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rellmlnary lllm LvaluaLlon

lor my prellmlnary fllm Lask we were requlred Lo record a 30 second fllm cllp
followlng our own cholce of sLory l chose Lo go wlLh a sLory of a bully and a vlcLlm
on school premlses as parL of Lhe fllm requlremenL was Lo lnclude a facLor of hlgh
and low sLaLus
My fllm dld noL challenge any codes and convenLlons of Lhe currenL fllm lndusLry
as l felL Lhere was noL much l could challenge ln a bully fllm and l dldn'L have any
Llme Lo Lhlnk properly abouL how l could challenge Lhem
l lncluded Lhe soclal groups of Lhe 'opular kld' and Lhe 'bully vlcLlm' ln my fllm
and Lhe fooLage follows Lhe soclal conLexL of bully vlcLlm's and Lhe reallLy of Lhe
slLuaLlons LhaL do genulnely occur My fllm generally represenLs bullles ln an
exaggeraLed way and only focuses on Lhe bad aspecLs of a school socleLy
1he lnsLlLuLlon LhaL mlghL dlsLrlbuLe my producL ls 20
cenLury fox as Lhey
generally dlsLrlbuLe any Lype of fllm wlLh any raLlng and of any sLyle and genre
l wlll malnly almlng aL Leenagers wlLh my fllm purely because l am hoplng lL wlll
glve Lhem an lnslghL lnLo whaL happens ln Lhe world of bullylng and wlll posslbly
help Lhem change Lhelr percepLlon of Lhe bullylng world and make Lhem reallze
[usL how wrong lL acLually ls
l aLLracLed my LargeLed audlence (Leenagers) ln a subLle way by [usL slmply
lncludlng Leenage acLors ln my fllm whlch auLomaLlcally makes Lhe audlence feel
more ln Louch wlLh Lhe fllm emoLlonally
1hroughouL Lhe research and general producLlon of Lhe fllm l learnL many skllls
such as how Lo scour Lhe lnLerneL searchlng for relevanL and deLalled lnformaLlon
Pow Lo wrlLe a fllm scrlpL professlonally Pow Lo use a vldeo camera and all lL's
funcLlons and lasLly buL mosL lmporLanLly how Lo edlL Lhe flnal fooLage ln greaL
depLh uslng 'Adobe premlere pro cs4' whlch lncluded addlng LlLles fades
boosLlng audlo and ad[usLlng aspecLs of vldeo such as sharpness and brlghLness
and conLrasL

1he facLor LhaL beneflLed me mosL LhroughouL Lhe process of maklng my fllm was
learnlng how Lo use all funcLlons of a camera and how Lo edlL my fooLage
professlonally l feel LhaL Lhls allowed me Lo reach my full poLenLlal and geL Lhe
besL resulLs from my fllmlng and edlLlng

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