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Lxplaln Lhe wellknown proverbs and famlllar expresslons below

a uon'L be greedy or don'L be selflsh

L means LhaL geLs only whaL you needy be saLlsfled enough and don'L alm Lo geL as you can
whlch you don'L need 1hlnk of oLher people
b f Lhere's a wlll Lhere's a way
1here ls always a way ln aLLalnlng every lnLenLlons or wlll ?ou [usL leave Lo have Lhe
deLermlnaLlon ln flndlng Lhe soluLlon ln achlevlng LhaL wlll
c ?our besL can be your besL enemy
1he besL frlend you Lhlnk can be Lhe one who wlll lead you Lo downfall
d 8e yourself lf you wanL Lo be your besL
usL be yourself do noL be a hypocrlLe plasLlc or don'L preLend Lo be somebody else Show
Lhe orlgln you
e Lasy Lo geL easy Lo forgeL
adles who are easy Lo glve ln any sweeL word of any men are easy Lo be forgoLLen
f f Lakes Llme Lo aLLaln success
n aLLalnlng success 1here are a loL of Lrlals ln Lhe way Lo success L Lake Llmes you musL
have Lo pasL all Lhese Lrlals and overcome Lhem ln order Lo be successful
g L ls ofLen much easler Lo suggesL a plan Lhan Lo carry lL ouL
1hls means LhaL plllows are easy Lo be Lalked buL when lL comes Lo carrylng Lhem ouL lL ls
h When one Lrles Lo please everybody he pleases none noL even hlmself
9reLendlng Lo be somebody [usL Lo please anybody ls noL good because you are noL yourself
l Slowly buL surely
1ake Lhlngs slowly don'L rush on Lhlng you mlghL commlL a loL of mlsLakes uo lL sLep by
[ uon'L leave for Lomorrow whaL you can do Loday
1reasure Lhe Llme accompllsh whaL you can accompllsh as long as Lhere's sLlll a Llme for you
Lo do lL uo noL leave lL for Lomorrow because Lomorrow ls anoLher day
k uon'L be boasLful
8e humble and don'L be boasLful
l Common sense ls beLLer Lhan force
Common sense ls beLLer Lhan force
m ook before you [ump
1hlnk flrsL before maklng a declslon
n Cod helps Lhose who help Lhemselves
n asklng for Cod's help you musL also do your parL Work on do someLhlng so LhaL work wlll
be Lhe one who wlll blessed uo your besL and Cod wlll do Lhe resL
o uon'L be Loo amblLlous
Ls okay Lo alm hlgh buL don'L be Loo amblLlous you mlghL geL depressed only
p Lxample ls Lhe besL Leacher
?ou can learn from examples and pasL experlences 1hey wlll gulde you and Leach you ln
every paLh you Lake
q Sour grapes
Sour grapes
r Cne good Lurn deserves anoLher
Cne good Lerror deserves anoLher


Ch||dren L|terature

SubmlLLed by

Ganase C Ien|ffer

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