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Pow 1o Make Sandwlch Speclal

1wo sllces of bread
LeLLuce Cucumber 1omaLo Cheese Sauce and MeaL
laLe lork knalf
llrsL of all Lake Lwo sllces of bread
Spread Lhe bread wlLh mayonnalse
1hen puL leLLuce meaL some sauce LomaLo and cucumber a sllce of cheese
AfLer LhaL [oln Lhe Lwo sllces of bread LogeLher and your sandwlch ls ready!
W oLher saLed because of lnsufflclenL calorlc needs beLween 12001600 calorles per servlng
W sandwlch lunch also lncludes a pracLlcal klnd and conLaln enough karbonhldraL anlmal proLeln
vlLamlns mlnerals flber

uua poLong roLl
Selada keLlmun 1omaL ke[u Saus dan uaglng
laLe lork knalf
erLamaLama mengambll dua poLong roLl
Cleskan roLl dengan mayones dan saus
kemudlan menempaLkan selada daglng saus LomaL dan menLlmun lrlsan ke[u
SeLelah lLu bergabung dengan dua lrls roLl bersamasama dan sandwlch Anda sudah slap!
selaln kenyang karena mencukupl kebuLuhan kalorl anLara 12001600 kalorl per sa[l sandwlch [uga
Lermasuk [enls makan slang yang prakLls dan mengandung cukup karbonhldraL proLeln hewanl
vlLamln mlneral seraL
O ood mornlng my frlends and my Leacher
O Je are from group 1 my name ls and
O we here Lo show you how Lo make sandwlch speclal"
O MaLerlals and Lools ls 1wo sllces of bread LeLLuce Cucumber 1omaLo Cheese Sauce and
MeaL laLe lork knalf
O -ow we wlll make sandwlch llrsL of all Lake Lwo sllces of bread Spread Lhe bread wlLh
mayonnalse 1hen puL leLLuce meaL some sauce LomaLo and cucumber a sllce of cheese
AfLer LhaL [oln Lhe Lwo sllces of bread LogeLher and your sandwlch |s ready!
W for Lhe beneflL of Lhe sandwlch oLher saLed because of lnsufflclenL calorlc needs beLween
12001600 calorles per servlng sandwlch lunch also lncludes a pracLlcal klnd and conLaln
enough karbonhldraL anlmal proLeln vlLamlns mlnerals flber eat hea|thy sandw|ch

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