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SAMPLE LOG LIST: WIFE AND MOTHER Read Mathew 7:2-5; Romans 14:7-23, Ephesians 4:2$-32; James 1:16; {John 1:9 Proverbs 28:13. As mentioned ‘n the tit, tits lis is merely suggestive, Go over it and personalize it where it fits your sins and Zauits. Add others to {t as you examine your own fe, Tseklom pray. My preyer life is very sporadic. When do yo pray? I don’t enjoy reading the Bible as (used to, How much do you read? make excuses for not attending church. Why? Tzesent the fact that we live where we do, Tdemund toa reuch of my husband's What? How? Tam jealous and suspicious of __ ‘About what? 7, Tar too ccitical of . About what? &. Tar bossy. With whom? About wha? %. Tam too concemed with outward sppearancas, Examples? 10. [have bestowed too mech time, money, wilentionto . 11, I'ma not as happy aa I pretenc to be. I put on a false front, About what? 12, I'm inuch too worldly and carnal in my thinking, actions, and dress, 13. Pm too moody. About what? When? Exumoles. 14, Lresent being tied dawn by the childrea or having no children. 15. 've been too insensitive to my husband's probiems and concems, Which? 16, I'm too concemed about money. How maaifosted? 17, Fm too nucch of a perfectlouist in my housekeeping. How manifested’? 18. T've not been willing to go camping or bowling or with or to work on or cabin, 19, I've never liked his parents or his older brother. 20, I've tried to please my parents too much when j should have been more concemed about pleasing him. Examples. 21. 1 was more concerned about a new career in ‘when motberhood shoeld have been the most inportat 22. | have not sufficiently eppreciated whet his parents have douc for us, 23. L agree with him about when I should be submissive. Examples? 24, T'to too outspoken at tmes when otivers are around, Examples? 25. Tdor:'t always pay attontion wher: he is telling me something or explaining something to me. Examples? 26. Lam awerry wartabout 27.1 fot over the smallest fuings and blow them out of proportion, Examples? 28, My foith is very weak, How manifested? 29. try to please others moro thau Gad, Exarsplec? 30. Loften allow my mind to wander daring xermons and come away enipty. 21. Dve always been too apologetic avout belng a Christian. Enacoples? 32. I’m rach toy quick to condemn others, About what? 33, Uhaven't accepted ary hosband’s role as leader and decision-maker as I should, How manifested? L 2. 3 4, s 34, Lform my own opinions and try to cary out my own desires even when it hurts him, Bxamples? 35. Lmisive decisions without first asking God for guidance. Examples? 36.1 nag him about washing the car, mowing the yard, and fixing things around the house or 37, Sometimes I forget to do things (bat he auks me to do. Txamples? 38. Too often I allow his depression to rub off onto me, and then I'm not able to help and encourage him at all, 39, Itty to be arourid him all the time and to always be doing things with him when I know he alsa needs time just to be alone, 40. expect him to spend a lot of tinte in the evenings with the children, even when I know ho is very, very tired. 41, [pt the children’s needs shead of his, Examples? 42, Lallow the baby’s crying to make me irritable, etc. 43, 1 grumble about gathering up the trash ao he can carry it out. 44, Loompiain about not eating out like we used to before the children came. 45, Leometimes feel depressed and unsatiefied with our sexual relations. When? Why? How aren’s you satisfied? 46. [ feel inferior to . About what? 47. 1 can often be negative and pessitnistic in my outlook, Exannples? 48. [complain about not having a second car instead of making the effort to take ‘him to work 80 I can keep the cer, 49, Loften do not give kim my enthusiastic support and cooperation in his role as the leader of the family, Examples? 50, I will not express affection as hc wants me to. What won't you do? 51, L watch too much TV. I watch wrong programs, 52. L complain about not having auy friends but I don’t do anything about it, 53. I removed the wallpaper in the bedroom that liked and haven't made any effort to put auy more on the ugly wall though T know he ‘wants me to, (Or something like this.) 54, Toften resort to self-pity, About what? When? Give examples, 35. 1 gossip about what has done. 56, 1 do not cooperate in the activities of the ctmrch as I should, What should you do that you aren"t doing? 57. [don’t keep the beds made. 58. gino ey when be agree sith me aber the way we should pend our 59. often nogioo te wash and Foalag, ). F make excuses for my laziness 11 flue to Fal responsibilities. What responsibilities are you failing to fulfill? 61. Lallow the children to disobey mi: until finally I get s0 disturbed that I begin to yell and soream at them. Hxaniples? 62, | sometimes forget that ________ and [aren't on opposing teams, but on the same team. Specific examples of failure. 63. Tbeoome initated with him about the way he spends money, 64, | forget to tell him about the phone messages for him. 65. When be comes home from work T complain and grumble about (the children, ty aches and pains, etc.) 66. 1 get irritated by his weaknesses instead of accepting him, praying for him, eficouraging him, and setting an example for him, Give specific examples. 67. 1 ata too quick to state my opinion to him and to bolitte his opinion. Give specific examples. 63. Ido not agree with the way he disciplines the children. Example? 1 let them ‘get away with things that he would never approve of. Examples? 69. L often say I'm too tired to do what he wants me to do. Examples? 70. 1 am seldom ready at the time he wants to leave for some place. Bxaruples? 71. When he comes home from work, I and the house often look like a disaster area, J am often so busy that I hardly have time for e peck on the cheek, let alone to sit down and talk with him, rub his back, ot just to be close to him while drinking 4 cup of coffee. 72. When the children don’t do their chores, I nag, criticize, complain, or yell. 73. I don't really listen to what my children have to say. 74.1 don't take time to give each child personel attention. 75.1 sometimes resent all the work that js involved in taking care of the children. ‘What work do you resent? 76. 1 aan more concemed about my children’s physical and social well-being than about their spiritual well-being. How manifested? 77. Uknow that some things I do or dant do annoy but Tam stubborn and won't change. Examples? 78, L make fun of him in front of the children end other people. Examples? 79. do not manifest my love in tangible ways as he desires. In what ways? 80, I somotimes argne with him about his decisions in front of the children. Examples? 81, I do not cooperate with him in family devotions. In what ways? 82. I do not deal with issues or problems when they are beginning. Examples? 83. [keep a record of wrongs that people have dane to me. I don’t practice biblical forgiveness. Examples? 84, When he makes a wrong decision or fails, I call it to his attention, Sometimes ‘let him know that ifhe had listened to me he wouldn't have made the mistake. Examples? 85. | am inconsiderate of his desires. For example, he likes me to wear perfumno, or rub hig back, or go walking with him, but I think these things are unimportant. Examples? 86, I complain sbout the work he dous for the church rather than cooperate and assist, Examples? 87. I don’t like to go to the trouble of having people in for dinner. 88. I expect too much of him and the children and am hurt and disturbed when they don’t perform as I want thers to. Examples? 89, [make promises or threuts to the children that I don’t keep. Framples? 90. Loverprotect the children by

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