Lesson 2 - Emotions

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Le ss on 2 – Em oti on s

Author: Jennifer Yong

Key vocabulary Basic: bored, happy, sad, scared, crazy, tired, angry, upset,

Advanced: disgusted, curious, calm, nervous, miserable,

frightened/shocked, surprised, excited, complacent

Lesson Outline 1 Review homework and give stickers for the best sentences

2 Check nametags
3 Cover basic vocabulary and distribute worksheet (matching
words to pictures; advanced emotions for upper levels)
4 Song (lower levels only): If you’re happy and you know it
(use to review vocabulary from previous class)
5 Game: Saying sentences with emotions. Divide the class
into 6 groups. Each round, groups will choose one player
to say a sentence with an emotion. The group will only be
able to guess once, after conferring. If the group does not
get the right answer, then other groups may try to guess
the speakers’ emotion. Winning team gets stickers.
6 Emotions crossword (upper levels only)
7 Distribute homework.
Homework Lower levels Trace worksheet for selected key
vocabulary (no more than 8 words) with
accompanying pictures.

Upper levels Finish crossword; write a sentence using 1

advanced emotion (e.g. When mom takes
away my Nintendo I feel miserable.)

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