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Henley Middle School

- Media Center

Susan Guerrant - Media Specialist and my Site Supervisor Susan Laub - Media Assistant

WEEK OF SEPT. 1.2-16

What I Did
the Scholastic Book Fair which ran all week. I was trained on the register, rang up orders, and kept items neat and tidy. Language Arts classes came in for 20 minutes in a constant stream to cover all three grades and several different teachers/ classes and it was busy! ln discussions with Henley Media Specialist Susan G, I learned about AR testing and how to set that uP for students; about students who use the library for online French classes; about Ms. G.'s class instrustion schedule (Language Arts classes come to the library every 2 weeks). also went over the exPectations We for my internship, and identified projects that she would like my assistance with - she mentioned 7th grade Science current events and 8th grade History Day - but those were going to occur after my internshiP hours were done. We decided I could verify the web sites on her PortaPortal page since that had not been done for quite a while - there are dozens of links among 42 different categories, and the web sites relate to curricular studies. We decided lwould do my lnService presentation on the utility of the Portaportal web-based bookmarking site - later I added the Overview of the Media Center to the
I mostly worked

Rather than keeping "hold" item requests on the computer, Ms. G keeps a hard copy on the circulation desk allowing students to see what others are requesting, thereby generating greater interest in a subtle yet effective way. There is a wide range of what is

Monday: (4) Wednesday: (3) Friday: (3) TOTAL: 10 hours

appropriate reading material for LL/12vr olds (6'h grade)vs. t3/L4yr olds (8'h grade). For the book fair, Susan G. created note cards that read "Appropriate for 8th grade and above" to subtly warn parents and students. Ms. G. has an easy rapport with the kids. I like how she sometimes answers their
questions with questions to better get at what theY are looking for. She also is part of the team of teachers who run the Environmental Club at Henley.




to normal after the Book Fair!

Monday: (3)
Tuesday: (2) Wednesday: (3) Thursday: (L) Friday: (3) TOTAL: l?hours (22)

This week I observed Ms.G. give many booktalks (four 6'h grade Language Arts classes on Monday and 3 or 4 each day the rest of the week). For those students in the Well Rounded Reader program she picked 3 examples from different genres, and talked about each bookfor about 3 or 4 minutes. She also gave booktalks for those classes in the Pizza reading program. After the booktalk, several kids took AR tests and I manned that station to help them with that. Checked books in and out. Shelved returned books and also organized the non-fiction sections Wed and Friday (since it's so easy for

Ms. G's easy rapport with the students and giving booktalks was a delight to observe. Her

booktalks were lnteresting, enticing, relevant to their lives, to the point - she did it completely off the cuff and I was impressed! lt is clear she knows these books and knows what
her students will like. The Henley Media Center has a nice layout with plenty of tables and chairs. There is also a group

of soft-cloth sofas for comfortable seating. The materials are well arranged with
good signage.

those to get out of order as students

mill through them).


Monday: (4) Wednesday: (3) Friday: (3) TOTAL: 10 hours (32)

Learned how to wrap a book! And create barcodes/print and affix to books. Completed my Non-Fiction regorganization - all is back in order, for now! On Friday I gave my lnService presentation.

I continue to be amazed at Ms. G's easy-going, efficient way of

guiding students on book selection. She always has an answer for them, a good
suggestion. She begins by asking "What have you read that you liked" or "What type of book do you like? Historical fiction, realistic fiction?" Then she'll

rattle off titles or authors to see if they've read those. lt's clear the kids trust her, are comfortable around her and appreciate her expertise. She and Ms. L. are always kind to the kids, calling them "Sweetie" and making them feel welcome.


Monday: (4)
Wednesday: (3) Thursday: (2)
F+iday: (Ben sick) TOTAL: hours (41)

Moved on to Biography and Reference organization, completed that. Ms. G and I talked about the ways teachers make requests for new purchases, curricular help, etc. I also sat in on her online searching lesson for 8th graders. This was the week I began in earnest to tackle the Portaportal project. During down times, I would log on to Ms. G's web page, taking the
categories one by one, and click on the links to make sure theY still worked or were relevant. I also spent a lot of time researching additional web sites that would be good for

Ms. G had spent the week before pulling materials for a

Social Studies lesson on the Bill

of Rights. However, the teacher later realized his students needed some remediation and had to scale down the Project' So Ms. G had to alter her presentation as well. Much of her job is a juggling act and it's not uncommon for her to be doing 10 different things within L0 minutes.

students and teachers. WEEK OF OCT. 10-14

Organized the Collective Biography section and the last part of the Reference section. Helped students locate books, checked books out, helped them with logging on to the Many of the school-wide causes fall on Ms. G to organize; e.g.,
Bake Sale

Monday:(z) h Wednesday: (3)

Friday: (3) TOTAL: 8 hours (49)

for parent-teacher

computer, helped student Printing pages in color. Continued the PortaPortal project.

conferences; Make a Difference Doy (collecting money/packing food packets for families at hospitals). She printed labels for money jars and box holders, and created sign-up sheets. Ms. G explained to me about the "Chesapeake Bay" quizzes. There is a very popular field in May for 7th grade science students. ln order to winnow

WEEK OF OCT. 17-21

ln the fiction section there are many places where they have to stack books on top ofthe shelved books because there is no room. I was able to spread

Tuesday: (1.5) Wednesday: (4)

Thursday: (2) Friday: (3) TOTAL: 14.5 hours (63.5)

things out (starting at the end and where there was a book end and extra
space), a long process that needs to be completed the next week. I tried to keep the series clustered together

(not split between, say, a bottom shelf and top shelf). There were a lot of corrections to be made with filing (not alphabetized correctly, with first name, when last names are the same) during this project. Also helped man the circulation desk and in the computer area.

down the number of students since they can't take everyone who wants to go, Ms. G came uP with a set of quizzes in consultation with the Science teacheres - whoever has made the best efforts at learning Chesapeake Bay material is rewarded with the field triP.
These research-based quizzes take place over the course of several months.

WEEK OF OCT. 24-28

Monday: (s)
Tuesday: (1.5) Wednesday: (3) Thursday: (2.5)

Completed the Fiction reorganization. Assissted students with book

selection, computer testing, printing papers, check-out. Helped with printing new book labels.

The computer/printer set up is not ideal in the media center. Ms. G and Ms. L do not have

Friday: (4) TOTAL: L6 hours (79.5)

their own printer for library collection related work. So when, for instance, they need to print barcode and spine labels for newly acquired books, they have to quickly insert the labels page and pray that another student in the building is not printing on it at the same time. One day this week - we tried three times to get it right, and each time, another student beat us to it and printed a paper (on our label paper). There's no way to halt the other print jobs and there should be. Or else they need their own printer!


Tuesday: (2)

Wednesday: (41 Thursday: (2.5) Friday: (3) TOTAL: 15.5 hours (95)

Talked with Ms. G about remaining evidence documents. Unfortu nately she doesn't keep a lot of information on the computer - her weekly instruction/class schedule, col laborative projects, book requests are mostly kept in pen and paper form. Spent the last couple of work
days finishing up the Portaportal

Project and I was able to have it all completed by the final day. I gave Ms. G a copy of the changes as well as the additions in each category. She was very pleased!

InternshiP Log

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