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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 18, 2011 Contact: Chris Martin 314-750-7166

Kinder Announces Bid for Re-Election as Lieutenant Governor

Cape Girardeau, MO - After keeping his promise to Missourians to travel the state and discuss a potential race for governor, today Peter Kinder announced his plans to run for re-election. I have worked hard every day to serve all the people of Missouri as their Lt. Governor. Serving as Lt. Governor is a great honor. I have the experience; track-record and desire to continue working in that capacity every day to try achieve needed reforms. Missouri deserves a Lt. Governor committed to reducing government waste, and protecting Missouri taxpayer dollars, said Kinder. As Missouris Senior Advocate, Kinders office has been busy working with providers and senior advocates to clean up Nixons mess in the Department of Health and Senior Services where the health of thousands of seniors has been jeopardized by his departments total failure to timely provide assessments to seniors waiting for approval to receive critical home care services. Kinder feels strongly that Missouri Seniors need an advocate who will fight for them, a role Kinder will continue if re-elected Lt. Governor. Everywhere I traveled during my listening tour people expressed their frustration with Missouris unemployment rate and the lack of jobs. Missouri ranked 48th in the nation in job creation in 2010 and had the longest monthly decline in employment in the country under Governor Nixon. Nixons leadership has been absent in job creation. Nothing would do more to improve Missouris job climate and economic growth potential than defeating Nixon next year. Governor Nixon has failed to lead choosing instead to stand on the sidelines while Governor in other states were taking bold actions and moving their states forward, said Kinder. I believe after numerous conversations with Dave Spence that he is the Republican Partys best chance of defeating Jay Nixon. Dave is a self-made man and proven manager who understands how to create jobs and improve the states economy. He is smart, serious and has a vision hes shared with me to renew Missouris greatness. I am proud to call him a friend and will do everything in my power to see that hes elected governor next year, continued Kinder. Kinder plans to continue his statewide listening tour throughout all corners of the state of Missouri in the near future. ###

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