Letter For Permission

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Sahir Ahmed 29 Futherwood Gardens

Ilford, Essex IG4 5HN 07956608211

Oaks Park High School 45-65 Oaks Lane Newbury Park, Ilford IG2 7PQ

Dear Oaks Park High School, I am a student at the Oaks Park Sixth Form and I am currently studying media at AS level. I would like to use your school as the main location in my short film I am required to make for my coursework. Allowing me and my group to film here would mean that we would be using your facilities after school hours, and setting up our set here and filming our short film. Filming would not damage or change anything and any adjustments will be corrected. The filming process would only take a small amount of your time and I would appreciate it highly if I could use your premises. Furthermore, our team would consist of 5 people, and any safety hazards would be taken care of by us, and any injuries or loss of possessions would be our responsibility and not yours. If by accident, anything is damaged, we would fully reimburse you for the damage and nothing would be paid for by you. Ideally, our filming this would take place during an off peak time to avoid any disruption to your regular proceedings. I would be extremely grateful if you would accept this request of mine and I can assure you, your premises would be strictly used for educational purposes only. If you have any queries, please dont hesitate to contact me. Regards Sahir Ahmed

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