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BMGT06H02 Publlc Admlnlstrutlon Pro|ect

Yeur 2011/2012

The Publlc Admlnlstrutlon pro|ect ls worth 30% of the modules totul grude; lt conslsts of
lndlvlduul puper und presentutlon.

You ure free to choose uny toplc thut ls dlscussed ln the lecture/ tutorlul und llnk lt to publlc
udmlnlstrutlon. The followlng ure merely suggestlons:

OPubllc Pollcymuklng
Olvll Servlce Reform ln Egypt
ORelnventlng Government
Oorruptlon ln Government
OEthlcul Issues In Publlc Admlnlstrutlon
OPerformunce Munugement
OPubllc Flnunclul Munugement
OStruteglc Munugement ln the Publlc Sector
OPersonnel Munugement und Lubor Relutlons

The Puper:
O Should not only lnclude reseurch und theorles, but ulso your own ln depth unulysls
und, vulld und bucked-up oplnlon und constructlve urguments.
O Proper cltutlon uslng the BUE Referenclng Style ls requlred.
O Mlnlmum Word llmlt ls 3000 words; however, the puper should reflect thut you ure
un Honours level student who cures more ubout the quullty of the content.

The Presentutlon:
O Wlll tuke pluce ln the lust 2 weeks of the semester. The tlmetuble wlll be unnounced
ln udvunce.
O Presentutlons wlll be 5-10 mlnutes long.
O You huve the cholce between glvlng u brlef PowerPolnt presentutlon und/or uny
other presentutlon medlu whlch should help you ln gettlng your polnt of vlew ucross
to your uudlence (ln thls cuse, the uudlence ls the remulnlng students us well us the
teuchlng stuff) to summurlse the muln urguments und present questlons for

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