R5210201 Mathematics III

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Code No: R5210201


II B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, Nov/Dec 2011 MATHEMATICS-III ( Common to Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering, Electronics & Control Engineering and Electronics & Computer Engineering) Time: 3 hours Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks Max Marks: 80

1. (a) Prove that (m, n) =

(n1) (m m

+ 1, n 1).

(b) Evaluate

dx . (1+x4 ) dx . x (1+x2 )

(c) Evaluate using f unction 2. (a) Prove that

1 12tx+t2


= P0 (x) + P1 (x) t + P2 (x) t2 + .... [8+8]

(b) Write J5/2 (x) in nite form.

y 3. (a) If u=x2 y2 , v= x2 +y2 then show that both u and v are harmonic, but u+iv is not analytic. 1 (b) Show that for the function f(z) = |xy| /2 , the C R equations are satised at the origin. [8+8]

4. (a) Evaluate using Cauchys integral formula


(z+1)dz (z 2 +2z+4)

where C :| z + 1 + i | = 2.

(b) Evaluate

z dz f rom z = 0 to 4 + 2i along the curve C given by

i. z=t2 +it ii. Along the line z=0 to z=2 and then from z=2 to 4+2i.


5. (a) Expand log(1+z) as Taylor series about z = 0 and determine the region of convergence for the resulting series. (b) State and prove Laurent theorem. 6. (a) Find the poles and residue at each pole of the function (b) Evaluate
C sin z z cos z 2z+1 . (1z 4 )


dz where C is | z | = by residue theorem.


7. (a) Use Rouches theorem to show that the equation z5 + 15 z + 1=0 has one root in the disc |z| < 3 and four roots in the annulus 3 < |z| < 2. 2 2

(b) Evaluate

cos xdx (a (a2 +x2 )

> 0) using residue theorem.


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Code No: R5210201


8. (a) Find the image of the semi-innite strip x>0, 0<y<2 under the transformation w=iz + 1. Show the region graphically.
1w (b) In the transformation z = 1+w show that the positive half of the w-plane given by u 0 corresponds to the circle |z| 1 in the z-plane. [8+8]

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