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Los Angeles Unified SchoDistrict ol

Ramon C. Cortines
Superintendent of Schools

Los Angeles School of Global Studies

322 South Lucas Avenue Los Angeles, California 90017 Tel 213.240.3852 Fax 213.240.3875

Richard Alonzo Local District Superintendent Felipe Vlez


April 26, 2010 To Whom It May Concern: It is with great pleasure to offer a strong recommendation for Julian Canek Pea-Vargas to teach for the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD). I have worked with Canek since September 2009 and believe that he will be a valuable contribution to our school district. His work with at risk youth in New York, his knowledge of history, and his philosophy of education makes him one of the strongest student teachers I have had the pleasure to work with in LAUSD. On the first day of observations, Canek introduced himself to the class. As the class began he didnt simply observe the class; he integrated himself immediately into small group discussions. He noticed that some students were not confident about the topics discussed in our Government class. After class he invited those students to see the work he had accomplished with students in Ventura, California. He showed a mural project that had at-risk students interviewing community members, planning out the mural, finding consensus with the design and completing the mural project. He talked about how these students were not convinced they could successfully accomplish their project. Canek mentioned that the support of the community, the organization Arts for Action and their family members would aid them with their success. Almost instantaneously he had students interested in the lessons delivered in class. His ease of blending his work with Arts for Action with the subject matter in class convinced students that they too could be successful at the Los Angeles School of Global Studies (LASGS). Caneks ability to connect to the students did not stop there. As we discussed issues of rights and responsibilities of people in the United States to issues of democracy and global hegemony, Canek was able to tap into students prior knowledge to build personal connections between the subject matter and the students lives. We teach an interdisciplinary course that integrates Government with World Literature. For one particular unit revolving around colonization we used William Shakespeares The Tempest, to discuss global hegemony. One scene of the The Tempest had a native of the island Caliban greeting Europeans as gods. Canek connected this discussion to one of an Aztec figure Quetzalcoatl and Hernn Cortz. He stated that Cortzs arrival lead many including the Aztec Emperor Montezuma to believe that Cortz was actually Quetzalcoatls return to the country. Many students having heard these names and stories before immediately found the connection between the discovery of the new world, Shakespeares play and Aztec history. His use of prior knowledge to engage students made the lesson vivid and memorable for all involved, including myself. Canek has a strong belief that all students can and will be successful. His philosophy of education is demonstrated with every one of his interactions in class. Whether its a greeting while the students walk into the room, or a thoughtful question posed to a group, Canek forces all students to see their potential and attempt to reach it. Our students know they have his support. It has been an absolute pleasure to work with him this year. It is with great honor that I write this recommendation for Julian Canek Pea-Vargas to join LAUSD. He will not only learn from this experience, he will contribute to our LAUSD culture greatly. Sincerely,

Los Angeles Unified SchoDistrict ol

Ramon C. Cortines
Superintendent of Schools

Los Angeles School of Global Studies

322 South Lucas Avenue Los Angeles, California 90017 Tel 213.240.3852 Fax 213.240.3875

Richard Alonzo Local District Superintendent Felipe Vlez


Christian Quintero Guiding Teacher

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