F2-Management Accounting 07 Days Study Plan

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Warm Welcome Lo all arLlclpanLs

07 uay lan for l2 ManagemenL

uay 1 lan
W 13 CuesLlons from MCCk MCCs (113)
W ChapLer no 01 1he naLure and urpose
of ManagemenL AccounLlng
W ChapLer no 02 1ypes of CosL CosL
W ChapLer no 03 8uslness MaLhemaLlcs
W ChapLer no 04 Crderlng and AccounLlng
for lnvenLory
W Cuerles / CuesLlons
uay 2 lan
W 13 MCCs (1630)
W ChapLer no 03 Crder CuanLlLles and
reorder Level
W ChapLer no 06 AccounLlng for Labor
W ChapLer no 07 AccounLlng for Cverheads
W Cuerles / CuesLlons
uay 3 lan
W 13 MCCs (3143)
W ChapLer no 08 Marglnal AbsorpLlon
W ChapLer no 09 8elevanL CosLlng
W Cuerles / CuesLlons
uay 4 lan
W 13 MCCs (4660)
W ChapLer no 10 ueallng wlLh llmlLlng lacLors
W ChapLer no 11 !ob 8aLch rocess CosLlng
W Cuerles / CuesLlons
uay 3 lan
W 13 MCCs (6173)
W ChapLer no 12 Servlce CperaLlon CosLlng
W ChapLer no 13 8udgeLlng
W Cuerles / CuesLlons
uay 6 lan
W 13 MCCs (7690)
W ChapLer no 14 SLandard CosLlng 8aLch 1
W Cuerles / CuesLlons
W LxamlnaLlon 1echnlques
uay 7 lan
W 13 MCCs (91113)
W ChapLer no 14 SLandard CosLlng 8aLch 2
W Cuerles / CuesLlons
W LxamlnaLlon 1echnlques
All Lhe 8esL

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