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Department of Mathematics, IIT Guwahati Modern Algebra (MA 521) End Semester Examination

Date: 26-11-2008 Time: 09:00 to 12:00 Marks: 40

1. (a) Let f : R S be a surjective ring homomorphism where R, S are integral domains. Suppose R is a PID, then show that f is an isomorphism or S must be a eld. [4] (b) If R is a nite integral domain then show that R is a eld. [3]

2. Let G be a group with o(G) = p q where p, q are distinct primes and p < q. Then show that (i) G has a unique Sylow q-subgroup. [2] (ii) If p |(q 1) then G has a unique Sylow p-subgroup and G is cylic of order pq.[2] 3. Let R be any commutative ring with identity 1. Show that if e is an idempotent element of R, then 1 e is also idempotent. [2] 4. Let p Z be a prime. Then nd the degree of cos its monic minimal polynomial over Q.
2 p

+ i sin

2 p

over Q. Also nd [2]

5. In the following questions, no marks for wrong denition and correct example. (a) Dene normal extension of elds. Give an example of an extension which is normal and an example which is not normal (with justication). [3] (b) Dene simple module. Give an example of a simple module and a non-simple module (with justication). [3] 6. Prove Schurs lemma for modules: If M, N are simple modules over a ring R, then any R-module homomorphism is either zero or an isomorphism. [2] Hence show that if M is a simple R-module then EndR (M) is a division ring. [1]

7. Let L/K be a eld extension. If L is algebraic over K then show that K()/K is a nite extension. [3] 8. Let F denote the eld of constructible numbers. (i) Then show that the numbers p and p/q are constructible if and only if p, q F . [4] (ii) Let K be a subeld of F such that F is a nite extension of K. Then what is [K : Q]? [1] 9. For any family of submodules Ni , i I of an R-module M , show that the direct sum iI Ni and i Ni are submodules of M . [4] 10. TRUE/FALSE [4]

(a) Suppose G is a nonabelian group and Z(G) is the center of G. Then the quotiant group G/Z(G) is not cyclic. (b) Set of all zero divisors of a ring form an ideal of the ring. (c) Let K L F be a chain of elds. Suppose F/K is a normal extension, then L/F is also normal extension. (d) There exists a proper subeld of a C which is algebraically closed.

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