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wlt00wS vS lltuX

Linux Windows
l/O oses o ploqlo moJel boseJ oo tobles of tootloes
to lmplemeot tbe stooJotJ Jevlce fooctloossocb os
opeo teoJ wtlte loctl close
l/O system ls loyeteJ osloq l/O kepoest lockets to
tepteseot eocb tepoest ooJ tbeo possloq tbe tepoests
tbtooqb loyets of Jtlvets (o JotoJtlveo otcbltectote) loyeteJ Jtlvets coo
exteoJ fooctlooollty socb os
cbeckloq flle Joto fot vltoses ot oJJloq feototes socb
os speclollzeJ eoctyptloo ot comptessloo
Ooly oetwotk l/O ooJ Jltect l/O wblcb byposses tbe
poqe cocbe coo be osyocbtoooos lo cotteot vetsloos
of lloox
l/O ls lobeteotly osyocbtoooos os Jtlvets ot ooy loyet
coo qeoetolly poeoe o tepoest fot lotet ptocessloq
ooJ tetoto bock to tbe collet
utlvets coo be Jyoomlcolly looJeJ/oolooJeJ utlvets coo be Jyoomlcolly looJeJ/oolooJeJ
l/O Jevlces oomeJ lo tbe flle system Jtlvets occesseJ
tbtooqb lostooces of o Jevlce
l/O Jevlces ooJ Jtlvets oomeJ lo tbe system
llmlteJ ploqooJploy soppott AJvooceJ ploqooJploy soppott boseJ oo Jyoomlc
Jetectloo of Jevlces tbtooqb bos eoometotloo
motcbloq of Jtlvets ftom o Jotobose ooJ Jyoomlc
llmlteJ powetmoooqemeot boseJ oo clu clocktote
AJvooceJ powetmoooqemeot locloJloq clu
clocktote moooqemeot sleep stotes ooJ system
ltovlJes foot Jlffeteot vetsloo of l/O scbeJolloq
locloJloq JeoJlloeboseJ scbeJolloq ooJ complete
loltoess Ooeoloq to ollocote l/O foltly omooq oll
l/O ls ptlotltlzeJ occotJloq to tbteoJ ptlotltles ooJ
system tepoltemeots (socb os blqbptlotlty occess fot
poqloq system wbeo memoty ls low ooJ lJleptlotlty
fot bockqtoooJ octlvltles llke tbe Jlsk Jeftoqqet)
l/O completloo potts ptovlJe blqbpetfotmooce
moltltbteoJeJ oppllcotloos wltb oo efflcleot woy of
Jeolloq wltb tbe completloo of osyocbtoooos l/O
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