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Spencer 1 Dana Spencer Ms.

Vieth English III-6th 5 October 2010 Research Topic Paragraph In the novel, The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, the character Hester Prynne is faced with the conflict of her sins. Hester finds it hard to stay away from sin, but her daughter, Pearl, helps guide her down the right path. Other characters though, like Dimmesdale, steer her towards her sins. Thought the novel she tries to face and overcome these sins she has committed. Her struggles with sin make her the person she is.

I plan to organize my research paper in the following ways: I. Thesis paragraph: Here I describe my main idea about Hester facing her sins and

the challenges she faces. II. III. First sub-topic: Pearl helps her mother overcome and stay away from her sins. Second sub-topic: Dimmesdale is a temptation to Hester to sin again and she

needs to stay away from him. IV. V. Third sub-topic: Hester tries to over come her sins and get over them. Hester Prynne has her daughter helping her to stay away from sinning. However

there are people like Dimmesdale who tempt Hester into sinning. She needs to overcome the challenge of sin.

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