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Astrology is the language of energies. I do believe it is NOT fortune telling. It may present
the scientific key to character. Spiritual Astrology points the way out of difficulties into
living with HARMONY and BALANCE. It points out the lessons you decided to perfect in this

ZODIACAL SIGNS are flowing vibrations on which we display various energy levels.

PLANETS are ACTION orientated energies and are focused by aspects which provide
opportunities for developing all of your potential and the final ULTIMATE is to be able to
blend all energies into the positive total essence of “SELF” or the very special “YOU” that
God put on this earth to develop to the fullest. The Holy Spirit is always near and is usually
experienced when the need is greatest. The Holy Spirit is always ready to flow towards
every human being who has need of it and helps you develop, gives you outpourings of
grace which is wholeness, harmoniousness and integration. It is most deeply and vitally
experienced and allows the fullest potential to be realized. SIGNS are “HOW” the energies
operate which indicates character and capacity.

March 21 - April 21 Rules by Mars. Very positive and active.
KEYWORDS: New growth, leadership, courage, charging forth, pioneer, “independence”,
original idea person.

GIFT OF THE SPIRIT: is the power of “adaptability.” To love and be kind to men, yet
uncompromisingly true to the spirit. Love must be conditioned by compassion rather than
by the sheer joy of creative release. Important to always consider the results of an action
and be adaptable towards the need. Must account and be a trustable manager of life-
energy and use the fruits of the spirit wisely and at the proper timing. The individual who is
consecrated and true to the spirit is only an instrument of the Lord in terms of human
needs. One will know the linking of God and of man within the creative act in love,
brotherhood, peace and unity. Arians go at such a speed and may be demanding so that
they tire other people out long before they themselves are ready to quit. They spill energy
in every direction and if they do not learn to conserve it they have bad health. Headaches
could come from failure to relax.

QUALITIES THAT NEED BLENDING: Coordination, conservation of energy, discrimination,

compassion, manage life-energy, completion.

ARIES HOUSE IN YOUR NATAL CHART: Germinating time, new growth, learn to gather
insight and knowledge in every energy pattern of this house. Be a pioneer and explore
many new things, water the seeds of intuition, patience and compassion here .

COLOR: Red. PLANTS: The plants formed upon the earth by this vibration
are red rhubarb, berries and all fiery greens: mustard, onions, radishes, peppers.
Natives under Aries and any of the other fire signs should choose a diet largely from
foods growing above the ground.

FLOWERS: All small red flowers. PERFUMES: Red carnation and Red Rose.

MUSIC: D Flat Major awakens divine impulses of life, and fashions a perfect
image of the head, the intricacies of ear and eye and all the ramifications of the cranial
nerves as these are organized to function harmoniously with spiritual being.
GENERAL MALADIES: Ailments affecting the cerebral hemisphere of the brain, organs of the
head, eyes and ears.
* * * * * * *

April 21 - May 21 RULES by Venus. Very feminine, receptive and earthy.

KEYWORDS: Determination, endurance, “Productivity”, thoroughness, harmony,

possessiveness, steadiness.

GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT: is detachment. Must learn to let go and release any times which
could be holding back happenings. Must let go and let God. Must let oneself flow and
identify with the rhythm of God and His universe which produces much beauty and
extraordinary richness of response to life and love. To be that love, in stillness and peace,
to strive after it diligently, incessantly -- FREEDOM...PEACE. Freedom
to be continuously in the circle of God’s love and protection and HIS peace. This is the
money sign of the zodiac and basic lesson is acquiring a true sense of values. “ The
creations we send forth through speech are equally as potent as our own physical creations.

QUALITIES THAT NEED BLENDING: Over possessiveness, jealousy and greediness. There
could be fear of loss. He who has no desire to possess has no fear of loss. DETACHMENT
most important.

TAURUS HOUSE IN YOUR NATAL CHART: Means where you have: Invigoration, productivity,
perseverance, power to shape. Enjoy being the producer in this house and watch how ship-
shape you can make it. Cultivate grounding and plant the seed of centering and spiritual
perfection within.

Color: Blue. FOODS: Many of the familiar garden vegetables belong to this sign such as
yellow beets, beans, sweet potatoes and carrots. Earth signs harmonize with foods growing
beneath or in the earth.

FLOWERS: All flowers. PERFUMES: All rose perfumes.

MUSIC: A Flat Major projects first form patterns within the spirit functions in
time and space. The Taurean emanation bears the spiritual impress of the throat and the
larynx, organs which are destined to become the foremost seat of power in the human body.

GENERAL MALADIES: Neck, throat, larynx, tonsils, carotid arteries and jugular
* * * * * * *

May 21 - June 21 RULED by Mercury, Mutable and positive, yet neutral in

KEYWORDS: “Curiosity”, intellectuality, Literary ability, social, fluent, changeable, curiosity,


GIFT OF THE SPIRIT: Knowing the Art of Letting Things Happen. A new definition for spirit
“as the light shining between all opposites that have come to face each other in
understanding and in peace,” was recently given and perhaps is a new way of the nature of
the beginning of accepting the Holy Spirit as part of your life. It is to go forth with
assurance and eager determination, yet force no issues until the proper rhythm operates
within. Wisdom is truly a gift of the spirit. Dual forces but inwardly it represents the
conscious mind. In the physical body it rules the nervous system, the hands, the shoulders,
BODY A HARD TIME. There is magic for us all in that simple phase of “Let Go and Let God.”

QUALITIES THAT NEED BLENDING: Control of mind, control of nerves, learning to love and
form self to be of service to others.

curiosity, blossom time. This is where your conscious mind functions. The human and
divine dual aspects of ourselves need harmonizing here. Many growth experiences are a
result of our curiosity. Water the seed of “stillness” and allow peace within.

COLORS: Violet. FOOD: Prolific (fruitful) bearers in the vegetable kingdom belong to
this sign. Also green vegetables and acid fruits. People belonging to the air signs need
foods grown above ground.

FLOWERS: All double flowers. PERFUMES: Lilac, Old Lavender perfumes.

MUSIC: F Sharp Major aides spirit to become indwelling within the body .
Gemini gives the pattern of dual bodily impulses and bears the perfected image of the arms
and the vital breath center, the lungs.
GENERAL MALADIES: Shoulders, arms, lungs, thymus and upper ribs.
* * * * * * *

June 21 to July 21 Rules by the moon. Feminine, receptive, and water.

KEYWORDS: Love of home, feeling, “nurture”, reserve, moods, sensitivity, self-protection,


GIFT OF THE SPIRIT: Knowing where one belongs. Knowing that one is part of all. All we
need never do is to set up limits to our fulfillment, never stop in fear of the receding tide:
for the Holy Spirit moves from crest to crest while it fills the deepest abysses in Spirit.
Heights and depths are all one. With the Holy Spirit there is movement, rhythm and
forever harmony. To every need there is an answer; the miracle of fulfillment is possible.
Prepare for the entrance of divine beneficence. We must all realize in our deepest roots of
existence, “In God, I AM. In God, I belong through any and all.” The path is glorious; for it
is God’s path made clear with consciousness, made fragrant with the scent of Noble deeds
and the grace of God. Positive-living by the Holy Spirit or the Spirit Core of Self. Most sub-
conscious of all signs for everything is latent and hidden. Extremely psychic and must learn
to separate what one feels from what one thinks. Reason, discrimination. Great need for
Cancer is to find their inner center and function from there. At times may have sluggishly
moving energy flow. In later life could suffer from poor circulation - exercise is a must.

CANCER HOUSE IN YOUR CHART: This is where you have: Fecundation, nurturing. Here is
where lessons, education, knowledge becomes wisdom. You must allow others and yourself
the space to grow and learn through experience. Here is where we must plant and water
the seed of love for all our sisters and brothers. The Cancer house is where we must watch
the flowering of our positive sun sign energies.
COLOR: Green. FOOD: Cancer plants are cucumbers, squash and all kinds of melons.
Cancer natives respond to the fruits and greens that grow in the shade and are reached only
by indirect sunlight.

FLOWER: Lotus and Immortelles Flowers. PERFUMES: All Lily perfumes, Jasmine.

MUSIC: G Sharp Major awakens intuition which impresses on stomach/solar


GENERAL MALADIES : Stomach, diaphragm, lacteas and thoracic duct.

* * * * * * *

July 22 - August 22 RULED by the Sun. Positive, fixed and

KEYWORDS: Vitality, affectionate love, “Self-expression”, personal development, power,

pride, urge for recognition, dramatic, noble, loyal, leadership, authority.

GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT: Simplicity. The Sun is the creator of the universe, source of life and
radiates with a solar countenance. The inevitability of shadows is the burden of sunlight.
You must release the darkness or the emptiness to move forward. The Leo personality must
stride dramatically across the world stage filling the receptive souls with the projection of
the light of God. Simplicity is a heart throbbing with a power that has not yet learnt to
know compassion. After the wisdom of truth a Leo learns “Be still, O my heart! Be Still -
and know God.” For those who can meet the sun with simplicity and in truth, the same
peace can bless every hour. God’s path is light; and His words are true. Peace is God’s
blessing. Leos’ must use their life wisely or could end up paying a very heavy price.

QUALITIES THAT NEED BLENDING: Authority, learn true detachment, give warmth and
affection to all.

LEO HOUSE IN YOUR CHART: This is where you must produce Maturity of the seed. Self-
expression, need for personal development. Spot light is on you! When you are on target
and developing your powers and their various energy patterns, and thereby achieving your
“GIVEAWAY” and touching others with your beauty. Nurture the seeds of genuine warmth
and love for all.

COLOR: Orange. FOODS: Leos draw especially on the yellow foods richest in the
life vitamins formed by the direct Sun Rays. Yellow foods are richest in Vitamin C content.

FLOWERS: All Golden and deep yellow flowers. PERFUMES: Orange Blossom

MUSIC: A Sharp Major radiate from their own bodies of light, the nucleus upon
which man builds his physical body. This spark of life is centered in the heart and it is the
love-force by means of which the body will ultimately attain perfection.

GENERAL MALADIES: Heart, spinal cord, and aorta.

* * * * * * *

August 22 - September 22 RULES by Mercury. Feminine, receptive, mutable, earth.

KEYWORDS: Economical, hygienic, “Analyze”, service, mental qualities, perfectionist,

analysis, fine discrimination, purity.

GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT: TOLERANCE. This is the challenge of the Virgo. To be tolerant
of the opinions, feelings and habits of others is indeed to allow every man the right to live
and to think as one sees fit. Real tolerance is more than just live and let live. In its deepest
sense it means to bear. To bear the burden of the necessity for change and for growth. Its
responsibility of an incessant quest for broader knowledge, less constricted feelings , and a
more adjustable behavior. It means acceptance of all opposites, prelude to inclusiveness
and integration. It is the dynamic essence of man’s conscious
growth. Tolerance, compassion and charity are the three great virtues whose gifts bless
the path of the Virgo. State of mind has a direct bearing on their health and many have
jittery nerves and a highly geared nervous system. Also represents the sign of the hidden
Christ in every man, the seed planted in earth that must root in the darkness, and through
struggle break its sheath and struggle towards the LIGHT. Threshold of the birth of the
inner man.

QUALITIES THAT NEED BLENDING: Being too critical, fault-finding, irritability, demanding of
loved ones. Must always remember that LOVE WITHERS IN A CRITICAL ATMOSPHERE. WE

VIRGO HOUSE IN YOUR CHART: Means it is the time of the Harvest, service, analyze. You
must analyze your feelings with honesty and “Heart to Higher self” communication. It is in
this house your emotional body needs discipline in controlling your shideh(your lower self),
until you manifest in your Hoksheidah (higher self). The seeds of tolerance, humility, and
emotional control must be planted and watered daily.

COLOR: Turquoise. FOODS: The golden russet foods of autumn give health and
sustenance to its own. All grains, as barley, oats, rye and wheat, form under the Virgo Ray.

FLOWERS: All flowers of Lily family. PERFUMES: White Rose and Heliotrope

MUSIC: C Natural awakens the divine wisdom of the soul.

GENERAL MALADIES: Large and small intestines and pancreas, needs less meat than
* * * * * * *

September 22 - October 21 RULED by Venus. Positive, active, air.
KEYWORDS: Basic capacity for partnership, art, “balance”, impartiality, tact, justice,

GIFT OF THE SPIRIT: EASE. What is needed for tomorrow are men who assimilate and put
into constructive use the powers of the universe and of human nature. Men can only be
free from nature by fulfilling nature; by fulfilling it with ease, with elegance. Ease is the
fragrance of a love so harmonious that the participants share one another wholly in feelings
and in deeds. “Love one another as I have loved you.” Ease is the fragrance of happiness.
It is simplicity become peace. . . peace singing to itself in the silence of consummated living.
QUALITIES THAT NEED BLENDING: Desire to be liked by all, love and cohesiveness,
secretive, dominating and self-willed at times. Releasing self from the “womb” of the past.
One of Libra’s weaknesses is wanting to be all things to all men, because of a desire to be
liked by everyone. “Peace at any price”. There is diplomacy and sweetness but beneath
velvet glove is a fist of iron. NO MAN CAN BE AN ISLAND.

LIBRA HOUSE IN YOUR CHART is where you need Balance, adjustment in nature’s economy.
You have to balance the scales. Past lifetimes are seeping through with their previous
imbalances. Attend to the planting of the seeds of harmony, tranquility, and decision

COLOR: Yellow will help you to see both sides.

FOODS: To Libra belongs the autumn glory of golden yellow and crimson. Librans respond
to the red and yellow fruits and to all vegetables grown above ground.

FLOWERS: All balms, Pansy, Violet, Primrose flowers. PERFUMES: Rosemary and
Sandalwood perfume.

MUSIC: D Major awakens the faculties of discrimination.

GENERAL MALADIES: Kidneys, skin and the suprarenals.

* * * * * * *

October 21 - November 21 RULES by Mars. Feminine, introverted, water,

KEYWORDS: Sex, healing, “Deep Involvement”, secret forces of nature, military affairs,
compulsive desires, depth, secrecy, regeneration, courage and resourcefulness.

GIFT OF THE SPIRIT: NON-IDENTIFICATION. Scorpio ultimately presents a point of self-

surrender, which is not the self, but the desire of the ego to remain separate. Must
surrender all boundaries of fears and the gain becomes the process of at-one-ment. This is
love, this identification of psychic and mental substance. The self must become a vessel of
the Holy Spirit in action, because spirit is that which acts wherever there is a need for action
. . . which means everywhere. Threefold personality: mental,
emotional and physical levels are all involved. SCORPION, EAGLE, PHOENIX BIRD. Need to
seek power in order to heal and bless others. All goals are reached by service, purity,
compassion and humility.

QUALITIES THAT NEED BLENDING: Never pass judgment on others, super-critical nature,
stubbornness, tremendous pride.

SCORPIO HOUSE IN YOUR CHART: You need Endurance, deep involvement. Here is where
you may have placed many of your emotions and intensities. Even secrecy is part of this
particular energy patterns. Be aware that you may be dealing with sub-conscious needs!
Place of transformation. The seeds of self-control, non-combativeness, and discipline in
allowing others their space, needs abundant
water and sunshine.
COLOR : Red. FOODS: The reds and deep scarlets of the martial ray are Scorpio’s.
Its best foods are red and yellow. The water triplicity, particularly Scorpio, should partake
freely of watery fruits and vegetables.

FLOWERS: Chrysanthemum; all large red flowers. PERFUMES: All red flower

MUSIC: E Major sounds notes of purity and regeneration, the ultimate state
toward which humanity is aspiring.

GENERAL MALADIES: Bladder, urethra, the genital organs, rectum and descending colon.
* * * * * * *

NOVEMBER 21 to December 21 RULED by Jupiter. Positive, mutable, fire.

KEYWORDS: Optimistic, generous, love of freedom, “expansion”, idealism, aspiration,

philosophy, philanthropy, perception, intuition.

GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT: COMRADESHIP. The art of living together. Comradeship is the
practice of cooperative and warm living with others. It is to meet them as unique persons
through unique occurrences requiring unique forms of cooperation and understanding. It is
to meet them creatively through the love that Jesus had for all. It is a gift and a blessing to
receive all with hearts fresh and warm, vibrant with eternal human youth. It is the DIVINE
singing at the core of human relationships. GOVERNS understanding and also the
Superconscious mind. When one reaches middle part of life’s journey - desire for distant
and wider horizons begin to turn inward and upward. Then the Superconscious regions and
spiritual philosophies become active. Spiritual life begins to dominate thinking and feeling.
Gypsies of the Zodiac.

QUALITIES THAT NEED BLENDING: Procrastination, lack of organization, lack of discipline,


SAGITTARIUS HOUSE IN YOUR CHART: This is where you must have Expansion, Mental
comradeship, Higher mind and its spiritual mystery. This is the space of expanding and
evolving. Time for exploration mindwise. The energy patterns of your experiences may be
new. In previous lifetimes these house affairs were neglected. The seeds of conservative
view, evolvement, growth, and prosperity must be watered daily.

COLOR: Purple. FOODS:The best foods for this regal fire sign are those which are
tinged with the crimson and gold of the Sun’s direct power. Fire signs can assimilate raw
foods more easily than the other three triplicities.

FLOWERS All climbing vines and flowering tree flowers.

PERFUME: Violet perfume.

MUSIC: F Major awakens spiritual power and nourishes the aspiration which
will give the higher mind supremacy over the lower material mind.

GENERAL MALADIES: Hips, thighs, femur, illium, illiac arteries and veins and sacral region
(lower part of spine.)
* * * * * * *

Capricorn December 21 - January 21 RULED by Saturn, receptive, feminine, cardinal,


KEYWORDS: Position, honors, ambition, self-control, caution, finance, “restoration”, “social

foundations”, conservatism, concientousness, authority, organization, justice.

GIFT OF THE SPIRIT: PERSONAL INTEGRITY. To every Capricornian and his conflicts there
may come, in the night of his soul, a Christ - the light that alone integrates the chaos of the
world. This gift of the spirit represents the essential answer to the need of a humanity
blinded by the worship of the biggest and most efficient political machine. This realization is
called the sense of responsibility and
individual destiny. It can be a conscious, vibrant realization or a dim awareness of essential
selfhood of personal integrity and personal responsibility. There is a great strength with a
strong sense of purpose and their strength lies in leadership and in humility. LOVE is the
healing force that dissolves arrogance and selfishness.

QUALITIES THAT NEED BLENDING: Understanding others, coldness and calculating,

arrogance, selfishness.

CAPRICORN HOUSE IN YOUR CHART: Indicates this is where you must do restoration,
crystallization, social foundations. Merit is the name of the game here. You must earn your
respect here. Many times there are frustrations with this particular energy patterns. Find
joy in planting the seeds of patience, relationships, and kindness.

COLOR: Blue.

FOODS: All foods grown in the earth are most easily assimilated in the Capricornian’s
regular diet. The native may partake without harmful effects of richer foods than any of
the other earthy signs. The earth signs require more food than any of fire, air or water, and
also may partake regularly of a richer diet.

FLOWERS: All black and dark-hued flowers: Night-blooming Cereus, Black Poppy,

PERFUMES: Black Narcissus and Black Tulip perfumes.

MUSIC: G Major sheds a renewing ray of divine effulgence upon the earth,
hence the important work of this Hierarchy upon the desire body of humanity.

GENERAL MALADIES: Knees, bones (in general) and certain skin eruptions.
* * * * * * *

January 21 - February 21 RULED by Saturn and Uranus Positive, fixed, air.

KEYWORDS: Humanitarianism, universal friendship, “reforming”, independence,

scientific methods, eliminating past life time ideas and patterns, individual freedom,
cooperating, diplomacy, progressiveness, originality, mental pioneers.

GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT: SERVICE. Must have hearts and minds surrender to a moral
challenge. Service is the vehicle for the original and originating downpour of the creative
spirit. When the Holy Spirit is allowed to be at-one-ment with self then the Aquarian comes
of age. It is the essential characteristic of the era which carries the astrological signature of
Aquarius. Humanity is the great orphan. It must be fed with power. With this power must
be great encompassing love. Love and power must be given purpose and the one true
purpose is the PEACE that God has promised us. Work and management - these are the
immediate Aquarian requirements. It may seem tremendous or awesome, but this energy
level MUST BE USED to obtain opening ourselves up as vessels of the Holy Spirit and in turn
lighting others to start their own Godlike creativeness within them all towards the great
need of our humanity. We will then become SERVANTS of the Lord. Serving a purpose that
is true, real, and divine, and going forward in greater, deeper, nobler, more inclusive creative
activity; and all motion forward with God’s help into transforming our lives and our
civilization to fit the new horizons of “Follow Me!” Very inflexible in ideas and must not be
pushed into anything. May get emotionally involved in work and dislike restraint. Old molds
and old concepts must be shattered to set the spirit free to function in a greater expanse of
consciousness. Self-control is the highest aspect of Saturn. Spiritual rebirth. Responsibility
and liberation go hand in hand.

QUALITIES THAT NEED BLENDING: mental cruelty, lacking in love or mercy, tenderizing
one’s emotions, feeling love instead of just thinking about it. True liberation can only come
from within. No one can break the cosmic laws with immunity.

reforming. Off with the old and on with the new. Must breakdown old habit patterns that
are no longer usable. Water the seeds of love and co-operation, and “Spirit of Love”
attitude towards others.

COLOR: Blue green or Indigo. FOODS: The foods are largely the white fruits and
vegetables. Celery, asparagus, parsnips, potatoes and pears are especially good. All air
signs can partake freely of all white, starchy vegetables. Aquarius requires less food than
any of the other twelve signs.

FLOWERS: Blue and white flowers. Acacia, Frankincense and Myrrh.

PERFUME: Gardenia perfume.

MUSIC: A Major aides development of the etheric vehicle. When the extended
senses of this body are fully developed, disease and death will be no more and God shall
wipe away all tears, for the old shall have passed and made way for the new.

GENERAL MALADIES: Limbs from knees to ankles and varicose veins.

* * * * * * *

February 21 - March 21 RULED by Neptune and Jupiter as Co-Regent.
Feminine, receptive, mutable and water.

KEYWORDS: Spiritual, self-sacrificing, soul yearnings, “Faith”, idealism, oneness,

inspiration, vulnerability, unity, ripe destiny, sensitiveness to the Super-Physical, sensitivity
to the spiritual, compassion, inspiration, mysticism.

GIFT OF THE SPIRIT: COURAGE. We must overcome the pull of the past and bondage to
memories of frustration and pain. The one great task is to be liberated and to move on into
the NEW. This truly takes COURAGE. En-durance is the ability to remain one’s self under
the impact of the cyclic dissolution of all things. This takes faith and courage. Faith is the
dynamic impact of vision on the human man’s will, unified and mobilized by the poignant
expectation of the envisioned goal. (Could be just a dream.) True courage is born of trust.
It is a song of creative power and unflinching belief in spring and the power of Faith in God.
The whole being becomes a harp vibrating under the rhythmic impact of the spirit. All
needs are fulfilled. Man is whole, peace born of understanding, understanding in which ALL
names and ALL powers, ALL gifts and ALL virtues come from the grace of God and find their
place and their natural usage. Only true freedom for PISCES comes through Spiritual
orientation. Called the “dustpan of the zodiac.” Either the soul captures the personality or
the soul is bound and made captive to the personality.

QUALITIES THAT NEED BLENDING: Moodiness, introspective and hard understanding,

retreats from the world, hidden inner pride, soul must capture the personality and become
the servant, can overwork, and also can be self-indulgent and could wallow in the senses
and could make of the temple a tavern and great suffering would ensue.

PISCES HOUSE IN YOUR CHART: This is where you must have Faith, redemption,
synthesis. Intuition and faith must guide you with this particular energy patterns. Once
you function with your higher self, you will have all the faith you need. Bring great peace
within by planting the seeds of insight, joyful human experiences and faith.

COLOR: Indigo. FOODS: The foods best assimilated are warm tropical fruits and
vegetables such as dates, pomegranates, white figs; also all vegetables grown below

FLOWERS: White and orchid flowers: all sea plants, Ferns and Mosses.

PERFUME: White Narcissus perfume.

MUSIC: B Major aides foundation of understanding, and contains the perfected

image of the feet. When these shall have come to function properly, man “shall walk and
not be weary; he shall run and not faint.” The Pisces Hierarchy also works with the entire
physical body. Unity is the keynote of Pisces.

GENERAL MALADIES: Principally of the feet and toes.

* * * * * * *
Earth signs require a regular and substantial diet.
Air signs require much lighter food and a larger variety.
Fire signs require a larger protein content in diet.
Water signs require lighter food and a goodly amount of nourishing liquids.

* * * * * * *
Students of occult arts and those mystically inclined, when utilizing any of the fine
arts as mediums through which to promulgate the higher principles governing life, will find it
helpful to draw upon the exquisite lavender tones belonging to Neptune.
***Writers and speakers whose message is centered in the New Age ideals of unity,
co-operation and brotherhood will find their inspiration sharpened by the use of the clear
blue of Uranus.
***Teachers, scientists, physicians, nurses and metaphysical healers will be
strengthened in their respective professions by using the soft, pure violet and gold of
***Mothers, teachers of very young children, matrons of orphanages, and all who
have the care and direction of young children, will be greatly aided and stimulated in their
work by the use of the lovely soft and tender yellow tones of Venus.
***The dietitian, naturopath, chiropractor, osteopath and other healers following
natural methods of correction and restoration, will be definitely helped in their ministrations
by centering largely in the pure
orange of the Sun together with the clear healing violet of Mercury.
***Ministers, lawyers, public speakers and politicians will enhance their powers and
influence by using the pure purple of Jupiter.
***Athletes, soldiers, farmers and all outdoor workers will increase both energy and
endurance by use of the clean, clear red of Mars.
***The Moon influences prenatal growth and the early years of infancy. Its soft,
mist-like green and silver tones are used for infantile ills and also during the months of
prospective motherhood.

***Spirit, mind and body, or man in the whole of his being, was attuned to the
heavenly spheres. Disease would never have touched that wholeness or disturbed the
harmony he once knew had he always lived true to Cosmic Law.

* * * * * * *
Colors are effective as a cure for disease and may even add ten years to the life of a human
being, according to Lord Clifford of Chudleigh. His beliefs are:
Yellow is the restorer of the nerves.
Green increases the vitality.
One shade of red is the most effectual in all cases of blood poisoning.
Ultra-violet produces a fermentation in the body which reduces hardness of tissue
and also builds up blood tissues.
A particular shade of violet causes the growth of bone.
Indigo produces muscular generation and strength.
Shade of green which produces vitality and general energy of the system and also of
the growth of fat.
There is so many good books out on color now, I can only suggest you get a few for
yourself and expand your knowledge on the future wave healing techniques.
One of the most important phases of healing through color and tone is the
awakening realization of the healer to the fact that mind and spirit are intimately connected
with physical ills, and that in them lie the cause as well as the cure of the disease.

* * * * * * *
The twelve signs of the Zodiac are divided into four triplicities correlating to the four
elements in nature and also that these same divisions correlate to man’s lower quartenary
or the threefold body, together with mind, which constitute the composite vehicle in which
the Ego functions on earth. The same fourfold classification pertains to diseases, all of
which fall into one or another of these four groupings.
To illustrate , infirmities caused by alcoholic excesses, fevers ,high blood pressure
and that most dreaded disease of all human scourges, cancer, all come under the element of
All forms of insanity and drug excesses relate to the Air element.
Diseases of the stomach, digestive tract, the assimilative and glandular systems
come under the Water element.
All abnormal growths and malformations of the body belong to the element of Earth.

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