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ELECTRIKUM ~ A Series of alchemical Art Templates

Aries (Fire) 'MASTERY FLAME': red Prima Matra / atonic /

electric / Christic Consciousness / acceptance of Self-Mastery /
renewal in Spirit (dedication to new beginnings of Spirit)

At Lower Octaves of Experience: For individuals with low self-esteem; who are
embarking upon new beginnings in their lives; who have difficulty accepting
their own power or who tend to give their power away to others; helps in
overcoming guilt of having abused power in the past, or fear of abusing it in the

At Higher Octaves of Experience: For individuals moving into acceptance of

their rightful spiritual heritage as one of the New Elohim and their co-creative
role of planetary transformation. Full acceptance of one's dharmic

For chakra application, best on crown, throat and Solar plexus.

The mantram to chant in association with this template is Uoi-aa-beh.

world keynote: Creation of a unified field of acceptance of self and others.

Tribes , races, cultures finding true purpose of the vibration they hold in the
earth. This allows groups of people to accept collectively differences among
individuals and tribes/races/cultures. When a person or groups of persons
cannot truly connect to "true purpose" in the heart, they cannot accept the true
purposes of others.

Taurus (Earth) 'TRIBE LIGHT': black Prima Matra / corporal

/ magnetic / contact with the Earth as a sacred vessel / brings
one’s consciousness into the center of the Earth, aligning human
chakras to Earth chakras / creating a temple within / integration
with Tribal consciousness - para-genetic streaming; connecting to one’s ancient
blood consciousness through incarnation on the Earth

At Lower Octaves of Experience: For those who have difficulty grounding and
aligning with 3-D reality; for impurities and diseases of the blood; re-aligning
all chakras of the body; good for past life reconciliation and release of
incarnational guilt, which builds up karmically through the many incarnations
of the soul. ‘Incarnational guilt’ is not karma itself, but a shadow, veil or shell
which the act of reincarnating creates within the paragenetic Light Body. Once
incarnational guilt is lessened or released, the individual may more easily
receive grace. Tribe Light is also excellent for soul retrieval techniques.

At Higher Octaves of Experience: For bringing the higher frequencies of

Spiritual Mind and Heart into matter, assists the process through opening
channels of conductivity into the atomic / sub-atomic matter realm where true
transformation must occur to stabilize consciousness for the greater task at

The chakras most receptive to this elixir are the base chakra and the chakras in
the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet.

The mantram is Avah-yeh-i-o.

world keynote: Integration of the collective planetary consciousness with the

heart-center Earth Soul.

Gemini (Air) 'PILLARS OF SIRIUS': white Prima Matra /

subtle / conductive / uniting Love, Wisdom & Harmony /
integrating duality / restoring circulation of blood and subtle
energy throughout the body / promotes re-calibration of
endocrines to cosmic alignment / ability to become aware of and interpret
visions, dreams and synchronicity / integrates star patterns into cellular
membrane / understanding the path of Humanity

At Lower Octaves of Experience: For those who find it difficult to get along
with others, particularly in relationships; for those who feel that they have no
strong identification with anything in their world - a feeling of being alone and
despondent; for those who feel that they are not of this world and yet do not
truly feel connected elsewhere.

At Higher Octaves of Experience: Assists in realization of greater experiences

of Unity and oneness with all beings, including the beloved being Gaia who is
incarnate as Earth. Facilitates bringing the 'home star' vibration to the
incarnated form so that the home star consciousness streaming may then be
compassionately transmitted to others.

The most sensitive chakras are the crown, the Solar plexus, below the navel,
and although it is not generally considered a chakra in most circles, at the base
of the skull on the back of the neck (the Medulla Oblongata).
The mantram is Shy-lo-yah-veh.

world keynote: Unifying of souls in a cooperative effort of forward spiritual

movement. This "unification" does not over-ride individuality, but instead
offers a pathing for individuation to access the spiritualized ego.

Cancer (Water) 'PURE GEM': pink Prima Matra / supra-

conscious / akashic / building and evolving of Light Body /
nurturing & Self-Love / knowing the Divine within

At Lower Octaves of Experience: This template works well with healing of

trauma, both emotional and physical; because of it’s nurturing properties, it is
good for aiding one in self-discovery, especially in areas which truly comfort
and satisfy the soul; good for skin rashes and diseases and for these disorders
would be best if infused in water internally, placed on chakras or just held
while still in the bottle like you would a crystal - rubbing it on the affected
areas topically would not be as effective; it can help individuals release issues
of self-denial and lack of self-love which are causative to some illnesses.

At Higher Octaves of Experience: It builds the Light body, and prepares the
individual for ‘passage’ into the next phase of evolution, which is sometimes
exemplified in the transition of death, but can also be experienced in dramatic
lifetime events or a series of 'mini-deaths' to the personal will. Can facilitate
higher levels of initiation in their own ancient Sacred soul knowledge, which
must be recapitulated before future knowledge can become actualized fully.

The chakra most responsive to this template is the heart. Additionally for
females below the navel; and for males at the base chakra.

The mantram is Huurrr-huurrr-huurrr (roll the R's if possible).

world keynote: The creation of loving vehicles of expression in forms that serve
the planetary whole.

Leo (Fire) 'LION’S PAW': red Prima Matra / atonic / electric /

Solar transmission into the atoma or central sun of the human
being / vitality of biosystem through cellular Solar charge /
spiritualizing the Will / accepting one’s empowerment and self-
authority / initiation into Inner Mysteries

At Lower Octaves of Experience: Restores one’s connection to the Solar charge,

thus re-vitalizes the electric energy of the body; promotes cellular regeneration;
like Mastery Flame, this is another template that helps to build self-
empowerment, but Lion’s Paw is more on the level of integration with the many
parts of ‘self,’ while the former clarifies resolve in not allowing outer
circumstances and people to effect your higher vision of self.

At Higher Octaves of Experience: Solar Mastery and newfound alchemical

abilities through pure consciousness initiative. Facilitates moving into the
Monadic or Oversoul level of consciousness.

Strongest chakra point for this elixir is of course the Solar plexus, but it is also
especially effective on the third eye as well.

The mantram is Ka-ra-eb-ka.

world keynote: Drawing together the many parts of the collective world
consciousness into a holistic essence of spirit.

Virgo (Earth) 'BLACK PEARL': black Prima Matra / corporal /

magnetic / planting the seeds of spiritualized conscience /
transpersonal mutuality (identification with all beingness) /
breaking out of self-containment / being able to embrace many
modalities through seeing the connective thread that runs through them

At Lower Octaves of Experience: Good for better communication with people,

especially with groups or different cultures; aids one in seeing the ‘bigger
picture’ or overview of situations; helps to remove the personalization of
painful occurrences between individuals; while the Pillars of Sirius also helps
in communication, it is more in the nature of seeing where you fit into the
picture, while Black Pearl aids in revealing what is to be learned and thus
better communicated in difficult situations.

At Higher Octaves of Experience: Facilitates a greater understanding of moving

into pure essence, which is the basis for true pure telepathic communication
and knowing which is paramount to the transcendence of all language /
communicative barriers.

The chakras best suited for this template are the third eye, the heart and the
base chakra.

The mantram is Jah-reeh-jah-veh.

world keynote: Re-defining world goals based on shared qualities and beliefs
rather than on differences. Seeking essence in self and others rather than outer

Libra (Air) 'HERMES CLOUD': white Prima Matra / subtle /

conductive / equilibrium / centered consciousness / organization
according to priorities of Spirit / penetration of matter with
Higher Principle - 'as above, so below' / release from self-
judgement and judgement of others / uniting of Heart and Mind

At Lower Octaves of Experience: This is a template which is excellent for

aligning your mental processes to spiritual knowing. Helps focus and
concentration, and bringing the mind into the 'NOW'; by releasing judgement
you are free to explore all the possibilities with which Spirit is acting in your

At Higher Octaves of Experience: Opening of Higher Heart-Mind into the

conscious experience. At higher levels of mind there is no concern for
separation of Mind and Heart, as the two are functioning as a holistic unit. With
the advent of this stage of evolution the individual's conscious energy is now
free to explore greater levels of reality beyond cause and effect.

The most effective chakras are the crown, third eye and heart.

The mantram is Se-ves-ta-ya-neh.

world keynote: The spiritalizing of the mental patterns which build and collect
upon each other in the matrix of world collective thought. Sending a "circuit
breaking" charge of divine mind (heart-balanced mind) into the repetitive
human pattern of self-negation and negation of others.

Scorpio (Water) 'SCARAB RISING': pink Prima Matra / supra-

conscious / akashic / overcoming challenges through spiritual
practice / identifying the highest form of spiritual expression in
the moment / transmuting adversity into grace / death to old

At Lower Octaves of Experience: Aids in releasing fear of change, including

that of the physical death transition; assists release of grief, sorrow and
emotional pain connected to the loss of a loved one; promotes a change in
seeing self as a co-creator rather than a victim; aids in dispelling depression and
anxiety of the unknown. Like Pure Gem, it is a good ‘passage’ template.
At Higher Octaves of Experience: Facilitates initiation into higher etheric levels
of reality, where the tendency to 'cling' to the human experience can hinder
higher level Light work. Opens the passage through the veil to the initiate who
is sufficiently prepared for such a journey.

The chakras most receptive for this template are the crown, the throat and the

The mantram is Oooh-uuu-ahhh-ehhh.

world keynote: Souls move beyond the "world order" of consensual reality to
create open-ended soul harmonics. Consensual realities are created by many
souls agreeing on a basic reality and then existing within those agreed upon
parameters, despite the dis-harmony among them. Soul harmonics are souls
vibrating in harmonic resonance, with each soul experiencing multiple-level
realities of its own choosing.

Sagittarius (Fire): 'EYE OF HORUS': red Prima Matra /

atonic / electric / unification of aesthetics, science and
spirituality / evolution of Spiritualized Mind / clearing karmic
attachments / coming into closer synchronization with Love-
Beingness through acting as a divine mirror to others / greater spiritual resolve /
focus on essence / distillation of mental acuity / clearer third eye vision

At Lower Octaves of Experience: Like Hermes Cloud, this is another template

for spiritualized focus and clarity of mind. However, while Hermes Cloud is in
balancing Mind and Heart and then transmuting into highest form, Eye of
Horus penetrates the matter realm with spiritually uncompromising vision and
finds ways to actualize the integration of physical knowledge with spiritual
knowing. You might see Hermes Cloud as the ascending triangle, and Eye of
Horus as the descending triangle in a Star of David.

At Higher Octaves of Experience: High initiatic process, mastery over matter.

The high initiate is now able to manifest whatever is required for the spiritual
task at hand. Eye of Horus can provide the vibrational linkage to move the high
initiate beyond the final attachments to the prior creation / path into the
manifestation of the higher soul purpose for incarnation.

Most sensitive chakras for this template are third eye and Solar plexus.

The mantram is Ave-bah-heh-ho.

world keynote: Each soul acting as a mirror to one another in absolute truth and
love. In order for this to occur on a world scale, each soul must become a
mirror to themselves, LOVING what they see into the Light.

Capricorn (Earth) 'UNICORNIUS': black Prima Matra /

corporal / magnetic / Transfiguration / preparation for divine
form / moving through the gateway from affinity with the
personal self to ‘affination’, meaning becoming aware of being
through the Overself / blessings of the Unicorn - the traversing of spiritual
plateaus / Spiritualizing the Ego

At the Lower Octaves of Experience: This elixir’s keynote is ‘spiritualization of

the ego’. It aids the individual in releasing the lower egoic forms of manifesting
and relating in the outer world. Many of the actions of the other elixirs work in
this arena also, but Unicornius capstones the others here, and could be used in
conjunction with any of the other templates (or water / oil / crystals infused by
templates) to amplify their effect in this regard.

At the Higher Octaves of Experience: The spiritualized ego is given to new

realms of experience, akin to the Monadic / Oversoul level consciousness
engendered in Lions Paw through Solar Mastery, however with Unicornius the
Earth connection to matter is much more prevalent in the Monadic / Oversoul
interaction. Unicornius at the higher octaves of experience opens the bridge
between the Monadic / Oversoul level of consciousness and that of the higher
elementalized forms of matter.

The most receptive chakras are the solar plexus and the third eye.

The mantram is Savva-ha-met-tah.

world keynote: The Earth Soul is gracefully led into the world pasture by the
Children of the Earth. We, souls of the planet, recognize ourselves as sons and
daughters of Gaia: Mari, Isis, Magdalene - all faces of her sunlit smile. No
longer do we claim separation from the rest of her flock. In owning our oneness
with all, so we may move beyond our current level of evolution or "evolving
process" in recognizing the fullness of who we are.

Aquarius (Air) 'TEMPLARI MARBLE': white Prima Matra /

subtle / conductive / communion with Light Beings /
communion with humanity / becoming a bridge between the
greater and the lesser worlds / Faith becomes Knowing /
carrying forward the Great Work of previous evolutions
At Lower Octaves of Experience: A template for communion with one’s
guardian beings of Light; aids in opening the part of self that ‘knows’ rather
than simply ‘believes’; helps one to find their role in the ‘Great Work,’ and how
they may carry forward these divine principles and sacred acts in their everyday

At Higher Octaves of Experience: This template can take one into very close
communion with the Light Beings that they are to work with for their greater
spiritual work at hand. This is a merging of the spiritualized ego consciousness
with these greater Light emissaries, with an infusion of Grace and dispensation
to help guarantee the service for the carrier soul who has reached this lofty
pinnacle of experience.

The most receptive chakras are crown, throat and heart.

The mantram is Nous-suu-laat-the.

world keynote: Souls of earth collectively lift the veil between worlds through
recognition that all being is One. Only through understanding that "masters"
exist within the same cosmic creation as do we, breaking bread with us at the
very core of our natural being, can the world as a whole accept the loving
presence of the Illumined Ones.

Pisces (Water) 'STELLA MARIS': pink Prima Matra / supra-

conscious / akashic / integrating Spirit into Matter through
reflection of the ‘Above’ in the ‘Below’ or seeing Spirit in all
aspects of the matter-world / expanding Dreamtime by allowing
your dreams and visions to become extensions of your true reality and a
language for soul guidance / recognizing that suffering is no longer necessary
in order to purify self / development of true compassion and Selflessness /
dedication to World Service

At Lower Octaves of Experience: Facilitates release in suffering of mind, heart

and body; allows individuals to work more positively and intimately with their
dreams and visions; aids in transforming burden into selfless joy of giving. As
with Pure Gem and Scarab Rising, it is also a good ‘passage’ template.

At Higher Octaves of Experience: Opens avenues for greater realization of

'continuity of consciousness', whereby the Dream Time is one’s continual
experience, and the associated consciousness is manifest effortlessly in daily
experience for the benefit of others.
The chakras for this template are crown, third eye and below the navel.

The mantram is Abeh-ruu-aam.

world keynote: Souls of the earth together create a new frequency of no-time,
as dreams are seen as extensions of real experience and love can be dreamed
into never-ending creations of compassion and joy for all.

The 13th Moon Template

While it is commonly believed that there are 13 Moons in a Solar cycle, this is
only partially true. Our research has shown that there are twelve and some
fraction Lunar cycles in a Solar cycle comprised of 12 Zodiacal signs. In other
words, the 13th Lunar cycle does not fully complete within the framework of
the 12 Zodiacal signs every solar year. It is important to understand that while
there may be an occurrence of two Full Moons in any given month on the
Gregorian calendar, they are not necessarily in the same Zodiacal sign. Once
every 33 Zodiacal signs there is a second Full Moon in a single astrological
sign. This is the true ‘Blue Moon’ occurrence. Thoth indicates that the second
Full Moon in the same sign of the Zodiac, represents the lost 13th Zodiacal
sign, and that in turn represents the consciousness lost to our world. When this
occurs there is a very powerful alignment that brings the Earth and humanity
into a position of greater receipt of the Pure consciousness of the lost 13th
Zodiacal sign.

We were guided to start creating the ‘Mountain of the Moon’ elixirs on the Full
Moon of Cancer in 1996, without any conscious knowledge of the 13th moon
every 33 signs, nor that it would be occurring at exactly the close of one solar
cycle from when we began. As our work in creating these elixirs had its
primary focus in ‘boosting’ the power of the Prima Matra consciousness field
present on Earth and interweaving it more coherently with the Solar / Lunar
shells upon the planet, it was a fitting conclusion indeed to this project to create
the ‘13th Moon Elixir’. Thoth has named this elixir ‘Queen of the Stars’, a term
which is associated with the Goddess Astarte.

In Barbara C. Walker’s The Woman’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets:

"Astarte ruled all the spirits of the dead who lived in heaven wearing bodies of
light, visible from earth as stars. Hence, she was known as Astroarche, ‘Queen
of Stars’. She was the mother of all souls in heaven, the Moon surrounded by
her star-children, to whom she gave their ‘astral’ (starry) bodies....Scholars
who really understood the mystery of Astarte recognized in her one of the
ancient prototypes of the virgin Mary."

While the other elixirs were created with Red - Fire sign; Black - Earth sign;
White - Air sign; Pink - Water sign Prima Matra (Etherium) powders, this elixir
is the only one created with Sterling Silver powder. The properties of this elixir
/ template then are as follows:

Gemini (Air) - ‘QUEEN OF STARS’: sterling silver Prima

Matra / etheric / transmuting / liberation from the realm of the
trivial world / connection to Greater Feminine stellar
fields / becoming the Sacred, walking the path.

At Lower Octaves of Experience: Identifying your role in the Earth as a

messenger of the stars.

At Higher Octaves of Experience: Finding your ‘path into the stars’; moving
into higher expressions of your cosmic feminine; bringing the higher Light of
the stellar bodies into your experience of matter; helps transform feelings of
displacement inherent in living upon this planet as it opens a path of unity
between the cosmic and the planetary realms.

The most receptive chakra points for this template are the crown, the heart, the
palms of the hands, and the chakras in the feet.

The mantram is Auu-ahea-ahney.

world keynote: The earth becomes the "Queen of the Stars" as her children
create a New Heaven (the New Earth Star), so Gaia receives her new garment
of Light.

The Electrikum Templates are furtherance of a work begun back in 1996 when
I was in Crestone, CO. My husband and I were guided at that time to create 13
alchemical elixirs known as the "Mountain of the Moon" elixirs which were
adorned by the same names as the templates below. These elixirs represented a
vibrational path into the solar and lunar shells of the earth. These shells are
beyond the duality of the earth, yet not fully in the "Oneness." They thus
represented stepping stones on the path towards the Oneness. These
Electrikum Templates are the next phase or stepping stone on that journey.
As an overall "13" vibration these art templates, together as a matrix, can help
expand and quicken the frequency of the Universal Christos within the human
and planetary etheric bodies. They can facilitate the establishment of
specifically aligned morphogenetic fields within the human auric field that
work with the individual's consciousness as their consciousness works with the

Each seed template was created to embody a specific seed focus symbol, series
of symbols, or a primary image. Colors were chosen carefully to reflect the
stimuli that would trigger that template's specific charge in the human brain's
neural circuitry. Wherever the template art piece is placed, it radiates it's
intentional field of resonance out into its immediate surroundings. Persons
entering that sacred space can receive a vibrational blessing in a non-intrusive
manner if they are open to it. These templates are wonderful for use in personal
meditations and energy work, workshops and group work of various sorts.

The Individual Properties of the 13 Electrikum Art Templates

The template information is presented in the following order: astrological sign

of the Full Moon under which the template registers, (receiving its patterning
from the original 'Mountain of the Moon' elixirs); the element of that sign; the
color and thus vibration of the Prima Matra powder used in the infusion
process; the consciousness body it works with; the energetic field it operates
within; several of its affinities with Spirit and Matter. The ‘Lower and Higher
Octave of Experience’ with practical applications and mantrams are then given.
It is important to realize that both the lower AND the higher octave experiences
could possibly be found in one given individual, for we are multi-dimensional
beings, and as such will have different aspects of self on several planes of
reality at any given moment in linear time. Also given are "world keynotes."
These denote the planetary consciousness aspects of that specific template's
morphogenetic field. The world keynotes were given specifically given for the
Electrikum "upgrade" from the original Mountain of the Moon elixirs.

Prima Matra means "first matter." According to Thoth, Prima Matra is "the
distilled particles of aether or etheric purity of the soul, from which has been
extracted all inclusions of gross coagulation (karmic infiltration into matter),
and set before the Son of the Sun (the inner Light wisdom of Divine Self) and
the Daughter of the Moon (the reflection of that divinity in the soul, as a
memory of the pure condition). In the ensuing Light of their embrace, so the
Sun and the moon are wedded in conjuncto of Spirit and the Golden Child is
born from the First Matter of their seed. It is this pure solvent extracted from
chaos that is held as a fine diamond powder before the eye of the soul."
As Framed Art

Once the art is hung on the wall (or set on a table or altar), it radiates the
intentional resonance field out into the room. Persons coming into that space
may receive that vibrational blessing in an non-intrusive manner.

You may also wish to stand before the image and in a meditative space allow
it's radiations to bathe you as you breathe deeply through all the chakras and
into the heart.

After communing with the resonant field for a few minutes, you may wish to
hold a container of water, crystals, jewelry or other objects in your left hand as
you continue to focus on the image. As you do this, create the intention to
permeate that substance or object with the specific vibrational patterns which
the template contains.

With the infusion of water with the template vibrational patterns, it is suggested
that you then apply these now-infused substances in homeopathic doses
(several drops at a time) under the tongue.

Infused oils may be applied in small dots with the finger on key meridians of
the body.

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