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The Vedic Astrology Insight Report

Barack Obama
August 4, 1961 19:24 Honolulu, Hawaii 21 N 18 25 157 W 51 30 Sidereal Whole Sign House System Standard time observed GMT: 05:24:00 Time Zone: 10 hours West Planet Positions:
Planet Rasi Sun 19 Can 14 Moon 10 Tau 02 Mercury 9 Can 01 Venus 8 Gem 28 Mars 29 Leo 15 Navamsa 23 Sag 04 0 Ari 21 21 Vir 07 16 Sag 14 23 Sag 19 Planet Rasi Jupiter 7 Cap 32 Saturn 2 Cap 01 N. Node 3 Leo 59 Asc 24 Cap 44 MC 5 Sco 35 Navamsa 7 Pis 52 18 Cap 07 5 Tau 53 12 Leo 36 20 Leo 11

Your Vedic Astrology Report consists of 4 sections: an interpretation of the Moon nakshatra and Moon sign, an analysis of yogas, a third section that describes various specific astrological influences in your chart, and an appendix of technical details. Fortunately, you do NOT need to be an astrologer or know what a "Moon nakshatra" is to read this report! If you are an astrologer or student of astrology, the astrological details are described as well, and you can easily skip over these technical astrological details if they do not interest you. In this report there are quotations from the following books: "Yogas In Astrology" by Dr. K S Charak, 1999, published by UMA Publications, 72 Gagan Vihat, Delhi-110 051, India "Three Hundred Important Combinations" by B.V. Raman, 1997, published by Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited, Delhi, India "Constellational Astrology" by Robert De Luce, 1963, De Luce Publishing Company, Los Angeles, CA, USA If you are interested in learning Vedic astrology, we highly recommend these 3 books. Only small sections that are relevant to a particular astrological influence have been quoted from these books. These works are based on the ancient Vedic writings (the Vedas) and have been elaborated upon and explained in terms that make sense for modern people. "Constellational Astrology" is no longer in print, but the other two books can be purchased.

Important: The interpretations in this report are based on the ancient system of Vedic astrology. Many of these interpretations are fatalistic and some are even extreme, frightening, and are now known to be not literally correct! You should interpret the influences described here in more psychological and general terms. Do not take the statements given in this report literally! The extreme and definite interpretations in this report should be viewed as indicating

psychological tendencies rather than absolute facts. Also, modern astrologers believe that there is a negative and a positive potential in any astrological influence. Even the most difficult astrological influence can be handled successfully, and an astrological influence that might seem beneficial can be mishandled. Astrologers do claim to be able to describe the important issues and themes in your life, but what is good or bad is mostly up to you.

Section I: The Moons Nakshatras and Rasi

Nakshatras are also known as lunar mansions. There are 27 nakshatras, and each one has a length of 13 degrees and 20 minutes. The nakshatra position of the Moon is very important in Vedic astrology. Given below is the meaning of the Moon's nakshatra and Moon sign (rasi) in your chart. Moon in 4th nakshatra: The Moon is in Rohini, the fourth nakshatra (10 degrees to 23 deg 20 min of Taurus). Most likely you have a pleasing demeanor and disposition and are generally regarded as being truthful, pure, sweet-tempered, well-spoken, with a settled mind and lovely appearance. Moon is in Taurus rasi: According to De Luce: "The native will be of fine appearance, have a stately or sportive gait (fond of going astray), broad thighs (receptively sympathetic), and a large face (honorable); will have moles on his back, face and sides. Will be liberal in gifts, and endure hardships; will have great influence and run high as a wave (authority); will have a large hump on the neck (a thyroid condition?); will have daughters (be endowed with creativity in the arts); and have a phlegmatic temperament (calm, not easily aroused). Will be abandoned by his kinsmen and separated from his wealth and sons (creative accomplishments may not live after him). Will be liked by all, and of a patient nature. Will be a large eater (requires spiritual nourishment for creative work); fond of young women (enjoys that which is beautiful), and firm in his friendships (ideals); will be happy in the middle and concluding portions of life (will reap the benefits of what has been sown in youth)."

Section II: Yogas

You may be familiar with the word "yoga" as referring to various physical exercises and postures. The word "yoga" has a very different meaning as used in astrology and does not refer to physical exercises. The word yoga literally means "combination". This section of your report describes important combinations of astrological influences that produce specific results.

Sunapha Yoga Sunapha yoga occurs when any planet other than the Sun is in the 2nd house from the Moon. According to Raman: "Self-earned property, king, ruler or his equal, intelligent, wealthy and good reputation." Sunapha Yoga, with Venus In your chart Venus is in the 2nd house from the Moon and the Sun not in the 2nd house from the Moon. According to Charak: "The native is very efficient, brave, good in looks, and Honored by the ruler. He is learned, and blessed with wife, houses, lands, vehicles, quadrupeds and splendor." Parvata Yoga Parvata yoga occurs when (a) A benefic is in a kendra (1st, 4th, 7th or 10th) house, or (b) The rulers of the 1st and 12th houses are in mutual kendras (1st, 4th, 7th or 10th), and are aspected by a benefic.

According to Raman: "The person will become wealthy, prosperous, liberal, charitable, humorous and head of a town or village. He will be passionate also." According to Charak: "The native is renowned, illustrious, fortunate, wealthy, an orator, charitable, leader of a town or city, learned and very lustful." In your chart a benefic is in a kendra (1st, 4th, 7th or 10th) house. In your chart the rulers of the 1st and 12th houses are in mutual kendras (1st, 4th, 7th or 10th) and are aspected by a benefic. Vesi Yoga Vesi yoga occurs when a planet other than the Moon is in the 2nd house from the Sun. According to Raman: "The person will be fortunate, happy, virtuous, famous and aristocratic." According to Charak: "A native with this yoga is truthful, lazy, kind-hearted, virtuously disposed, with squinted eyes, having a tall stature and a balanced outlook, with good memory and only ordinary wealth." Vesi Yoga, with Mars In your chart Mars is in the 2nd house from the Sun. According to Charak: "Valourous in battle, a charioteer, renowned." Vasi Yoga Vasi yoga occurs when any planet other than the Moon is in the 12th house from the Sun. According to Raman: "The subject will be happy, prosperous, liberal and the favorite of the ruling classes." According to Charak: "One born in this yoga exercises no restraint on his speech. He has eloquence, good learning, wide renown, sharp memory, physical strength and a charitable nature. Untruthful, walking with his gaze directed downwards, he is given to excessive physical effort." Vasi Yoga, with Venus In your chart Venus is in the 12th house from the Sun. According to Charak: "Cowardly, lustful, without enthusiasm, servile." Remember that ancient Vedic interpretations are not literally true! Any astrological influence can also be positive. Sasa Yoga Shasha yoga occurs when Saturn is in a kendra (1st, 4th, 7th or 10th) house and is in its own (Capricorn or Aquarius) or exaltation sign (Libra). According to Raman: "One born in this yoga will command good servants. His character will be questionable. He will be head of a village or a town or even be a King, will covet other's riches and will be wicked in disposition." According to Charak: "Brave and cruel, one born in this yoga is of medium height, slim waist and high-set teeth. He has beautiful legs and has a fast but regular gait. His complexion is dark. He frequents jungles, mountains, forts and other odd places. He has roving eyes and a desire for the possessions of others. The Shasha yoga native is devoted to his mother. He looks after his guest with devotion. He is the commander of an army or a leader of a group or a village or a town. He is competent, wealthy and learned, and is keen to point out the faults of others. Excessively fond of the sexual act, he associates with women not his own. He is adept in metallurgy and the science of chemicals. He suffers physical ailments, and lives up to an age of seventy years." Remember that ancient Vedic interpretations are not literally true! Any astrological influence can also be positive. Parijatha Yoga Parijatha yoga occurs when the ruler of the sign of the ruler of the house occupied by the ruler of Ascendant, OR the ruler of the navamsa sign of the ruler of the rasi sign of the ruler of the Ascendant, is in (a) a kendra (1st, 4th, 7th or 10th) house, or (b) a trikona (1st, 5th or 9th) house, or (c) his own or (d) exaltation sign.

According to Raman: "Happy in the middle and last part of life, receiving the homage of Kings and Rulers, fond of wars, possessing elephants and horses, conforming to traditions and customs, generous and famous." According to Charak: "A king happy in the middle and the concluding portions of his life, respectable, powerful, kind-hearted, and fond of battle." In your chart the ruler of the sign in which the ruler of the house occupied by the ruler of Ascendant is in a kendra (1st, 4th, 7th or 10th) or trikona (1st, 5th or 9th) house. In your chart the ruler of the sign in which the ruler of the house occupied by the ruler of Ascendant is in his own or exaltation sign. In your chart the ruler of the navamsa sign of the ruler of the rasi of the ruler of the Ascendant is in a kendra (1st, 4th, 7th or 10th) or trikona (1st, 5th or 9th) house. In your chart the ruler of the navamsa occupied by the ruler of the rasi in which the ruler of ascendant, is his own or exaltation sign. Duryoga Duryoga occurs when the ruler of the 10th house is in the 6th, 8th or 12th house. According to Raman: "The person will not derive the fruits of his own bodily exertion; he will be looked down by others; highly selfish and always intent upon deceiving others, he will live in a foreign place." Remember that ancient Vedic interpretations are not literally true! Any astrological influence can also be positive. Daridra Yoga There are many kinds of Daridra yoga. In your chart Daridra yoga occurs because the ruler of the 11th house is in 8th house. According to Raman: "The native will contact huge debts, will be very poor, will suffer from auditory troubles, will be mean and will commit sinful and criminal deeds. THE BAD EFFECTS WILL BE MEDIUM." Remember that ancient Vedic interpretations are not literally true! Any astrological influence can also be positive. Sareera Soukhya Yoga Sareera Soukhya yoga occurs when the ruler of the Ascendant, Venus or Jupiter is in a kendra (1st, 4th, 7th or 10th) house. According to Raman: "The subject will be endowed with long life, wealth and political favors." Krisanga Yoga Krisanga yoga occurs when (a) Ruler of the Ascendant is in a dry sign (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Virgo or Sagittarius), or (b) Ruler of the Ascendant is in the sign owned by a dry planet (Sun, Mars or Saturn), or (c) A malefic is in the 1st house, and the ruler of the navamsa of the 1st house is a dry planet (Sun, Mars or Saturn). According to Raman: "The subject will have an emaciated or lean body and will suffer from bodily pains." Remember that ancient Vedic interpretations are not literally true! Any astrological influence can also be positive. In your chart the ruler of the Ascendant is in the sign owned by a dry planet (Sun, Mars or Saturn). Dehasthoulya Yoga Dehasthoulya yoga occurs when (a) Ruler of the Ascendant and the ruler of the navamsa sign of the ruler of the Ascendant are in Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces, or (b) Jupiter is in the 1st house, or (c) Jupiter is in Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces, and Jupiter aspects the Ascendant, or (d) Ascendant is in a water sign (Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces), and a benefic is in the 1st house, or (e) Ruler of the Ascendant is a water planet (Moon or Venus). According to Raman: "Possessing a strong body is different from having an unwieldy and corpulent appearance. In the above combinations, by Dehasthoulya is meant stoutness of the body and has no reference to a well-built or strong physical appearance."

In your chart Jupiter is in the 1st house. Sumukha Yoga Sumukha yoga occurs when (a) Ruler of the 2nd house is in a kendra (1st, 4th, 7th or 10th) house and is aspected by a benefic, or (b) Two or more benefics are in the 2nd house or (c) Ruler of the 2nd house is in a kendra (1st, 4th, 7th and 10th) house, is in its own or exaltation sign, and rulers of the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th houses all have gopuramsa (planets are in their own or exaltation sign in 4 out of 6 divisional charts). According to Raman: "The subject will have an attractive and smiling face." In your chart the ruler of the 2nd house is in a kendra (1st, 4th, 7th or 10th) house and aspected by a benefic. In your chart the ruler of the 2nd house is in a kendra (1st, 4th, 7th and 10th) house, is in its own or exaltation sign, and the ruler of the kendra (ruler of the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th) house has gopuramsa (planet is in its own or exaltation sign in 4 out of 6 divisional charts). Sraddhannabhuktha Yoga Sraddhannabhuktha yoga occurs when (a) Ruler of the 2nd house is Saturn, or (b) Saturn is in conjunction with the ruler of the 2nd house, or (c) Saturn is in the rasi of its fall, and 2nd house is aspected by Saturn. According to Raman: "The subject gets food prepared at the times of obsequies." In your chart the ruler of the 2nd house is Saturn. Bhratruvriddhi Yoga Bhratruvriddhi yoga occurs when (a) Ruler of the 3rd house is in conjunction with or aspected by a benefic, or (b) Mars is in conjunction with or aspected by a benefic, or (c) A benefic in the 3rd house, or (d) A benefic aspects the 3rd house, or (e) Ruler of the 3rd house is strong, or (f) Mars is strong. According to Raman: "The person will be happy on account of his brothers who will attain great prosperity." In your chart the ruler of the 3rd house is conjunct or aspected by a benefic. Yuddha Praveena Yoga Yuddha Praveena yoga occurs when the ruler of the navamsa sign of the planet ruling the navamsa sign of the ruler of the 3rd house is in the sign it rules in one of the 7 divisional charts (Rasi, Hora, Drekkana, Saptamsa, Navamsa, Dwadashamsha, or Trimshamsha). According to Raman: "The person becomes a capable strategist and an expert in warfare. The person will have the knack of giving battle in such a way as to overcome the resistance offered by the enemy without much bloodshed." Nishkapata Yoga Nishkapata yoga occurs when (a) Ruler of the 4th house is in conjunction with Rahu or Saturn, and is aspected by Jupiter or Saturn, and a benefic is in the 4th house, or (b) Ruler of the 4th house is in conjunction with Rahu or Saturn and is aspected by Jupiter or Venus, and a planet in the 4th house is in its own or exaltation sign, or (c) Ruler of the 4th house is in conjunction with Rahu or Saturn, and is aspected by Jupiter or Venus, and a planet in the 4th house is in the sign ruled by its friend, or (d) Ruler of the 1st house is in the 4th house, and is in conjunction with or aspected by a benefic, or (e) Ruler of the 1st house has paravatamsa (planet is in its own or exaltation sign in 6 out of 7 divisional charts), or (f) Ruler of the 1st house has uttamamsa (planet is in its own or exaltation sign in 3 out of 7 divisional charts). According to Raman: "The person will be pure-hearted and hates secrecy and hypocrisy." In your chart the ruler of the 1st house has uttamamsa (planet is in its own or exaltation sign in 3 out of 7 divisional charts).

Aputra Yoga Aputra yoga occurs when the ruler of the 5th house is in a dusthana house (6th, 8th or 12th). According to Raman: "The person will have no issue." Remember that ancient Vedic interpretations are not literally true! Any astrological influence can also be positive. Satkalatra Yoga Satkalatra yoga occurs when (a) Ruler of the 7th house is in conjunction with or aspected by Jupiter, or (b) Ruler of the 7th house is in conjunction with or aspected by Mercury, or (c) Venus is in conjunction with or aspected by Jupiter, or (d) Venus is in conjunction with or aspected by Mercury. According to Raman: "The native's wife will be noble and virtuous. The wife of one having this combination will be a woman of strict moral discipline, god-fearing and attached to her husband." In your chart the ruler of the 7th house is in conjunction with or aspected by Jupiter. Raja Yoga There are many kinds of Raja yogas. (a) Venus is in the 1st house, Aquarius is rising, and four planets are in their exaltation sign without occupying evil navamsas or shastiamsas, or (b) Moon is in the 1st house, Jupiter is in the 4th house, Venus is in the 10th house, and Saturn is in its own or exaltation sign, or (c) Ruler of the sign of a planet which is in the rasi of its fall, is in a kendra (1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th) house from the Moon or Lagna, or (d) Ruler of the sign of a planet which is in its exaltation sign, is in a kendra (1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th) house from the Moon or Lagna, or (e) Saturn is in its exaltation or Moolatrikona sign, is in a kendra (1st, 4th, 7th or 10th) or trikona (1st, 5th, or 9th) house, and is aspected by the ruler of the 10th house, or (f) The Moon is in conjunction with Mars in the 2nd or 3rd house, and Rahu is in the 5th house, or (g) Ruler of the 10th house is in the 9th house, in a navamsa chart the ruler of the 10th house is in its exaltation sign and has uttamamsa (planet is in its own or exaltation sign in 3 out of 7 divisional charts), or (h) Ruler of the 10th house is in the 9th house, in a navamsa chart the ruler of the 10th house is in the house ruled by its friend, and has uttamamsa (planet is in its own or exaltation sign in 3 out of 7 divisional charts), or (I) Jupiter is in the 5th house, is in a kendra (1st, 4th, 7th or 10th) house from the Moon, the Ascendant is in a fixed sign (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius), the ruler of the 10th house is in the 10th house, or (j) Ruler of the navamsa sign of the Moon is in a kendra (1st, 4th, 7th or 10th) or trikona (1st, 5th or 9th) house from the Ascendant or Mercury, or (k) Ruler of the navamsa sign of a debilitated planet is in a kendra (1st, 4th, 7th or 10th) or trikona (1st, 5th or 9th) house, and the Ascendant and the ruler of the Ascendant are in a movable sign (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces), or (l) Ruler of the Ascendant is in conjunction with a planet in its fall, and Rahu and Saturn are in the 10th house, aspected by the ruler of the 9th house. According to Raman: "The subject becomes a ruler or an equal to him." In your chart Raja yoga occurs because the ruler of the sign of a planet which is in the rasi of its fall is in a kendra (1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th) house from the Moon or Lagna. Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga, with Saturn There are many kinds of Neecha Bhanga Raja yoga. (a) A planet is in its exaltation rasi, the ruler of that exaltation rasi is Saturn, and Saturn is in a kendra (1st, 4th, 7th or 10th) house from the Ascendant or the Moon, or (b) A planet is in the rasi of its fall, the ruler of that rasi is Saturn, and Saturn is in a kendra (1st, 4th, 7th or 10th) house, or (c) A planet is in the rasi of its fall, the ruler of that rasi is Saturn, and the planet is in conjunction with or aspected by the Moon. According to Manasagari: "Annihilator of opponents, strong of body, bright in looks, a leader, king-like in mien, achieving his desired object, good in looks, blessed with wife, brethren, etc." In your chart Neecha Bhanga Raja yoga a planet is in the rasi of its fall, the ruler of that rasi is Saturn, and Saturn is in a kendra (1st, 4th, 7th or 10th) house from Ascendant or Moon.

In your chart Neecha Bhanga Raja yoga a planet is in the rasi of its fall, the ruler of that rasi is Saturn, and the planet is in conjunction with or aspected by the Moon. Uttamadi Yoga Uttamadi yoga occurs when (a) the Moon is in a kendra (1st, 4th, 7th or 10th) house from the Sun, or (b) the Moon is in a panapara (2nd, 5th, 8th or 11th) house from the Sun, or (c) the Moon is in an apoklima (3rd, 6th, 9th, or 12th) house from the Sun. In your chart the Moon is in a panapara (2nd, 5th, 8th or 11th) house from the Sun. According to Charak: "The wealth, learning, efficiency and fame of the native are medium." Ubhayachari Yoga Ubhayachari yoga occurs when planets other than the Moon are in the 2nd and 12th house from the Sun. According to Charak: "The resultant native is of a strong physique, a king or equal to a king, capable of shouldering great responsibility, great learning, balanced outlook, wealthy, handsome, and blessed with numerous objects of pleasure." Subha Yoga Subha yoga occurs when (a) A benefic is in the 1st house, or (b) Benefics are in the 1st and the 12th house, or (c) Benefics are in the 1st, 2nd and the 12th houses. According to Parashara: "One born in Subha yoga will be eloquent, charming and virtuous while his counterpart will be sensuous, will do sinful acts and will enjoy (or swallow) others' wealth." In your chart a benefic is in the 1st house.

Section III: Other Influences

In this final section of your Vedic Astrology Insight Report, various other important astrological influences are interpreted.

Moon is in fixed sign: Charak quotes Varahamihira: "Stable wealth, lasting friendship, resolute, disciplined, forgiving, slow but steady in performance." Sun conjunct Mercury: According to Charak: "Learned, sweet-tongued, clever, earns wealth by serving others, scholarly, good in looks, and fickle." Sun and Mercury are in the 7th house: Charak quotes Saravali: "Cruel-hearted, a killer, without greed, bereft of comforts from his wife." Remember that ancient Vedic interpretations are not literally true! Any astrological influence can also be positive. Jupiter conjunct Saturn: According to Charak: "Strong, famous, leader of a group or an army, an artist, a barber, a potter, a cook, wealthy, suspicious of his wife, a wanderer, tends cattle." Jupiter and Saturn are in the 1st house: Charak quotes Saravali: "Learned, harsh, fond of wealth, wicked, a drunkard." Remember that ancient Vedic interpretations are not literally true! Any astrological influence can also be positive. FIRST HOUSE

Capricorn on the 1st house cusp: You are very practical and love victory. Ruler of the Ascendant: has vargottama (is in its own sign in both rasi and navamsa chart), OR is in its own drekkana. In your chart the ruler of the Ascendant has vargottama (is in its own sign in both rasi and navamsa chart). In your chart the ruler of the Ascendant is in its own drekkana According to De Luce: "You will know how to be happy regardless of your material circumstances." Ruler of the Ascendant is in conjunction with or aspected by a benefic: According to Deluce: "You will know how to be happy regardless of your material circumstances." Ruler of the Ascendant and Jupiter are in a kendra house, and 5th, 8th and 9th houses are free from malefics: According to De Luce: "You will be virtuous, charitable, healthy, and enjoy life beyond 90 years." SECOND HOUSE Aquarius on the 2nd house cusp: You may be unselfish. You earn money through hard work. Ruler of the 2nd house is in a kendra house, and (a) Ruler of the 2nd house is aspected by a benefic, or (b) Benefic is in the 2nd house. In your chart the ruler of the 2nd house is in a kendra house, and is aspected by a benefic. According to De Luce: "You will have a handsome or attractive face." Ruler of the 2nd house is in its own, exaltation or is in the same sign as its friend, and has gopurasamsa (4 favorable vargas). In your chart the ruler of the 2nd house is in its own or exaltation sign and has gopurasamsa. According to De Luce: "You will have a full face, with strong bony structure and well-padded flesh." Jupiter is very strong, and (a) is in its own or exaltation sign, or (b) has vargottama, OR Ruler of the 2nd house: (a) is conjunct Jupiter, or (b) is conjunct Venus, and has iravatamsa, or (c) has paravatamsa or (d) is conjunct Mercury, and has iravatamsa. In your chart the ruler of the 2nd house is conjunct Jupiter. According to De Luce: "You are a persuasive speaker." Ruler of the 2nd house: (a) is in its own or exaltation rasi, or (b) is in the same rasi as its friend. In your chart the ruler of the 2nd house is in its own or exaltation sign. According to De Luce: "You are a capable speaker before legal assemblies." Ruler of the 2nd house: (a) is in its exaltation, or (b) is aspected by a benefic, or (c) is in shastyamsa mirdu (19th or 46th), or (d) is very strong. In your chart the ruler of the 2nd house is aspected by a benefic. According to De Luce: "Rapid eaters are indicated." Ruler of the 2nd house: (a) is Saturn, or (b) is conjunct Saturn, or (c) is aspected by Saturn and without any benefic aspects. In your chart the ruler of the 2nd house is Saturn. According to De Luce: "The native lives on free lunches or forms of charity wherever it is available, without shame." Remember that ancient Vedic interpretations are not literally true! Any astrological influence can also be positive. Ruler of the 2nd house conjunct a benefic, and (a) in its exaltation or (b) in a kendra house, or (c) in the rasi ruled by its friend, or (d) in the rasi ruled by a benefic, OR Rulers of the 1st and 2nd in their exaltation rasis, and they have beneficial

aspects, OR Ruler of the Ascendant is very strong, the rasi dispositor of the ruler of the 2nd is in a kendra house, and the ruler of the 2nd house: (a) in its exaltation, or (b) in the 5th, 9th or 11th house, OR Saptamsa dispositor of ruler of the 10th is very strong, and is aspected by Jupiter and Venus, OR Ruler of the 2nd house: (a) is in a drekkana whose ruler is in a navamsa which is ruled by a very strong planet, or (b) in its exaltation, conjunct or aspected by Jupiter, and another exalted planet is in the 2nd house, conjunct or aspected by Jupiter, or (c) in its own or exaltation sign, and aspected by ruler of the 11th house or Jupiter, or (d) has gopurasamsa, (e) has simhasamsa, or (f) navamsa dispositor is a benefic, (g) gopurasamsa, and Jupiter has paravatamsa, or (h) has simhasamsa and Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and waxing Moon occupy any kendra house, OR Rulers of the 2nd, 4th and 9th houses and Jupiter are in the 10th house and have very strong shadbala, (I) conjunct a benefic, and Moon is in the 2nd house, and 2nd house cusp has paravatamsa, (j) is very strong, has iravatamsa, Jupiter has simhasamsa and Venus has gopurasamsa, OR Ruler of the 10th house has gopurasamsa and aspects navamsa dispositor of the ruler of the Ascendant, OR Rulers of the 1st, 2nd and 11th houses have paravatamsa, and three benefics in a kendra house. In your chart the ruler of the 2nd house has gopurasamsa. In your chart the navamsa dispositor of the ruler of the 2nd house is a benefic. According to De Luce: "Great Wealth." Ruler of the 2nd house is in a kendra house, conjunct the navamsa dispositor of ruler of the 10th, and aspected by a benefic, OR A benefic is exalted and in the 1st, 2nd or 11th house, and aspected by the navamsa dispositor of the ruler of the 2nd house, OR Ruler of the Ascendant is in the 2nd or 11th house, and the ruler of the 2nd house is in the 1st house, OR Ruler of the rasi of the navamsa dispositor of the ruler of the Ascendant aspects the ruler of the 2nd and the 10th house, rulers of the 2nd and the 10th houses are in conjunction in a kendra house, and the ruler of the 2nd house is aspected by benefics. In your chart the ruler of the 2nd house is in a kendra house, conjunct the navamsa dispositor of ruler of the 10th, and aspected by a benefic. According to De Luce: "Wealth in early part of life." Navamsa dispositor of the ruler of the rasi of the ruler of the 2nd house is in a bad shastyamsa, and is in a varga ruled by Mars or Saturn. According to De Luce: "The native becomes penniless." Remember that ancient Vedic interpretations are not literally true! Any astrological influence can also be positive. THIRD HOUSE Pisces on the 3rd house cusp: You might have good relationships with your siblings. Rulers of the 1st and 3rd houses are enemies: According to De Luce: "There will be quarrels and strife between you and your brothers." Ruler of the 3rd house or Mars is in the navamsa it rules or is exalted. In your chart the ruler of the 3rd house is in its own or exalted navamsa. According to De Luce: "You will be courageous." Ruler of the 3rd: (a) is in a cruel shastyamsa, or (b) is in conjunction with or aspected by a malefic. In your chart the ruler of the 3rd house is in a cruel shastyamsa. According to De Luce: "You become stupid or dull in warfare." Remember that ancient Vedic interpretations are not literally true! Any astrological influence can also be positive. Ruler of the 3rd house conjunct Saturn: According to De Luce: "You become stupid and dull." Remember that ancient Vedic interpretations are not literally true! Any astrological influence can also be positive. FOURTH HOUSE

Aries on the 4th house cusp: You might have an unstable family life. A benefic is in the 4th house and (a) Moon conjunct a benefic or (b) Ruler of the 4th house is very strong, OR 4th house has beneficial conjunctions or aspects, and the Moon or Venus is very strong, is in the navamsa it rules or is exalted, and is aspected by a benefic in any kendra house, OR Navamsa dispositor of the ruler of the 4th house is in a kendra house, OR the navamsa dispositor of the ruler of the 4th house is in an angle from the Moon, and the Moon is very strong. In your chart the navamsa dispositor of the ruler of the 4th house is in a kendra house. According to De Luce: "A long life for the mother is indicated." Navamsa dispositor of Jupiter or the ruler of the 4th house is: (a) combust, or (b) in the rasi of its fall, or (c) in same rasi as its enemy. In your chart the navamsa dispositor of Jupiter is in the rasi of its fall. In your chart the navamsa dispositor of the ruler of the 4th house is in the rasi of its fall. According to De Luce: "The person will be guilty of despicable deeds against his kinsmen." Remember that ancient Vedic interpretations are not literally true! Any astrological influence can also be positive. Venus is in the 4th house, OR Ruler of the 4th house is in the 7th house, OR Rulers of the 4th and the 7th houses are friends. In your chart the rulers of the 4th and the 7th house are friends. According to De Luce: "Land acquired from wife." Navamsa dispositor of the ruler of the 4th house is in a kendra house. According to De Luce: "The native will come into possession of houses. (This rule refers to property coming through inheritance from a powerful and fortunate grandparent, and relates to karma from two incarnations which gives the right to own property.)" FIFTH HOUSE Taurus on the 5th house cusp: You have the ability to be successful in any task you undertake. Ruler of the 5th house, 5th house cusp or Jupiter is in conjunction with or aspected by a benefic, OR Jupiter is the ruler of the 5th house and is very strong, OR Rulers of the 1st and the 5th house conjunct a benefic in a kendra house, and the ruler of the 2nd house is strong, OR Navamsa dispositor of the ruler of the 5th house conjunct a benefic in the 5th house, OR Rulers of the 1st and the 5th houses are: (a) in the same house, or (b) in their exaltation sign, or (c) in the same rasi as their friends. In your chart Jupiter is in conjunction with or aspected by a benefic. According to De Luce: "Indications of Progeny." Ruler of the drekkana of Mercury or the ruler of the 5th house is in a kendra or trikona house, and is aspected by a benefic: In your chart the ruler of the drekkana of the ruler of the 5th house is in a kendra or trikona house, and is aspected by a benefic. According to De Luce: "The native will be very sagacious and able to read the thoughts of others." SIXTH HOUSE Gemini on the 6th house cusp: You tend to work too hard which could result in minor health problems. Jupiter or Mercury is in a good shastyamsa, and (a) Jupiter and Mercury are in the 6th house or (b) Jupiter or Mercury rules the 6th house. In your chart Mercury is in a good shastyamsa and rules the 6th house.

According to De Luce: "Foods which are conducive to mental activities are chosen." Ruler of 6th house conjunct Sun, Rahu or Ketu: According to De Luce: "The native either becomes a thief or suffers from theft; or he may act as a perjurer in litigations." Ruler of the Ascendant and the Moon are in conjunct with or aspected by a benefic, OR Rahu or Ketu is in the 6th house aspected by a malefic, OR Ruler of the 6th house has at least one unfavorable varga. In your chart the ruler of the 6th house has at least one unfavorable varga. According to De Luce: "The native himself will not be a thief but may be subject to theft." Jupiter is in Capricorn According to De Luce: "The native will be base, poor and unhappy." Remember that ancient Vedic interpretations are not literally true! Any astrological influence can also be positive. SEVENTH HOUSE Cancer on the 7th house cusp: You are very likely to choose a partner who is very dependable. Mercury is in the 7th house: According to De Luce: "Indicates that the native dresses well, will become learned, attain public esteem, and have a wealthy partner." A benefic is in the 7th house OR Ruler of the 7th house conjunct a benefic, OR Ruler of the 7th house: (a) is in its own or exaltation rasi or (b) is in its friends rasi and has at least four favorable vargas. In your chart a benefic is in the 7th house. According to De Luce: "The marriage partner will bring great happiness." Mars is in the 7th, 8th or 12th house and unaspected by the Ruler of 7th house: According to De Luce: "Two Marriages." EIGHTH HOUSE Leo on the 8th house cusp: You are very successful in all areas you divert your attention to. 8th house cusp is in a fixed rasi: According to De Luce: "The native dies at home, or in his permanent residence." Mars is in bile rasi: According to De Luce: "Indicates death through weapons, cuts, burns, and those diseases or accidents brought on by impulsive or ill-timed behavior." Remember that ancient Vedic interpretations are not literally true! Any astrological influence can also be positive. Saturn is in wind rasi: According to De Luce: "Indicates malfunctioning of the body caused by inability to assimilate food; or diseases brought about by lack of food or proper nourishment. It has long been associated with both starvation and gluttony." Remember that ancient Vedic interpretations are not literally true! Any astrological influence can also be positive. NINTH HOUSE Virgo on the 9th house cusp: You might be bilingual, interested in law and journalism. It is possible that your father was a very talented man.

Ruler of the 9th house: (a) is in the navamsa ruled by a benefic, or (b) is aspected by a benefic, or (c) is in between two benefics. In your chart the ruler of the 9th house is in the navamsa ruled by a benefic. In your chart the ruler of the 9th house is aspected by a benefic. According to De Luce: "The native will be skilled in matters of philosophy and religion." Ruler of the 9th house is a benefic, and the Sun is in conjunction with a benefic, OR A benefic is in the 9th house. In your chart the ruler of the 9th house is a benefic, and the Sun is in conjunction with a benefic. According to De Luce: "The native will have happiness through the father." Ascendant or its ruler is aspected by the ruler of the 9th house, and the ruler of the Ascendant is in a kendra or trikona house. In your chart the Ascendant is aspected by the ruler of the 9th house, and the ruler of the Ascendant is in a kendra or trikona house. In your chart the ruler of the Ascendant is aspected by the ruler of the 9th house and the ruler of the Ascendant is in a kendra or trikona house. According to De Luce: "The native takes an active and commendable part in philanthropic work." TENTH HOUSE Libra on the 10th house cusp: You could be an artist, musician, or a consultant. Navamsa dispositor of the ruler of the 10th house (a) is in conjunction with Saturn, or (b) is in a kendra house. In your chart the navamsa dispositor of the ruler of the 10th house is in conjunction with Saturn. In your chart the navamsa dispositor of the ruler of the 10th house is in a kendra house. According to De Luce: "Employment of servants is indicated." Saturn or Mars is in the 10th house, aspected by a malefic, OR Ruler of the 10th house is in its fall or has an evil varga. In your chart the ruler of the 10th house has an evil varga. According to De Luce: "The native will become shameless and be disgraced." Remember that ancient Vedic interpretations are not literally true! Any astrological influence can also be positive. ELEVENTH HOUSE Scorpio on the 11th house cusp: You are not supportive to people who disagree with your thoughts. TWELFTH HOUSE Sagittarius on the 12th house cusp: You might make huge donations to charity.

Vedic astrology is an ancient system of astrological analysis practiced by many thousands of astrologers over the centuries. Vedic astrology, like modern western astrology, has not been validated scientifically, and you should think critically about the information provided to see if it appears to be accurate and relevant. No astrological information should be blindly believed in. Astrology simply lacks the scientific proof that established sciences have. On the other hand, many people have found astrology to

be useful and helpful.

Planets and their Signs: In your report there are references to a planet begin in its own, exaltation, deblitation, or moolatrikona sign. The following table explains about each planet and the signs associated with the planet in this report.
Planet Sun Moon Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Rahu Ketu Rulership Leo Cancer Gem/Vir Tau/Lib Ari/Sco Sag/Pis Cap/Aqu Virgo Pisces Exaltation Aries Taurus Virgo Pisces Capricorn Cancer Libra Tar/Gem Sco/Vir Deblitation Libra Scorpio Pisces Virgo Cancer Capricorn Aries Scorpio Tarus Moolatrikona Leo Taurus Virgo Libra Aries Sagittarius Aquarius -

Functional Benefics and Malefics: There are different systems for determining when a planet is a benefic or malefic. In this report lords of the 5th, and 9th house are benefics. Natural malefic as lord of 4th, 7th or 10th are benefics. Langa lord is always benefic. Lords of the 3rd, 6th, and 11th house are malefics. Natural benefic as lord of 4th, 7th or 10th house then the ruler is a functional malefic. Lords of 2nd, 8th and 12th house are functional neutrals.

Explanation of Planets Strength Calculation: In your report there are references to strong planets and weak planets. Different Vedic astrologers use different methods to determine when a planet is strong. In this report a planet is determined to be strong or weak according to the following point system: 1. SIGN PLACEMENT (SUN-KETU): 1) A planet in its: * Exaltation rasi gets 3 point * Moolatrikona rasi gets 2 points * Own rasi gets +1 point * Deblitation rasi gets -3 points 2) Cancellation Points: Exaltation Cancelled if planet: *. Has bad aspects *. Is the dispositor of a malefic planet *. Planet with exaltation cancelled gets +0.50 points Deblitation Cancelled if planet: *. Lord of the debilitated sign is in its exaltation rasi *. Lord of the debilitated sign is in a kendra house *. Debilitated planet is exalted in Navamsa chart *. Lords of debilitated sign and planets exaltation sign are in mutual kendra *. Debilitated planet conjunct the deblitated lord *. Debilitated planet is aspected by the deblitated lord *. Debilitated planet an angle from Ascendant, or Moon *. Deblitation lord is strong or in its own sign

*. Debilitated planet has a planet exalted in one of the sign it rules *. Planet with deblitation cancelled gets +0.50 points 3) A planet in Exaltation, Mooltrikona, or Own sign (Additional Points): *. Benefic gets +0.25 points *. Malefic gets +0.25 points 4) A planet in its Deblitation (Additional Points): *. Benefic gets -0.25 points *. Malefic gets -0.25 points 5) A planet in the sign ruled by: *. Great Friend gets 2 points *. Friend gets +1 point *. Great Enemy gets -2 points *. Enemy gets -1 point 6) A planet in vargottama: *. Favourable vargottama gets +0.50 points *. UnFavourable vargottama gets +1.00 points *. Any vargottama gets +0.50 points 2. HOUSE PLACEMENT (SUN-SATURN): Planet in *. 1st, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, or 10th house gets +0.50 points *. 6th, 8th, or 12th house gets -0.50 points *. 2nd, or 3rd house gets 0.00 point 3. YUDDHA BALA : (Sun-Ketu) Two planets are at war if distance between them are exactly 1. The planet higher in logitude is the winner. 1) Current Planet is the: *. Winner gets +1 point *. Looser gets -1 point 2) Additional Yuddha Bala Points: *. Benfic lost to Malefic gets -0.50 points *. Benfic won Malefic gets +0.50 points *. Malefic lost to benefic gets -0.50 points *. Malefic won a benefic gets +0.50 points *. Benefic won/lost to benefic gets +0.25 points *. Malefic won/lost to malefic gets +0.25 points *. Benefic won/lost neutral gets +0.25 points *. Malefic won/lost neutral gets +0.25 points 3) Planet Retrograde: *. Rx planet won gets -0.25 points *. Rx planet lost gets +0.25 points 4. DIG BALA: (SUN-SATURN) 1) Planet strong and weak house: *. Sun strong 10th, weak 4th house *. Moon strong 4th, weak 10th house

*. Mercury strong 1st, weak 7th house *. Venus strong 4th, weak10th house *. Mars strong 10th, weak 4th house *. Jupiter strong 1st, weak 7th house *. Saturn strong 7th, weak 1st house 2) Dig bala Points: *. Planet in strong house gets +1 point *. Planet in weak house gets -1 point 5. COMBUST (MERCURY-SATURN): 1) Degree of Combustion: *. Mercury 14 *. Venus 10 *. Mars 17 *. Jupiter 11 *. Saturn 15 2) Combust points: *. Moving towards combust deg gets -1 point *. Leaving combust deg gets -2 points 6. RETROGRADE (SUN-SATURN): 1) Retrograde Points: *. Benefic Rx: gets +0.50 *. Malefic Rx gets +0.50 2) Additional Points: *. Rx and exalted gets -0.25 points *. Rx and debilitated gets +0.25 points 7. HEMMING OF PLANETS (SUN-KETU): A planet is said to be hemmed if there are two other planets on either side of its adjecent signs. For example Moon in Libra, with Saturn in Scorpio and Mars in Virgo, then it is has malefic planets around it in both adjacent sides. Planets get the following points if hemmed by: *. Two neutral planets gets +0.20 points *. One neutral, one benefic gets +0.50 points *. One neutral, one malefic gets -0.50 points *. One benefic, one malefic gets 0 points *. Two benefics gets +1 point *. Two malefics gets -1 point 8. BALADI AVASTHA (ARIES-PISCES): Each sign is divided into five sections: 0-6, 6-12, 12-18, 18-24; 24-30. Planet placed in a degree section of the odd signs (Ari, Gem, Leo, Lib, Sag, Aqu): *. 0-6 gets +0.25 points (Bala - child - 1/4 of the strength) *. 6-12 gets +0.50 points (Kumara - youth - 1/2 of the strength) *. 12-18 gets +1.00 points (Yuva - young adult - Full strength) *. 18-24 gets +0.05 points (Vriddha aged - Minimal)

*. 24-30 gets +0.00 points (Mrita dead - No strength or some strength) Planet is placed in a degree section of the even signs (Tau, Can, Vir, Sco, Cap, Pis): *. 0-6 gets 0 point (Mrita - dead - No strength) *. 6-12: gets +0.05 points (Vriddha - aged - Minimal) *. 12-18: gets +1.00 point (Yuva young adult - Full strength) *. 18-24: gets +0.50 points (Kumara youth - 1/2 of the strength) *. 24-30: gets +0.25 points (Bala child - 1/4 of the strength) A planet is considered to be VERY STRONG when the total points assigned to it using the above system is at least 5 points, STRONG when it has 3 or 4 points, WEAK when it has 1, 0 or -1 point, VERY WEAK when it has -2 points or less. Vargas (Divisional charts): There are a total of sixteen divisional charts. They are Rasi, Hora, Drekkana, Saptamsa, Navamsa, Dwadasamsa, Trimsamsa, Dashamsha, Shodhashamsha, Shashtiamsha, Vimshamsha, Chaturtamsha or Turyamsha, Chaturvimsha or Siddhamsha, Saptavimshamsha or Bhamsha, Khavedamsh or Swawedamsha, and Akshavedamsha. Vargas used: When not specified which varga is being used, the first seven vargas (Rasi, Hora, Drekkana, Saptamsa, Navamsa, Dwadasamsa, and Trimsamsa) are considered in calculation. Favorable vargas: A planet is in its own or exaltation sign in a divisional chart. Unfavorable or evil vargas: A planet is in the rasi of its fall in a divisional chart. Parijatamsa: Planet has to be in a favorable sign in two out of seven divisional charts. Gopurasamsa: Planet has to be in a favorable sign in four out of seven divisional charts. Simhasamsa: Planet has to be in a favorable sign in five out of seven divisional charts. Paravatamsa: Planet has to be in a favorable sign in six out of seven divisional charts. Devalokamsa: Planet has to be in a favorable sign in seven or eight out of sixteen divisional charts. Iravatamsa: Planet has to be in a favorable sign in nine out of sixteen divisional charts. Vyshnasamsa: Planet has to be in a favorable sign in ten out of sixteen divisional charts. Saivasamsa: Planet has to be in a favorable sign in eleven out of sixteen divisional charts. Bhasvadamsa: Planet has to be in a favorable sign in twelve out of sixteen divisional charts. Vaisheshikamsa: Planet has to be in a favorable sign in thirteen out of sixteen divisional charts. Explanation of few technical terms: * Kendra houses are: 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th houses. * Trikona houses are: 1st, 5th, and 9th houses. * Dusthana houses are: 6th, 8th and 12th houses. * Cadent houses are: 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th house. * Fixed signs are: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius. * Movable signs are: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces. * Cardinal signs are: Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn. * Moist Planets are: Moon, Venus or Jupiter. * Pitta or bile rasis are: Aries, Leo or Sagittarius. * Vata or wind rasis are: Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn. * Kapha (phlegm, the cold moisture of the body) rasis are: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. * Tridhatu (combination of Pitta, Vata and Kapha) rasis are: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.

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