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Imper|a||sm I|na| Assessment

Lssent|a| uest|ons
O uo Lhe moLlves for 19
cenLury lmperlallsm sLlll exlsL Loday? Are Lhey valld?
O ow should people ln counLrles conLrolled by Amerlca be governed? WhaL rlghLs do Lhey have?
O uo Amerlcans belleve ln Lhe prlnclples of Lhe 8oosevelL Corollary Loday?
O Was lmperlallsm a poslLlve or a harm?
O @o whaL exLenL should morals be applled Lo forelgn pollcy?
O WhaL role should medla play ln lnfluenclng governmenL pollcy?
Inqu|ry Worklng lndependenLly
O denLlfy speclflcally a polnL ln Amerlcan mperlallsm ln whlch you are lnLeresLed ln changlng Lhe ouLcome
hlsLorlcal momenL musL precede 1910
O 8ead background lnformaLlon on Lhe hlsLorlcal record leadlng up Lo Lhe evenL and lmmedlaLely followlng
n addlLlon look for recenL scholarshlp on Lhe lmpacL of Lhe evenL on modern socleLy
O nce you have ldenLlfled your polnL of dlvergence begln Lo conLemplaLe Lhe mosL approprlaLe meLhod
for Lelllng Lhe sLory ?ou wlll be fllllng ouL a work conLracL once you have Lhe deLalls worked ouL
esearch Worklng lndependenLly research Lhe hlsLorlcal record relaLed Lo your ldenLlfled polnL of dlvergence
O denLlfy Lhree evenLs lmmedlaLely 8LCLu- Lhe polnL of dlvergence Lhen documenL and evaluaLe Lhree
prlmary source documenLs LhaL are relaLed/germane Lo Lhe Lhose evenLs Lhls ls Lhe porLlon of Lhe
benchmark LhaL ls relaLlve Lo Lhe real hlsLorlcal record
O eLween Lhe polnL of dlvergence and 2011 lnLroduce Lhree new evenLs Lo Lhe record
4 uescrlbe each of Lhese new evenLs and creaLe aL leasL @W unlque prlmary source documenLs as
evldence of Lhe evenL occurrlng Lach prlmary source should be a dlfferenL klnd of resource
([ournal newspaper arLlcle speech phoLograph law blll courL case carLoon eLc)
O ocaLe currenL scholarshlp on Lhe lmpacL of LhaL momenL on currenL llfe/hlsLory
O CreaLe a flnlshed pro[ecL LhaL lncorporaLes Lhe above menLloned lLems A-u Lhe modern 'reallLy' LhaL
resulLs due Lo Lhe change aL Lhe polnL of dlvergence
4 @he flnlshed producL musL lnclude references Lo Lhe 6 evenLs Lhe new prlmary source
documenLs and Lhe sLory of modern Amerlca LhaL resulLs from Lhe changes
O 8emember Lo weave ln Lhe essenLlal quesLlons and your answers Lo Lhem as Lhe pro[ecL progresses

o||aborat|on WlLh your colleagues
O Workshop your ldeas so as Lo galn lnslghL lnLo Lhe sLrengLhs and Lhe weaknesses of your proposlLlon
O ralnsLorm creaLlve ways of presenLlng hlsLorlc lnformaLlon

9resentat|on ?ou work musL sLand for lLself as lL wlll noL be presenLed Lo Lhe class ?ou wlll deslgn a way ln whlch
Lo presenL your creaLlon ln an lnLeresLlng way ?ou should be creaLlve Lake Lhe lnformaLlon you flnd and share lL
ln a LhoughLful and unlque way

ef|ect|on ?ou wlll [ournal abouL
- ?our cholce of polnL of dlvergence
- @he process
- @he cholces made ln Lhe evaluaLlon process
- @he evolvlng undersLandlng of Lhe hlsLorlcal record and how lndlvlduals and sysLems creaLe and susLaln change
Imper|a||sm I|na| Assessment

O @here wlll be Llme ln class for collaboraLlon check ln eLc buL Lhe bulk of your work wlll be done ouLslde
of class
O ?our flrsL check ln ls scheduled for -ovemeber 30 ?ou should have compleLed Lhe nqulry sLeps aL LhaL
polnL and begun Lo formulaLe a plan so LhaL you may begln your collaboraLlon ln class LhaL day
ue ate
O lnal producL ls due on uecember 6 2011
Jorks |ted
O A works clLed ls due wlLh your pro[ecL whlch ldenLlfles all sources used as background lnformaLlon and
dlrecLly quoLed
O Lnsure all sources are rellable ones

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