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n|rachand Amban|
also known as Dh|rubha|
(28 uecember 1932 6
!uly 2002)
loneer Cf 8LLlAnCL
Dh|ra[|a| n|rachand Amban| also known as Dh|rubha| (28 uecember 1932 6 !uly 2002) was
an lndlan buslness magnaLe and enLrepreneur who founded 8ellance lndusLrles a
peLrochemlcals communlcaLlons power and LexLlles conglomeraLe and Lhe only prlvaLely
owned lndlan company ln Lhe lorLune 300 Ambanl Look hls company publlc ln 1977
uhlrubhal has been one among Lhe selecL lorbes bllllonalres and has also flgured ln Lhe
Sunday 1lmes llsL of Lop 30 buslnessmen ln Asla
Pls llfe has ofLen been referred Lo as a Lrue
rags Lo rlches sLory
uhlrubhal sLarLed off as a small Llme worker wlLh Arab merchanLs ln Lhe 1930s and moved Lo
Mumbal ln 1938 Lo sLarL hls own buslness ln splces AfLer maklng modesL proflLs he moved
lnLo LexLlles and opened hls mlll near Ahmedabad uhlrubhal founded 8ellance lndusLrles ln
1938 and Loday Lhe company wlLh over 83000 employees provldes almosL 3 of Lhe CenLral
CovernmenLs LoLal Lax revenue
ln 1986 afLer a hearL aLLack he handed over 8ellance Croup Lo hls sons Mukesh and Anll
AfLer hls deaLh Lhe group was spllL lnLo 8ellance lndusLrles headed by Mukesh Ambanl and
8ellance Anll uhlrubhal Ambanl Croup (8ellance AuAC) led by Anll Ambanl
LLAuL8SPl 18Al1S
A 18uL MarkeLer
8orn genlus
MasLer Cf Lhe arL called buslness
Punger for growLh
vlslon for progress
LvaluaLed need for
8ullL 1rusL
CreaLed 8LLlAnCL
lnuuS18lLS as an enormous
WroLe off compeLlLors
lnvolvemenL ln many
Showed many dreams Lo
8LLLvAnCL ln 1CuA?'S CCn1Lx1
Shrl uhlrubhal Ambanl vlsuallsed Lhe growLh of 8ellance as an lnLegral parL of hls
grand vlslon for lndla Pe was convlnced LhaL lndla could become an economlc
superpower wlLhln a shorL perlod of Llme and wanLed 8ellance Lo play an
lmporLanL role ln reallslng Lhls goal
8LLlAnCL lAMlL? We are forLunaLe Lo have had a man of Shrl uhlrubhal Ambanls
sLaLure ln our mldsL Pls sLerllng leadershlp quallLles remarkable foreslghL
uncompromlslng pursulL of excellence humlllLy prodlglous capaclLy Lo moLlvaLe
and LrusL people wlll conLlnue Lo gulde and lnsplre fuLure generaLlons aL 8ellance
We are proud and prlvlleged Lo lnherlL Lhls lnvaluable legacy
8ellance lndusLrles LlmlLed (8lL) ls lndla's largesL prlvaLe secLor company on all
ma[or flnanclal parameLers wlLh a Lurnover of 8s 139269 crore (uS$ 3471
bllllon) cash proflL of 8s 23203 crore (uS$ 63 bllllon) neL proflL (excludlng
excepLlonal lncome) of 8s 13261 crore (uS$ 38 bllllon) and neL worLh of 8s
81449 crore (uS$ 203 bllllon) as of March 31 2008
8lL ls Lhe flrsL and only prlvaLe secLor company from lndla Lo feaLure ln Lhe lorLune
Clobal 300 llsL of 'World's LargesL CorporaLlons' and ranks amongsL Lhe world's 1op
200 companles ln Lerms of proflLs 8lL ls amongsL Lhe 30 fasLesL cllmbers ranked by
,r Amban|
Mr uhlrubhal Ambanl's 7 8uslness SecreLs
CaLher lnformaLlon whaLever lL may be
llnd an opporLunlLy
!ump from an orblL Lo Lhe nexL
CompleLe pro[ecLs on Llme
1hlnk blg 1hlnk global
Plre Lhe besL people ay Lhem well
ay share holders well Pe pald hls share holders Lhe besL
1ruly men llke Shrl uhlrubhal Ambanl are rare 1hey come
glfLed wlLh Lhe power and Lhe vlslon Lo change Lhe desLlny of
naLlons Lo alLer Lhe course of corporaLe hlsLory 1hey are Lhe
emplre bullders Lhe sLuff LhaL legends are made of 1he
legend called Shrl uhlrubhal Ambanl wlll never dle Pls splrlL
wlll llve on forever
1PAnk ?Cu

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