Senders Name

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Senders name

Address llne 1
Address llne 2
SLaLe Zl Code

Sample LeLLer #1 1hank you leLLer Lo someone for her volunLeer work

LeLLer uaLe

8eclplenLs name
Address llne 1
Address llne 2
SLaLe Zl Code

Sub[ecL normally bold summarlzes Lhe lnLenLlon of Lhe leLLer CpLlonal

uear 8eclplenLs name

l feel l have Lo personally Lhank you for your help LhaL you have freely glven over Lhe pasL few
weeks 1he holldays are always a busy Llme for us and your help has proved Lo be lnvaluable ?ou
have never complalned abouL any Lasks asked of you and you should know LhaL wlLhouL Lhls help
many of us would have been worklng Lhrough Lhe nlghL [usL Lo sLay on Lop of everyLhlng l know we
asked a loL for you and Lhank you for all of your hard work We would hope LhaL you would conslder
helplng us ouL on a regular basls l can assure you lL ls noL always llke lasL week Many Lhanks once


Senders name
Senders 1lLle CpLlonal

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