Quetionaire 2

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1. You wash your clothes..

2. Number oI times you wash your clothes..

3. You use diIIerent products Ior diIIerent seasons..
4. Best method Ior washing clothes is..
5. SpeciIic product or brand that you are using...
6. You have been using that brand Ior..
7. Previously you were using...
8. Reason Ior switching...
9. Price range oI the product you use per kg is
10.Quantity oI product you use in a month.
11.Numbers oI Iamily members..
12.Best cleaning agent is...
13.You like to buy your product in ....sku
14.Media you use to get knowledge about your product is..
15.No. oI products that you have been using Ior last 3 years..
16.Most satisIying brand Ior you is...
17.Reasons Ior satisIaction are..
18.Most important Iactor that allure you to buy particular brand scale 1 to 5..
19.Any advertising oI detergent you can recall now....
20.Best Washing powder is ....
21.The product that you are using is good Ior...
22.You use any additive with soap....
23.The Product you are using harmIul Ior your skin
24.The product you are using is...water product.
25.You like Iragrance oI

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