Guide To Data Analysis

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PARAMETRIC* One-sample T-test Paired sample T-test Individual Sample T-test ANOVA Pearson correlation Linear regression NONPARAMETRIC* Wilcoxon signed-rank test Mann-Whitney test Kruskal-Wallis test Spearman Chi-square (X2) Logistic regression Purpose Analysis of comparison to see differences notes Univariate

Analysis of association (r) Causal analysis to see influence of independent (predictor) variables on dependent variables (r2) LEVEL OF DATA


Ratio Interval Normal distribution Homogenous

Nominal Ordinal DATA DISTRIBUTION Not normal Not homogenous

X2 =nominal & nom, ord, inter, ratio Spearman=ord, inter, ratio Homogeneity - Levenes test (must be significant, < 0.5)

Descriptive Inferential

DESCRIPTIVE AND INFERENTIAL STATISTICS Central tendency (mean, median, mode); Dispersion (range, standard deviation, variance) Test hypothesis, comparison, correlation, causality, etc.
*Both parametric and nonparametric tests assumes random sampling

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