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Pioject Nanagement

Plan & 0veiview

Teim Papei
Company Celebiatoiy Event

Lr|n Matthews]ID# 98104

9ro[ect Management 9an Cverv|ew 1erm 9aper
Company CelebraLory LvenL
Lrln MaLLhews/lu# 98104

8uA 329 CohorL k lebruary 28 2011 age 1 of 9
Table of Contents
1 ro[ecL Cvervlew 2
11 ro[ecL urpose Cb[ecLlves and Success CrlLerla 3
12 ro[ecL uellverables 3
2 ro[ecL CrganlzaLlon 7
21 CrganlzaLlonal 1eam SLrucLure lnLernal LxLernal 7
22 8oles and 8esponslblllLles 7

9ro[ect Management 9an Cverv|ew 1erm 9aper
Company CelebraLory LvenL
Lrln MaLLhews/lu# 98104

8uA 329 CohorL k lebruary 28 2011 age 2 of 9
Pro|ect Uverview

hyslclan leaders wlLhln Lhe ueparLmenL of Cardlology aL Chlldren's PosplLal 8osLon
proposed plannlng a celebraLory evenL Lo honor one of Lhelr fellow colleagues for Lhe
excepLlonal care and excepLlonal servlce he's provlded over Lhe lasL LhlrLyflve years
1he group felL LhaL lL was lmporLanL Lo arrange an evenL LhaL would encapsulaLe noL
only hls career buL hls enLlre llfe whlle aL Chlldren's PosplLal
1he physlclan foundaLlon ln whlch Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe cardlologlsLs are employed by
1he 8osLon Chlldren's PearL loundaLlon lnc wlll be fundlng Lhe evenL 1hey seL a LoLal
budgeL of $33000 Lo be used Lo cover Lhe cosL of Lhe venue food/llquor decor
honoree glfL Audlo/vlsual equlpmenL and oLher mlscellaneous supplles needed by
pro[ecL Leam
1hls pro[ecL would be consldered a sacred cow" pro[ecL for Lhere was no real buslness
purpose lnlLlaLlve when Lhe ldea was flrsL proposed and suggesLed AlLhough Lhere
wasn'L a clear pro[ecL model ldenLlfled for Lhls evenL lL was clear lL was nonnumerlc ln
sLyle and would noL accrue any quanLlLaLlve daLa necessary for reporLlng
1here were mlnlmal reporLlng plannlng and monlLorlng meLhods used ln Lhls pro[ecL
and alLhough lL was [udged as a successful evenL by Lhe ldenLlfled sLakeholders A
formal W8S was never creaLed and a schedule of evenLs Lo monlLor and prepare rlsk
managemenL evaluaLlon plans from were never devlsed lmplemenLed or execuLed
1here was no form of charLlng or compllaLlon of daLa oLher Lhan a Lodo" llsL produced
ln MlcrosofL Lxcel
1he guesL llsL was complled over several lndlvldual llsLs LhaL came from varlous sources
1he llsLs were comblned lnLo one Lxcel spreadsheeL so lL could be used as malllng labels
for Lhe SaveLheuaLe and lnvlLaLlon envelopes as well uue Lo Lhe varlous lndlvlduals
parLaklng ln Lhe formaLlon of Lhe guesL llsL lL was never clearly organlzed or verlfled by
Lhe sLakeholders several lndlvlduals were forgoLLen abouL and Lherefore dld noL
recelve Lhelr lnvlLaLlon Lo Lhe evenL 1hls parL of Lhe evenL plannlng could have been
lmproved by delegaLlng Lhe Lask Lo one or Lwo lndlvlduals WlLh more conLrol over Lhe
lnformaLlon and Lhe Lask aL hand Lhere would have been less chance of error 1he rlsk
of forgeLLlng lmporLanL guesLs never arose ln Lhe plannlng of Lhe pro[ecL and Lherefore
when Lhe confllcL arose Lhe pro[ecL manager had Lo qulckly Lhlnk of a resoluLlon on Lhe
spoL 1he sLakeholders were lnformed and evenLually Lhe confllcL was resolved buL
Lhls ls someLhlng LhaL could have been prevenLed lf lL were Laken lnLo conslderaLlon
durlng Lhe plannlng porLlon of Lhe pro[ecL

9ro[ect Management 9an Cverv|ew 1erm 9aper
Company CelebraLory LvenL
Lrln MaLLhews/lu# 98104

8uA 329 CohorL k lebruary 28 2011 age 3 of 9
uesplLe Lhe lack of Lools used Lo monlLor Lhe sLaLus of Lasks wlLhln Lhe pro[ecL each was
compleLed on Llme and wlLhln budgeL 1he exLernal sLakeholders from Lhe varlous
vendors were exLremely cooperaLlve and aLLenLlve Lo deLall 1owards Lhe end of Lhe
pro[ecL Lhere was a perlod where Lhe pro[ecL manager and Lhe Leam were franLlc and
rushlng Lo geL everyLhlng flnlshed on Llme lor example Lhe week before Lhe evenL
everyone was flnlshlng Lhose lasL mlnuLe" LhaL were puL on Lhe back burner unLll Lhe
very end
Cnce everyLhlng was compleLed and Lhe nlghL of Lhe evenL arrlved Lhe sLress and
anxleLy Lhe pro[ecL Leam sLruggled wlLh for Lhe pasL week dlsappeared As Lhe saylng
goes everyLhlng wenL accordlng Lo plan" and was ulLlmaLely [udged as one of Lhe mosL
successful evenLs LhaL Lhe deparLmenL had ever hosLed
Cf course even afLer a successful evenL Lhere ls always some sorL of reporLlng Lo
revlew all aspecLs of Lhe pro[ecL whaL was done well and whaL could have done beLLer
lL was noLed by Lhe pro[ecL manager and fellow sLake holders LhaL alLhough all of Lhe
deslred aLLendees were aL Lhe parLy Lhe organlzaLlon of Lhe guesL llsL could have been
handled ln a more organlzed fashlon uLlllzlng Lhe MulLlMedla Servlces Leam wlLhln Lhe
hosplLal was noL only efflclenL buL convenlenL and proved Lo a LoLal success 1he Av
servlces LhaL were recommended by Lhe !lk Llbrary and Museum also dld a greaL [ob
buL for fuLure pro[ecLs and evenLs LhaL Lhe deparLmenLs hosLs Lhey would llke Lo
requesL LhaL Lhe vendor brlng backup equlpmenL and provlde a Lechnlclan Lo be
avallable durlng Lhe duraLlon of Lhe enLlre evenL
Pro|ect Purpose, Ub|ectives, and Success Criteria
1he purpose of Lhls pro[ecL ls Lo celebraLe and honor a physlclan who has been
pracLlclng and carlng for paLlenLs ln Lhe fleld of pedlaLrlc cardlovascular medlclne for
LhlrLy flve years 1hls evenL should be a represenLaLlon of Lhe hard work and dedlcaLlon
Lhls physlclan broughL Lo Chlldren's PosplLal every day of hls career AfLer Lralnlng wlLh
some of Lhe world renowned cardlologlsLs of all Llme he wenL on Lo become a leader
menLor and lnsplraLlon Lo Lhe oLher faculLy sLaff and Lralnees
1hls should noL only be a celebraLory evenL buL an honorarlum Lherefore Lhe venue
wlll play a large parL ln encapsulaLlng LhaL Lheme lL should possess hlsLorlc and pollLlcal
characLerlsLlcs and aLLenLlon Lo deLall
1he guesL llsL wlll also have Lo lnclude presenL and pasL sLaff members and Lralnees
nurses and oLher cllnlcal sLaff LhaL worked wlLh Lhe physlclan admlnlsLraLlve sLaff and
of course close frlends and famlly
1hls evenL wlll be vlewed as successful lf Lhe pro[ecL manager and hls/her Leam ls able
Lo encompass and adhere Lo Lhe overall honorarlum Lheme 1hls wlll lnclude ldenLlfylng
9ro[ect Management 9an Cverv|ew 1erm 9aper
Company CelebraLory LvenL
Lrln MaLLhews/lu# 98104

8uA 329 CohorL k lebruary 28 2011 age 4 of 9
a venue LhaL noL only can accommodaLe a large guesL llsL buL slgnlfles lnsplraLlon and

SboreJ Resources onJ Avoilobi lity
uue Lo Lhe exLenslve guesL llsL Lhe pro[ecL manager wlll have Lo reach ouL Lo currenL
sLaff members who can ldenLlfy Lhe pasL and presenL sLaff physlclans Lralnees and
fellows Lo lnvlLe as well as Lhelr conLacL lnformaLlon 1he physlclan's admlnlsLraLlve
assoclaLe can provlde Lhe conLacL lnformaLlon for Lhe physlclan's Lhree chlldren who
wlll be able Lo dlsLlngulsh whaL oLher close frlends and famlly members should be
lnvlLed Lo Lhe evenL
1he MulLlMedla Servlces deparLmenL aL Chlldren's PosplLal 8osLon can be consulLed Lo
deslgn and creaLe Lhe SaveLhedaLe and formal lnvlLaLlon cards for guesLs 1hls wlll
avold havlng Lo use an ouLslde vendor whlch would creaLe addlLlonal paperwork cosL
and Llme
Av LqulpmenL wlll also be necessary and avallable Lhrough lnLernal sources elLher
Lhrough Lhe maln hosplLal or Lhe Cardlology ueparLmenL uesplLe havlng Lhls lnLernal
resource avallable unLll Lhe venue ls selecLed and Lhe speakers/presenLaLlons have
been deLermlned noLhlng should be flnallzed Also Lhere mlghL be oLher vendors
avallable boLh by Lhe vendor and oLher local vendors 1he flnal declslon wlll ulLlmaLely
be made based upon prlce and avallablllLy ln con[uncLlon wlll Lhe pro[ecL's schedule and

ScbeJule BepenJencies
1he venue wlll have Lo be selecLed aL leasL a year ln advance Lo ensure avallablllLy
Whlle researchlng posslble venues Lhe guesL should be complled of Lhe varlous
aLLendees Cnce an esLlmaLed number of aLLendees have been deLermlned lL wlll be
easler Lo choose a venue capable of houslng Lhe maxlmum number of guesLs ln
addlLlon Lo flndlng a venue LhaL's large enough lL wlll have Lo also be easlly accesslble
for all aLLendees Lhose Lravellng wlLhln MassachuseLLs as well from surroundlng clLles
and sLaLes
Whlle Lhe guesL llsL ls belng creaLed and before Lhe venue ls selecLed a meeLlng should
be seL up wlLh a consulLanL wlLhln Lhe mulLlmedla servlces deparLmenL Lo dlscuss save
LhedaLe and lnvlLaLlon LemplaLes Lo sulL Lhe needs of Lhe evenL Whlle Lhls pro[ecL
needs Lo remaln on schedule lL wlll also have Lo adhere Lo Lhe schedule of mulLlmedla
servlces Cnce Lhe guesL llsL and venue have been flnallzed Lhe SaveLheuaLe cards
should lmmedlaLely be senL ouL
9ro[ect Management 9an Cverv|ew 1erm 9aper
Company CelebraLory LvenL
Lrln MaLLhews/lu# 98104

8uA 329 CohorL k lebruary 28 2011 age S of 9
Pro|ect Deliverables
De|verabe kec|p|ents De|very Date
LeLLer of lnLenL Lo
1he !ohn l
kennedy Llbrary
!une 2007
Lxpress Mall
Secure venue 1 year
prlor Lo evenL daLe
ConsulL 8equesL
Servlces CP8
!une 2007 Lmall/phone
SeL up a meeLlng Lo
dlscuss saveLhedaLe
and lnvlLaLlons for
SuggesLlons for
CuesL LlsL
LaLe !une Larly
!uly 2007
CommunlcaLe wlLh
lnLernal and exLernal
people Lo gaLher
requlred aLLendees
conLacL lnformaLlon
Send Save1he
uaLe Cards
CuesL LlsL SepL/CcL 2007 Mall
Conflrmed aLLendees
exLra Llme alloLLed
for addlLlons
Speclal LvenLs
CoordlnaLor !lk
leb/March 2008 Lmall
ConLlnued ConsulL
Servlces CP8
leb/March 2008
conLacL MMS Lo
lnclude enLree
opLlons on
lnvlLaLlon/8Sv card
llnal lnvlLaLlons CuesL LlsL
Av Servlces
3 approved
vendors provlded
by !lk LM
March 2008 Lmall/phone
ConsulL 3 approved
Av for avallablllLy
llnallze Speakers
(lnLernal and
Ask presenL former
sLaff and coworkers
members Lo speak on
behalf of honoree

9ro[ect Management 9an Cverv|ew 1erm 9aper
Company CelebraLory LvenL
Lrln MaLLhews/lu# 98104

8uA 329 CohorL k lebruary 28 2011 age 6 of 9
uellvetobles cootJ
De|verabe kec|p|ents De|very Date
8oom SeLLlngs
(cockLall recepLlon
maln evenL)
Speclal LvenLs
CoordlnaLor !lk
ueLermlne # Lables
based on conflrmed
guesLs lncl exLra
Av Servlces llnal
SelecLed Av
Aprll 2008 Mall
llnallze LqulpmenL
and Servlces needed
Wlne SelecLlon
Speclal LvenLs
CoordlnaLor !lk
Aprll 2008 Lmall
Send flnal selecLlon of
wlne Lo be served
wlLh dlnner
requesLed servlces for
cockLall recepLlon
llnal lood
Speclal LvenLs
CoordlnaLor !lk
May 2008 LMall/phone
Send flnal numbers of
dlnner enLree
selecLlons leave Llme
for laLe responses
CockLall Pour and
Maln LvenL uecor
Speclal LvenLs
CoordlnaLor !lk
May 2008 Lmall/phone
SelecL Lable llnens
cenLer pleces and
oLher decor
8equesL for
!une 1

8equesL maLerlals

9ro[ect Management 9an Cverv|ew 1erm 9aper
Company CelebraLory LvenL
Lrln MaLLhews/lu# 98104

8uA 329 CohorL k lebruary 28 2011 age 7 of 9
Pro|ect Urganization
Urganizational Team Structure - Internal & External

Roles and Responsibilities
Project Monoqers
8oLh Lhe AdmlnlsLraLlve ulrecLor of Lhe Cardlology ueparLmenL and her asslsLanL
wlll Lake Lhe lead on Lhls pro[ecL and be responslble for Lhe success of Lhls
pro[ecL/evenL from sLarL Lo flnlsh
lnterno/ 5tokeho/ders
9hys|c|an Leaders varlous physlclans wlLhln Lhe deparLmenL wlll play an
lnLegral role ln flnallzlng Lhe guesL llsL selecLlng evenL speakers and presenLers
and purchaslng Lhe glfL Lo be presenLed Lo Lhe honoree
9ro[ect Management 9an Cverv|ew 1erm 9aper
Company CelebraLory LvenL
Lrln MaLLhews/lu# 98104

8uA 329 CohorL k lebruary 28 2011 age 8 of 9
Mut|Med|a Serv|ces kepresentat|ve 1hls person wlll be lnvolved ln Lhe deslgn
and creaLlon of Lhe SaveLheuaLe cards flnal lnvlLaLlons branded envelopes as
well as Lhe 8Sv cards
Adm|n|strat|ve Staff varlous admlnlsLraLlve sLaff of Lhe deparLmenL wlll be
asked Lo creaLe malllng labels as well as place cards for Lhe Lables aL Lhe acLual
terno/ 5tokeho/ders
Spec|a Lvents Coord|nator IIk L|brary Museum Lhls person wlll help
coordlnaLe Lhe seLup of Lhe room Lhe menu for Lhe cockLall recepLlon as well
as Lhe dlnner for Lhe maln evenL 1hey wlll also be held accounLable for seLLlng
up boLh rooms Lhe nlghL of Lhe evenL wlLh Lhe selecLed llnens and decor LhaL was
chosen by Lhe pro[ecL managers
Aud|o V|sua Serv|ces 1he pro[ecL managers wlll conLracL an ouLslde Av
company recommended by Lhe !lk Llbrary Museum 1hey wlll be responslble
for provldlng Lhe requesLed equlpmenL as well as provldlng Lechnlcal asslsLance
Lhe nlghL of Lhe evenL
Iam|y of nonoree lamlly members (chlldren and Lhelr spouses) wlll be
responslble for provldlng Lhe pro[ecL managers wlLh Lhe conLacL lnformaLlon of
Lhose frlends and famlly members LhaL should be lncluded on Lhe flnal guesL llsL

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