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During the 70's, a source of entertainment was normally found through musical concerts or peace gatherings, now -20

years later-, people are relying on a more technological aspect. Ever since the Second Technological Revolution, life became more and more in complex. From washing machines to instant messaging, people consumed in luxury have simply lost the need to use the more basic, original approach to everyday task. As time progresses, so does technology, but how much is too much? Ray Bradbury's novel, Fahrenheit 451, displays how an over accelerating technological era causes a society to age and its members to lose the meaning of self-opinion. In F-451, Guy Montag, a loyal firemen confused in his society's ignorance, develops a feeling of curiosity which leads him to discover the essential of a civilization. F-541, exposes the dark side of luxury, as it demonstrates how an over progressive society can blind its people. This concept of a dystopian society can also be found in the Pixar film "Wall-e." The civilization that is present in "Wall-e" is consuming more that is can handle, leading all its members to act leisurely and become apathetic to basic processes, such as walking, eating, cooking, or getting dressed. Like Bradbury, Pixar shows a society that is halfknowledge and unenthusiastic. Both Bradbury and Pixar illustrate how an overdependence on technology can ruin a society.

1) Pixar demonstrate how technology over simplifies basic processes to the point in which they are not nessesary.

2) Bradbury shows how people who are lesser to technology can be over ran by it.

3) Finally, leave a message that technology should not but taken for granted but, Through the works of "Wall-e" and F-541, we are shown the effects technology has on a
culture that is lesser to it. .Technology is makes work easier and moves us forward into the future. However when that force overpowers it's users to the point in which they aren't running technology but are being run by it, this becomes a

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