Aeon Flux

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l wanL Lo work hard durlng Lhe week and parLy harder on weekends"
l can'L lmaglne my llfe wlLhouL P8C uomlnos CCu or Mcuonalds"
l don'L wanL Lo work ln small Lowns and remoLe locaLlons WhaL's Lhe use of maklng money lf l
don'L have avenues Lo spend lL"
Sounds famlllar? 1hese are Lhe common LhoughLs of any modern day graduaLe passlng ouL of a
premler 81ech lnsLlLuLe or a 8school Lveryone wanLs Lo work ln a glamorous corporaLe [ob ln
meLro clLles where Lhey can work for 3 days a week and en[oy Lhelr weekends ln Lhe chlme of a
meLro And Why noL? More or Less all of Lhem have Lhe same pay
ls lL posslble for an lMCC CrganlzaLlon whlch Lhrlves on Lhe manufacLurlng unlLs ln Lhe nonmeLro
locaLlons Lo creaLe such dream [obs for everyone? uL yourself ln Lhe shoes of Lhe P8 leader of a
lMCC ma[or and Lell us whaL you would do ln such a slLuaLlon Lo manage LalenL ln Lhe facLory
uL on your Lhlnklng haL and unleash Lhe creaLlve leader ln you Lo solve Lhls burnlng lssue for Lhe
ma[or players ln lMCC lndusLry!
LasL daLe for 8eglsLraLlon Submlsslon of enLrles ls 21
Nov 2011 before 23S9S9 nrs
I|rst r|ze ks 30000
Second r|ze ks 20000

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