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Pinlac, Adrien Gabrielle A.

November 10, 2011

BAPIS II T/TH/S 7:30-8:30

Characteristics of a Good Questionnaire
by Dr. Kenneth B. Hunt

Questions worded simply and clearly, not ambiguous or vague, must
be objective
Attractive in appearance (questions spaced out, and neatly arranged)
Write a descriptive title for the questionnaire
Write an introduction to the questionnaire
Order questions in logical sequence
Keep questionnaire uncluttered and easy to complete
Delicate questions last (especially demographic questions)
Design for easy tabulation
Design to achieve objectives
Define terms
Avoid double negatives (I haven't no money)
Avoid double barreled questions (this AND that)
Avoid loaded questions ("Have you stopped beating your wife?")
!hrase questions for all respondents

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