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Year Questions 1. Define Industrial Welfare 2. Discuss the scope & Importance of labor Welfare 3.

Welfare Activities undertaken in BD industries and how these can be improved further. 4. Define Labor Welfare. 5. Principles of labor welfare program. **** 6. Classify and describe labor welfare program. **** 7. How labor welfare programs can contribute in profitability 8. Benefits of labor welfare program. 9. Why labor welfare program is needed for industry 10. How labor welfare programs can contribute to increase the production of an organization. 1. Define Industrial Safety. ** 2. The workers environment constitutes an important psychological factor in safety- Discuss 3. Approaches of accident prevention. *** 4. Supervisor is the key in Industrial Accident Prevention-Explain. 5. Basic reasons behind the safety management. *** 6. Key points and elements of successful safety and health program. 7. Rules and responsibilities of safety manager. ** 8. Positive way of accident free operation. 9. Basic reasons behind an accident. 10. Why investigation of accident is necessary? 11. Information included in Accident Investigation report. 12. Maths 13. How Accidents can be prevented by unsafe Acts? 14. How Accidents can be prevented by unsafe working condition? ** 15. Direct & indirect loss of accident. 16. Frequency Rate & Severity Rate of accident & Measures taken 17. How FR & SR Helps in decision making 18. How accident statistics help management 19. Detailed cost relationship between illness/injury cost and accident prevention cost (Graphically) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Concept of safety management and challenges for Bangladesh Roles & responsibility of safety manager Management actions needed for good safety management Define and classify safety committee Why safety committee is formed? Functions of Executive safety committee & Operational Safety committee.

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