Domains of IT

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Schematic from University of Potsdam, 2003

Domains of Instructional Technology

SJSU - Copyright 2003

What is Instructional Technology?

Instructional Technology is the theory and practice of design, development, utilization, management and evaluation of processes and resources for learning.

Seels & Richie, 1994

Design refers to the process of specifying conditions for learning. The design component demonstrates the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to design conditions for learning by applying principles of instructional systems design, message design, instructional strategies, and learner characteristics.

Development includes the actual creation of instructional materials and experiences, along with the resulting products. Development includes the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to develop instructional materials and experiences using (by applying principles, theories, and research related to) print, audiovisual, computer-based, and integrated technologies.

Utilization refers to the use of processes and resources for learning. Utilization incorporates the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to use processes and resources for learning by applying principles and theories of (and research related to) media utilization, diffusion, implementations, and policy-making.

Management refers to processes for controlling instructional technology. Includes the application of principles of projects, resources, delivery systems, and information management to the planning, organizing,coordination, and supervision of instructional technology.

Evaluation is the process for determining the adequacy of instruction. Evaluation focuses on the application of the principles of problem analysis, criterion-referenced measurement, formative and summative evaluation, and long-range planning to the evaluation of the products and processes of learning.

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