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1 Suppose %1 2 ) has conLlnuous secondorder parLlal derlvaLlves

for each polnL _ %1 2 ) _ 1hen %1 2 ) ls a convex

funcLlon on lf and only lf for each _ all prlnclpal mlnors of are
2. II 1 * and
1 II the Iirst nonvanishing nonzero derivative at is an odd-order
derivative | 1 1 and so on| then is not a local maximum
or a local minimum.
II the Iirst nonvanishing derivative at is positive and an even-order
derivative then is a local minimum.
II the Iirst nonvanishing derivative at is negative and an even-order
derivative then is a local maximum.
,80 Endpoint8 ,,nd -of [,, -]
rom igure 2 we see that
II 1, then ,is a local minimum.
II 1, then ,is a local maximum.
II 1- then -is a local maximum.
II 1- then -is a local minimum.

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