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It would be better to pursue a diIIerent course stream in Mba.

like IB,
Finance, Marketing, Operations, systems. Reasons:-

The IT mba syllabus has
been already taught to u in btech IT. U can go thru the MBA IT

AIter doing MBA IT u will Iind yourrselI at the same
proIile/post/domain/work where u are right now at the btech level. But
certainly with a better package.

there is no use oI wasting 2 years and
lakhs oI rupees to gain the knowledge that u have already learnt Ior 4

Iinally, the best one- Other streams too can work a lot Ior u. U can
become a multi skilled proIessional aIter getting an mba in IB, Finance etc.
that is ITIB..

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