Presentation Skills

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Presentation Skills

Introduction Preparing for the presentation Making the presentation Delivery Closing your presentation Final tips


What is the objective of this course?


What is a presentation?

Introduction Preparing for the presentation Making the presentation Delivery Closing your presentation Final tips

Preparing for the presentation

Preparing material

Preparing yourself

Preparing the material

Define your objective

Preparing the material

Define your objective Prepare the structure of the talk carefully and logically.

How to choose data?

Include something just because it is interesting. Use stories and examples under the condition or relevancy. Quoting someone well known can give you credibility.

Preparing the material

Define your objective Prepare the structure of the talk carefully and logically.


Concentrate on the objective of the talk and the main points you want to make.

You have to ask yourself four questions !

What do I want to do?
What do I want my audience to know? What do I want my audience to do? What do I want my audience to feel?

Preparing the material

Define your objective Prepare the structure of the talk carefully and logically. Concentrate on the objective of the talk and the main points you want to make. Write out your presentation in rough. (first draft).

Drafting (whats a first draft)

Give yourself 15 min to focus on your topic. List as many things as you can think of that you want to include in your presentation (brain storming). Start grouping the items in categories. Leave it for three days. Read it again and edit it if needed.

Preparing the material

Define your objective. Prepare the structure of the talk carefully and logically. Concentrate on the objective of the talk and the main points you want to make. Write out your presentation in rough. (first draft). Rehearse to your self and in front of some colleagues. (Why?)

Preparing your self

Know your audience.
(Size, Knowledge, Interests, Relationships, environment)

Rehearse several times.

Only the prepared presenter deserves to be confident
Dale Carnegie

Dress in clothes that make you feel good, free, and comfortable.

Preparing your self

Make no negative confessions. Im so nervous
Take several breathes to relax your body to get rid of your FEAR.



The Great Truth

Everyone suffers from nervousness

A Survey in the UK

Sources of FEAR
Looking foolish All the eyes on you You are the center of attention Making mistake Your first moments Negative past experience And the list is endless

Methods to combat fear

Think positively Behave naturally Visualize success Rehearsal: be on top of your material

Practice, practice, practice, for your


Remember that: F E A R
a l s e v i d e n c e p p e a r i n g e a l

Word of wisdom

All the great speakers were bad speakers at first

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Introduction Preparing for the presentation Making the presentation Delivery Closing your presentation Final tips

Making the presentation

1. Greet the audience. 2. Introduce yourself. 3. Tell them what you are going to tell them , tell them, then tell them what you told them. 4. Leave time for discussion. 5. At the end ask if there are any questions.

Introduction Preparing for the presentation Making the presentation Delivery Closing your presentation Final tips

What you are saying (your words)

What your audience hear (your voice)

What your audience see (you & your aids)

In a comprehensive research on Communication, it was found that in a face-to-face encounter:

7% 38%


What you are saying (your words)

What your audience hear (your voice)

What your audience see (you & your aids)

Your words
The more important than WHAT you are going to say is HOW you are going to say it!

Avoid jokes unless you are natural expert.

What you are saying (your words)

What your audience hear (your voice)

What your audience see (you & your aids)

Your Voice
You have to consider three things: Volume Clarity Tone

Your Voice
Dont shout and Dont whisper but speak clearly and consider the surroundings Dont rush and Dont talk slowly but be natural use variation in your speed, tune and volume

Your Voice
If large rooms pitch your presentation towards the back of the audience.

Use pauses. (WHY?)

What you are saying (your words)

What your audience hear (your voice)

What your audience see (you & your aids)

What your audience see


Visual Aids

Appearance. Smile. Eye contact. (WHY?) Body language.
- Hand waving. - The way you stand. - The way you move.

Never give your back to the audience.

Visual Aids
Keep it simple.
- The 6 x 7 rule
No more than 6 lines per slide No more than 7 words per line

Slides should contain the minimum information. Visuals to support, not to distract.

Visual Aids
Use reasonable size font.
Don't use too "Many Fonts and Styles


Use colors but avoid orange & yellow back grounds. - Don't use too many colors Consider room lighting.

Spend more time listening than talking (but of course, as a presenter, you will be doing most of the talking). Do not answer questions with questions.

Plan responses after others have finished speaking...NOT while they are speaking.

Keep cool if a questioner disagrees with you. You are a professional! No matter how hard you try, not everyone in the world will agree with you! When a question is asked, repeat the question to ensure that everyone heard it (and that you heard it correctly).

Introduction Preparing for the presentation Making the presentation Delivery Closing your presentation Final tips

Closing your presentation

Leave a memorable close.

Be precise, brief and to the point.

Introduction Preparing for the presentation Making the presentation Delivery Closing your presentation Final tips

Final Tip
If there are things you cant easily express, possibly because of understanding problem, it is better to leave it unsaid.


Enjoy yourself, the audience will be on your side and want to hear what you are going to say.



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