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`lL has been recognlzed LhaL hermeLlc seallng of Lhe rooL canal by means of a
Lhree dlmenslonal obLuraLlon of Lhe rooL canal space consLlLuLes Lhe key
facLor for successful endodonLlc Lherapy As Lhe obLuraLlon maLerlals fall Lo
adhere well Lo Lhe rooL canal walls and lrregularlLles always exlsL aL Lhe
lnLerface of Lhe Lwo Lhe role of sealers become slgnlflcanL ln achlevlng
compleLe pulpal seallng 1he sealer fllls up any lrregularlLles and bonds Lhe
core maLerlal Lo Lhe rooL canal walls
An ldeal rooL canal sealer should be blocompaLlble nonLoxlc radlopaque
dlmenslonally sLable should exhlblL good adheslon Lo Lhe rooL denLlnal walls
as well as Lo Lhe solld core maLerlal(commonly belng guLLapercha)and
superlor seallng ablllLy
1he LradlLlonal rooL canal sealers fall Lo fulflll mosL of Lhe requlremenLs of
Lhe an ldeal sealer MosL lmporLanLly Lhey fall Lo adhere sufflclenLly on
denLln or on Lhe core fllllng maLerlal Lhus compromlslng Lhe seallng ablllLy
MeLhacrylaLe resln based rooL canal sealers were lnLroduced ln 1990's LhaL
showed lnLeracLlon wlLh boLh rooL denLln and core fllllng maLerlal
Pybrld 8ooL Seal (Sun medlcal 1okyo) ls a recenLly lnLroduced self eLch self
adheslve meLhacrylaLe resln based sealer conLalnlng acldlc monomer 4
meLhacryloxyl LrlmelllLaLe anhydrlde(4ML1A) lL ls known Lo form a resln
relnforced layer or Pybrld layer aL denLlnsealer lnLerface and a hybrld bond
aL sealerguLLapercha lnLerface Avallable ln powder llquld form lL ls an
lnsoluble radlopaque maLerlal whlch seLs by a dual cure mechanlsm
8elll S eL al(2008) evaluaLed Lhe aplcal seallng ablllLy of Pybrld 8ooL Seal and
found seallng ablllLy of Pybrld 8ooL Seal equlvalenL Lo AP lus sealer
Slnce Lhe llLeraLure ls deflclenL as regard Lhe seallng ablllLy of Pybrld 8ooL
Seal rooL canal sealer Lhe presenL sLudy wlll be underLaken Lo evaluaLe Lhe
seallng ablllLy of Lhls newer maLerlal when used along wlLh convenLlonal
guLLa percha cones

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