DIC Lecture 1

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Prologue to Graphic Design

• Invention of writing
• Medieval manuscripts
• Printing comes to Europe
Invention of writing
• Cave paintings at Lascaux, France
• c. 15,000 - 10,000 BC
• Dawn of visual communication
• Utilitarian and ritualistic purposes
• Pictographs- elementary pictures or sketches to
represent things depicted
• Petroglyph-carved or scratched signs or figures in
• Used by prehistoric peoples around the world
• Petroglyphs from Australia
• Pictographs and Ideographs
• Engraved reindeer antler found in Lorthet, France
• Counting tokens
• Sumerian pictographic tablet
• Evolution of writing
• cuneiform
• Stele with Code of Hammurabi (c. 1792-1750 BC)
• Egyptian Hieroglyphs
• Can be read in rows from left to right, or right to left
• Or in columns
• Star, or sound sba Papyrus, or wad
• Egyptian manuscripts
人 person
• Illuminated medieval manuscripts in Europe
• Illuminated medieval manuscripts in Europe
• Monastic scriptorium included
– Scrittori
– Copisti (shown here)
– Illuminator
• Book of hours
Jean Duc de Berry, and the Limbourg brothers
• Les tres riches heures du Duc de Berry: February
• Les tres riches heures du Duc de Berry: March
• Les tres riches heures du Duc de Berry: June
• Les tres riches heures du Duc de Berry: August
• Les tres riches heures du Duc de Berry: September
• Les tres riches heures du Duc de Berry: October
• Les tres riches heures du Duc de Berry: December
• Invention of paper
• “assembly-line” book production
• Woodblock printing
• Chinese block print
• Movable type
• Johann Gutenberg
• Type casting
• Gutenberg printing press
• Gutenburg’s type
• Gutenburg bible
• Next week: 18th century

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