Lesson 11 - Prepositions

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Le ss on 11 - Pre po sitio ns

Author: Jennifer Yong

Key vocabulary Spatial Prepositions:- above, across from, behind, between, in,
in front of, going into, near, next to/beside, on, coming out of,
over, under

Lesson Outline 1 Collect homework

2 Check nametags
3 Cover basic vocabulary using flashcards.
4 Review preposition OHPs with class.
5 Preposition chant.
6 Game: Preposition speed game using shapes from previous
lesson (3 teams). Each team will be given the same shapes
and must stand at one side of the classroom. A table, a
chair and a bucket will be arranged on the opposite side of
the room, one set per team. Then Teacher calls ‘Put the
triangle on the table and the rectangle in the bucket’.
Fastest team wins.
7 Distribute homework.
Homework Lower levels Trace worksheet for selected key
vocabulary (no more than 8 words) with
accompanying pictures.

Upper levels None.

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