab click on Custom Level 3. Under Settings navigate to the ActiveX controls and plug-ins 4. Check the setting 'Script ActiveX controls marked safe for scripting' and make sure that is enable. 5. If it is disable, change the settings to Enable. Click OK to save changes. 6. Click OK to close the Internet Options window 7. Restart your browser and test. If the settings for ActiveX are set to Enable, re register the associated dll file: 1. Locate the msxml3.dll. By default is located in <Windows>\system32\msxml3.dll 2. From the machine go to Start -> Run. 3. Type cmd and press Enter. 4. Navigate to the msxml3.dll location. 5. Type the following command: regsvr32 msxml3.dll and press enter. 6. You will get a windows message that the dll has been registered. 7. Test Report Studio. uid=swg21343169 18 . Other User trying to save in Report Studio receives "The web request failed" error When trying to save a report in Report Studio, a user receives the following The web request failed Details: 12002 - Unknown URL: /cognos/cgibin/cognosisapi.dll Cause A network failure may have occured during the Report Studio session and/or the session may have timed out. Resolving the problem Restore the connection with the Cognos 8 server by opening a new Report Studio session. Steps:To keep your current work and open a new Report Studio window: 1. Click on the Tools menu and select Copy report to clipboard. Keep this window open.

17 .


HAL errors when opening Report Studio

A user gets a HAL error when opening Report Studio. All other studios open without problems. HAL ERROR:_6K8._8H6() must be called in the HTML body

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2. Navigate to the Cognos Connection portal and open a new Report Studio session. 3. In the new Report Studio window, click on Tools and Open report from clipboard. 4. Close the problematic Report Studio window uid=swg21343172 Cause The browser is trying to pass the cookie information from one install to the other. This will not work as the cookie information is only valid for the environment initially authenticated against. In the case where the installs are like below: Install 1: nos8 Install 2: nos8 The cookies from both installs will have the same settings (domain is and path is /cognos8).

19 .

Sign on


CAM-AAA-0203 Unable to generate or validate a userSessionID. If multiple Cognos environments are secured against the same security authentication source, and you move between them within the same browser session, this error will appear.

Resolving the problem Add Domain and (if applicable) Path information into Cognos Configuration Global Settings, so that the browser understands the cookie is only valid for a certain install. Steps:1. Open Cognos configuration 2. Navigate to Actions - Edit Global Configuration - General tab 3. Enter a value into the Domain option such as and Path information such as /c8 uid=swg21343190 Cause Each Image Viewer portlet must also be configured to reference an absolute URL in order for images to be displayed properly Resolving the problem Modify the Image URL address within each Image Viewer portlet that contains an image, ensuring that an absolute URL is used

20 .


Images not appearing within Cognos Connection portal tab portlet

Images do not appear within a Cognos Connection portal tab Image Viewer portlet when accessing by a remote machine. The images do appear when accessing the portal on the same server

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Steps: where Cognos 8 is installed. Cognos Configuration is configured with fully qualified domain names (FQDN) and not localhost references Images appear properly in reports output to all formats No error messages, but a red 'x' icon placeholder appears where the image should be 21 . Other Maximum size limit for report attachments which can be sent through email in Cognos 8 What is the maximum size limit for report attachments which can be sent through email in Cognos 8? Ideally speaking there is no size limit for the report attachment in Cognos 8 which can be sent through email. However, there would preferably be restrictions set on the exchange/SMTP server on the permissible size limit for the email. If the email size exceeds the permissible limit of the exchange/SMTP server, the email would not reach the intended recipient. Cognos 8.3 introduces the ability to compress the attachment based on the size of the report output. The property is called 'Maximum size of an uncompressed email attachment' and is measured in MB. uid=swg21343120 Cause This error indicated incorrect data type casting, usage of unsupported function in the data item expression; basically invalid data item expression. Resolving the problem Validate the expression using cognos validation in the reporting studio and correct the expression as per the description of error generated by the validation function. 1. Within affected portlets, click the Edit icon in the top right corner 2. Under the Image section, make sure that the Image URL specified contains an absolute URL, and not localhost uid=swg21343111

22 .


UDA-SQL-0114 The cursor supplied to the operation "sqlOpenResul t" is inactive.

UDA-SQL-0114 The cursor supplied to the operation "sqlOpenResult" is inactive. UDA-SQL0115 Inappropriate SQL request. UDASQL-0564 [Microsoft SQL Native Client]Invalid length parameter passed to the SUBSTRING function. (SQLSTATE=42000, SQLERRORCODE=53

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6) 23 . ORA00997 ORA-00997 error message with SELECT DISTINCT statements Running a Report Studio report fails with an Oracle error message. Cause The issue is a known Oracle problem and is documented in the internet and on the official Oracle sites: Resolving the problem Remove the LONG value from the function or clause or avoid the SELECT DISTINCT uid=swg21343130 Cause Write permission was not set on the report for the user/group trying to schedule the report. Resolving the problem Give read/write/execute/traverse permission to the user/group that need to schedule the report. Steps:1) Click the "Set Properties" icon for the report. 2) Click the Permissions tab. 3) Click the "Override the access permissions acquired from the parent entry" checkbox and add the user or group to the list. 4) Grant the user orgroup read/write/execute/traverse permissions. uid=swg21343132 The framework manager model which the report base on does not have the with clause setting enable. Although, the design of the failing report is pretty simple, but it generates SQL statement which contains few identical sub queries. By enabling with clause setting, this allow reuse of sub queries, instead of re-computing the repeating sub queries, it will query or aggregate once, assign a name to the resulting data and refer to it. Environment Cognos 8.3, AIX 5.3, Oracle data source. Both the BI server and the data base server have plenty of resources. Resolving the problem By default the with Clause setting is being enable when a new model is created. However, user can check the setting by

24 .


Schedule management page items greyed out

Report's schedule management page options greyed out when trying to schedule a report.

25 .


Report completes with interactive view, but runs forever when save into content store.

A report (normally finishes within 5 minutes) completes when it is being run interactively, but runs forever when we save it into the content store. However, other reports within the same package runs perfectly no matter it is interactive or batch process. Design of the failing report is also pretty simple, it only

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contains few queries. following the below steps Steps:1. From the Project menu, click Edit Governors. 2. Check the enable with clause setting. 3. Click OK. uid=swg21343137 Cause This issue stems from problems with Microsoft Outlook and/or Microsoft Exchange Server. Search Google on "ATT00001.txt ATT00002.htm Outlook" for more information. Environment This only affects email recipients using Microsoft Outlook, external mail recipients do not see these extra files. Resolving the problem Adding text to the main body of the scheduled report run avoids these extra files from being attached. Steps:1) Open the Schedule properties for any affected reports. 2) Next to 'Send a link to the report by email', choose 'Edit the options' 3) Ensure that there is some text in the Body section of the email. 3) Click 'OK' and send the report uid=swg21343144 Cause Content Store database run out of space. Resolving the problem Free space in your Content store database server. uid=swg21343147

The data source is relational, can be dimensionally modeled. 26 . Other ATT00001.txt and ATT00002.htm files attached in email of scheduled reports Unwanted ATT00001.txt and ATT00002.htm files are being attached in emails from scheduled reports.

27 .


Cannot render report in PDF. Displays a blank page.

From Cognos Connection cannot render reports in PDF or Excel. HTML works fine. Adobe Acrobat error message: The file is damaged and could not be repaired. Excel will show error: HTTP 404 - The requested resource() is not available.

28 .


Importing deployment package fails: The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object

Importing deployment package fails with an error. CM-SYS-5092 Content Manager failed while returning the query results.

Cause Login used to connect to the content store does not have sufficient permissions on the database to execute the object. Resolving the problem CMPARSEIDS is a stored procedure so grant a user the execute permission on it.

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'CMPARSEIDS' The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'CMPARSEIDS', database '<databasename>', schema <schemaname>. ORA-00942: table or view does not exist. The following error occurs in Report Viewer on attempt to run an existing report when a table is drop and recreated in Oracle. UDA-SQL0107 A general exception has occurred during the operation "columns".ORA00942: table or view does not exist UDASQL-0196 The table or view F_CHARGES" was not found in the dictionary. PRS-TPR-0352 when accessing Cognos Connection. When accessing Cognos Connection an error is returned in the Browser. Cognos Connection doesn't show up. This happens for all Browsers and all computers and users. PRS-TPR-0352 Failed to open template file /cc.xts Runtime model error when running Cognos 8 Report. Error: 1006 occurred while opening runtime model file: '.../cognos/c8./bin\../d Or make a user the owner of the database. uid=swg21343148

29 .



Cause The permission Grants for the table was not replicated to put it back to the original state. Environment Oracle database all versions. Resolving the problem Add the required permission Grants back to the table. See the Oracle user guide for details. uid=swg21343152

30 .



Resolving the problem The Presentation Service eventually needs to read templates and generate Cognos Connection HTML from those streamed to the browser. This requires parsing the templates and configurations made in system.xml for Cognos Connection. Make sure the user running the Application Server has read access to CRN_ROOT/templates/ and all subdirectories. Ensure that the CRN_ROOT/templates/ps/portal/system.xml is valid and correct. Compare it against an original file and check carefully for any additions. uid=swg21344278 Cause RTM file corrupted after exporting and importing the package. Resolving the problem RTM files are local copies of the Run Time Model which are created when the first user has accessed the published package.

31 .


Runtime model error when running Cognos 8 Report

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ata/cqe/RTModels/UR LID1d1XNjQ0NToxMT Y5ODUyODUzMjkyOj M1OTQ1o1X1e20071 i011i26T181l071l331 j4490000Z.rtm'." Details: "Error: 1006 The volume for a file has been externally altered so that the opened file is no longer valid. 32 . Other CPS-PAG-4801 CPS-PAG-4801 Operation failed with consumer component. Navigating to a portal page returns an error. Locate the corrupted RTM file under the directory. delete it and access the package again. A new RTM file will be recreated Steps:1. Navigate to "<c8_install_directory>\cognos\c8\datacqe \RTModels folder 2. Find related RTM file 3. Backup the file and delete it 4. Log in Cognos connection and access to the package again 5. Run the report and check if the error still occurs. uid=swg21371002 Cause Corrupt/Invalid system.xml file located in the ../template/ps/portal folder Resolving the problem Restore from backup or copy system.xml file from a new install Steps:1. Stop Cognos 8 services 2. Backup existing system.xml file 3. Restore valid system.xml file 4. Restart services and test uid=swg21340920 Unlike ReportNet, where audit logging levels need to be set to 3 (mid) the same levels do not apply in Cognos 8. To enable logging, the audit logging levels in Server Administration need to be set at Basic (the 2nd level) and not Request which includes SOAP communications (Service requests and responses) which can fill up a log file very quickly depending on the type of activity in the portal. Resolving the problem Set the audit logging levels in Server Administration to Basic (the 2nd level) uid=swg21340911 Cause All report objects are in the Page Header and/or Page Footer sections of the report as opposed to the Page Body. Resolving the problem Move some of the report objects into the Page Body of the report. http://www-

33 .


Cogserver.log files fill up quickly with Request level audit logging enabled

Cogserver.log files fill up quickly with Request level audit logging enabled in Server Administration.

34 .


Running report as PDF gives error: Unable to save this document because it has no pages

Attempting to run a report as PDF gives the following: Unable to save this document because it has no pages

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