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A selection of In the name of Allah, the Beneficient, the Merciful

All praise is due to Allah (SWT), the Almighty. We all praise Him, seek His
Help, and ask His Forgiveness. We seek refuge with Him from the evil of our
souls, and from our sinful deeds. He whom Allah (SWT) guides, no one can
misguide him, and whoever Allah (SWT) misguides, no one can guide him. I
bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship but Allah (SWT), and I
bear witness thatPa
Muhammad (SAW) is truly His servant and Messenger.
From the Holy Qur’an
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“When My servants ask you about Me, I am always onto others who can benefit from it.
near. I answer their prayers when they pray to Me.
The people shall respond to Me and believe in Me, We pray to Allah (SWT) for guidance and help. Surely, He is over all things
in order to be guided”. (Al-Qur’an 2:186) Powerful. May Allah accept our effort and put it on our scale of good deeds
on the Day of Resurrection to outweigh the evil deeds. Aameen.


Faothkuroonee athkurkum waoshkuroo lee wala takfurooni.

Then do ye remember Me; I will remember you. Be grateful to Me, and reject not Faith.

Inna Allaha wamalaikatahu yusalloona AAala alnnabiyyi ya a yyuha allatheena amanoo salloo
Ya AAalayhi wasallimoo tasleeman
ayyuha allatheena amanoo othkuroo Allaha thikran katheeran Allah and His angels send blessings on the Prophet: O ye that believe! Send ye blessings on
O ye who believe! Celebrate the praises of Allah, and do this often. (33:41) him, and salute him with all respect. (33:56)


Wasalamun AAala almursaleena

And Peace on the apostles! (37:181)


Waith taaththana rabbukum lain shakartum laazeedannakum walain kafartum inna AAathabee
And remember! your Lord caused to be declared (publicly): "If ye are grateful, I will add
more (favours) unto you; But if ye show ingratitude, truly My punishment is terrible
indeed." (14:7)

Walanabluwannakum bishayin mina alkhawfi waaljooAAi wanaqsin mina alamwali waalanfusi

waalththamarati wabashshiri alssabireena
Be sure we shall test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in goods or lives or the
fruits (of your toil), but give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere, (2:155)

Fatabassama dahikan min qawliha waqala rabbi awziAAnee an ashkura niAAmataka allatee
anAAamta AAalayya waAAala walidayya waan aAA mala salihan tardahu waadkhilnee
birahmatika fee AAibadika alssaliheena Allatheena itha asabathum museebatun qaloo inna lillahi wainna ilayhi rajiAAoona
So he smiled, amused at her speech; and he said: "O my Lord! so order me that I may be Who say, when afflicted with calamity: "To Allah We belong, and to Him is our return" (2:156)
grateful for Thy favours, which thou hast bestowed on me and on my parents, and that I
may work the righteousness that will Please Thee:& admit me by Thy Grace, to the ranks
of Thy righteous Servants." (27:19)

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Wain yamsaska Allahu bidurrin fala kashifa lahu illa huwa wain yamsaska bikhayrin fahuwa
AAala kulli shayin qadeerun
"If Allah touch thee with affliction, none can remove it but He; if He touch thee with happiness,
He hath power over all things. (6:17)

Faqaloo AAala Allahi tawakkalna rabbana la tajAAalna fitnatan lilqawmi alththalimeena Wanajjina
birahmatika mina alqawmi alkafireena
Amana alrrasoolu bima onzila ilayhi min rabbihi waalmuminoona kullun amana biAllahi wamalaikatihi They said: "In Allah do we put our trust. Our Lord! make us not a trial for those who practise
wakutubihi warusulihi la nufarriqu bayna ahadin min rusulihi waqaloo samiAAna waataAAna oppression;And deliver us by Thy Mercy from those who reject (hee." (10:85-86)
ghufranaka rabbana wailayka almaseeru La yukallifu Allahu nafsan illa wusAAaha laha ma
kasabat waAAalayha ma iktasabat rabbana la tuakhithna in naseena aw akhtana rabbana wala
tahmil AAalayna isran kama hamaltahu AAala allatheena min qablina rabbana wala tuhammilna ma
la taqata lana bihi waoAAfu AAanna waighfir lana wairhamna anta mawlana faonsurna AAala
alqawmi alkafireena
The Messenger believeth in what hath been revealed to him from his Lord, as do the men of
faith. Each one (of them) believeth in Allah, His angels, His books, and His apostles. "We
make no distinction (they say) between one and another of His apostles." And they say: "We
hear, and we obey: (We seek) Thy forgiveness, our Lord, and to Thee is the end of all Qala hal amanukum AAalayhi illa kama amintukum AAala akheehi min qablu faAllahu khayrun
journeys." On no soul doth Allah place a burden greater than it can bear. It gets every good hafithan wahuwa arhamu alrrahimeena
that it earns, and it suffers every ill that it earns. (Pray:) "Our Lord! Condemn us not if we He said: "Shall I trust you with him with any result other than when I trusted you with his brother
forget or fall into error; our Lord! Lay not on us a burden Like that which Thou didst lay on aforetime? But Allah is the best to take care (of him), and He is the Most Merciful of those who
those before us; Our Lord! Lay not on us a burden greater than we have strength to bear. show mercy!" (12:64 )
Blot out our sins, and grant us forgiveness. Have mercy on us. Thou art our Protector; Help
us against those who stand against faith." (2:285-286)

Allatheena amanoo watatmainnu quloobuhum bithikri Allahi ala bithikri Allahi tatmainnu alquloobu
"Those who believe & whose hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of Allah
Allatheena qala lahumu alnnasu inna alnnasa qad jamaAAoo lakum
for without doubt in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction. (13:28 )
faikhshawhum fazadahum eemanan waqaloo hasbuna Allahu waniAAma alwakeelu
Men said to them: "A great army is gathering against you": And frightened them:
But it (only) increased their Faith: They said: "For us Allah sufficeth, and He is the best
disposer of affairs."( 3:173)

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Rabbana atina min ladunka rahmatan wahayyi lana min amrina rashadan
"Our Lord! bestow on us Mercy from Thyself, and dispose of our affair for us in the right way!"
Fasaqa lahuma thumma tawalla ila alththilli faqala rabbi innee lima anzalta ilayya min khayrin faqeerun
So he watered (their flocks) for them; then he turned back to the shade, and said:"O my Lord!
truly am I in (desperate) need of any good that Thou dost send me!" (28:24)

Watha alnnooni ith thahaba mughadiban fathanna an lan naqdira AAalayhi fanada fee alththulumati
an la ilaha illa anta subhanaka innee kuntu mina alththalimeena
And remember Zun-nun, when he departed in wrath: He imagined that We had no power over
Allahu allathee khalaqakum min daAAfin thumma jaAAala min baAAdi daAAfin quwwatan thumma
him! But he cried through the deptHs of darkness, "There is no god but thou: glory to thee: I
jaAAala min baAAdi quwwatin daAAfan washaybatan akhluqu ma yashao wahuwa alAAaleemu
was indeed wrong!" (21:87)
It is Allah Who created you in a state of (helpless) weakness, then gave (you) strength after
weakness, then, after strength, gave (you weakness and a hoary head: He creates as He wills,
and it is He Who has all knowledge and power. (30:54)

Wamina alnnasi man yaAAbudu Allaha AAala harfin fain asabahu khayrun itmaanna bihi wain
asabathu fitnatun inqalaba AAala wajhihi khasira alddunya waalakhirata thalika huwa alkhusranu Waqala rabbukumu odAAoonee astajib lakum inna allatheena yastakbiroona AAan AAibadatee
almubeenu sayadkhuloona jahannama dakhireena
There are among men some who serve Allah, as it were, on the verge: if good befalls them, And your Lord says: "Call on Me; I will answer your (Prayer): but those who are
they are, therewith, well content; but if a trial comes to them, they turn on their faces: they too arrogant to serve Me will surely find themselves in Hell - in humiliation!" (40:60)
lose both this world and the Hereafter: that is loss for all to see! (22:11)

Amman yujeebu almudtarra itha daAAahu wayakshifu alssooa wayajAAalukum khulafaa alardi
Waqul rabbi aAAoothu bika min hamazati alshshayateeni WaaAAoothu bika rabbi an yahdurooni
ailahun maAAa Allahi qaleelan ma tathakkaroona
And say "O my Lord! I seek refuge with Thee from the suggestions of the Evil
Or, Who listens to the (soul) distressed when it calls on Him, and Who relieves its suffering,
"And I seek refuge with Thee O my Lord! lest they should come near me." (23:98)
and makes you (mankind) inheritors of the earth? (Can there be another) god besides Allah.
Little it is that ye heed! (27:62 )

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Rabbana afrigh AAalayna sabran watawaffana muslimeena

Our Lord! pour out on us patience and constancy, and take our souls unto thee s Muslims
(who bow to thy will)! (7:126)

Waimma yanzaghannaka mina alshshaytani nazghun faistaAAith biAllahi innahu

sameeAAun Aaaleemun Inna allatheena ittaqaw itha massahum taifun mina alshshaytani
tathakkaroo faitha hum mubsiroona
If a suggestion from Satan assail thy (mind), seek refuge with Allah. for He heareth and Faisbir sabran jameelan
knoweth (all things). Those who fear Allah, when a thought of evil from Satan assaults Therefore do thou hold Patience,- a Patience of beautiful (contentment). (70:50)
them, bring Allah to remembrance, when lo! they see aright! (7:200-201)

Qul aAAoothu birabbi alfalaqi. Min sharri ma khalaqa. Wamin sharri ghasiqin itha waqaba. Wamin
sharri alnnaffathati fee alAAuqadi. Wamin sharri hasidin itha hasada.
Say: I seek refuge with the Lord of the Dawn. From the mischief of created things; From
the mischief of Darkness as it overspreads; From the mischief of those who practise
secret arts; And from the mischief of the envious one as he practises envy. (113-1-5) Ith yughashsheekumu alnnuAAasa amanatan minhu wayunazzilu AAalaykum mina alssamai maan
liyutahhirakum bihi wayuthhiba AAankum rijza alshshaytani waliyarbita AAala quloobikum
wayuthabbita bihi alaqdama
Remember He covered you with a sort of drowsiness, to give you calm as from Himself, and
he caused rain to descend on you from heaven, to clean you therewith, to remove from you
the stain of Satan, to strengthen your hearts, and to plant your feet firmly therewith. (8:11)

Qul aAAoothu birabbi alnnasi. Maliki alnnasi. Ilahi alnnasi. Min sharri alwaswasi alkhannasi.
Allathee yuwaswisu fee sudoori alnnasi. Mina aljinnati wa alnnasi.

Say: I seek refuge with the Lord and Cherisher of Mankind, The King (or Ruler) of Mankind, Ya ayyuha alnnasu qad jaatkum mawAAithatun min rabbikum washifaon lima fee
The Allah (for judge) of Mankind, from the mischief of the Whisperer (of Evil), who alssudoori wahudan warahmatun lilmumineena
withdraws (after his whisper),- the same) who whispers into the hearts of Mankind,- among O mankind! there hath come to you a direction from your Lord and a healing for the (diseases)
Jinns and among men. (114:1-6) in your hearts,- and for those who believe, a guidance and a Mercy. (10:57)

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Rabbana atina fid-dunya hasanatan wa fil 'akhirati hasanatan waqina 'adhaban-nar.
Our Lord! Give us in this world that which is good and in the Hereafter that which is good, and
Laqad kunta fee ghaflatin min hatha fakashafna AAanka ghitaaka fabasaruka alyawma save us from the torment of the Fire! (2:201)
(It will be said:) "Thou wast heedless of this; now have We removed thy veil, and sharp is thy
sight this Day!" (50:22)

La yusaddaAAoona AAanha wala yunzifoona

No after-ache will they receive therefrom, nor will they suffer intoxication: (56:19)


Allahu la ilaha illa huwa alhayyu alqayyoomu la takhuthuhu sinatun wala nawmun lahu ma fee
alssamawati wama fee alardi man tha allathee yashfaAAu AAindahu illa biithnihi yaAAlamu ma bayna
aydeehim wama khalfahum wala yuheetoona bishayin min AAilmihi illa bima shaa wasiAAa
kursiyyuhu alssamawati waalarda wala yaooduhu hifthuhuma wahuwa alAAaliyyu alAAatheemu
Allah. There is no god but He,-the Living, the Self-subsisting, Eternal. No slumber can seize
Him nor sleep. His are all things in the heavens and on earth. Who is there can intercede in
His presence except as He permitteth? He knoweth what (appeareth to His creatures as)
before or after or behind them. Nor shall they compass aught of His knowledge except as He
willeth. His Throne doth extend over the heavens and the earth, and He feeleth no fatigue in
guarding and preserving them for He is the Most High, the Supreme (in glory). (2:255)

Faistajaba lahum rabbuhum annee la odeeAAu AAamala AAamilin minkum min thakarin aw ontha
baAAdukum min baAAdin faallatheena hajaroo waokhrijoo min diyarihim waoothoo fee sabeelee
waqataloo waqutiloo laokaffiranna AAanhum sayyiatihim walaodkhilannahum jannatin tajree min
tahtiha alanharu thawaban min AAindi Allahi waAllahu AAindahu husnu alththawabi
And their Lord hath accepted of them, and answered them: "Never will I suffer to be lost the
work of any of you, be he male or female: Ye are members, one of another: Those who have Qala rabbi ishrah lee sadree. Wayassir lee amree. Waohlul AAuqdatan min lisanee. Yafqahoo qawlee
left their homes, or been driven out therefrom, or suffered harm in My Cause, or fought or 'Oh My Lord! Expand my breast for me. And make my task easy for me;'And loose the knot
been slain,- verily, I will blot out from them their iniquities, and admit them into Gardens with from my tongue, 'That they may understand my speech (20:26-29)
rivers flowing beneath;- A reward from the presence of Allah, and from His presence is the
best of rewards." (3:195)

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Rabbi ijAAalnee muqeema alssalati wamin thurriyyatee rabbana wtaqabbal duAAai

O my Lord! make me one who establishes regular Prayer, and also (raise such) among my
offspring O our Lord! and accept Thou my Prayer. (14:40)
FataAAala Allahu almaliku alhaqqu wala taAAjal bialqurani min qabli an yuqda ilayka wahyuhu waqul
rabbi zidnee AAilman GUIDANCE
High above all is Allah, the King, the Truth! Be not in haste with the Qur'an before its
revelation to thee is completed, but say, "O my Lord! advance me in knowledge." (20:114)

Rabbana la tuzigh quloobana baAAda ith hadaytana wahab lana min ladunka rahmatan innaka anta
"Our Lord!" (they say), "Let not our hearts deviate now after Thou hast guided us, but grant us
Rabbi hab lee hukman waalhiqnee bialssaliheena mercy from Thine own Presence; for Thou art the Grantor of bounties without measure. (3:8)
"O my Lord! bestow wisdom on me, and join me with the righteous; (26:83)



Rabbana iftah baynana wabayna qawmina bialhaqqi waanta khayru alfatiheena Subhanalla-thee sakh-khara-lana haatha wa-ma kun-na lahoo muqrineena wa inna ila Rabbina la-
Our Lord! Lay open the truth between us and our people, for You are the best of all to lay mun-qali-boon.
open the truth. (7:89) Glory be to Him (Allah) who has brought this (vehicle) under our control though we were
unable to control it. Sure, we are to return to our Lord. (43:13)


Rabbana ighfir lee waliwalidayya walilmumineena yawma yaqoomu alhisabu

"O our Lord! cover (us) with Thy Forgiveness - me, my parents, and (all) Believers, on the Day
that the Reckoning will be established! (14:41)

Quli allahumma malika almulki tutee almulka man tashao watanziAAu almulka mimman tashao
watuAAizzu man tashao watuthillu man tashao biyadika alkhayru innaka AAala kulli shayin qadeerun
Say: "O Allah. Lord of Power (And Rule), Thou givest power to whom Thou pleasest, and
Thou strippest off power from whom Thou pleasest: Thou enduest with honour whom Thou
pleasest, and Thou bringest low whom Thou pleasest: In Thy hand is all good. Verily, over all
things Thou hast power. (3:26) Waikhfid lahuma janaha alththulli mina alrrahmati waqul rabbi irhamhuma kama rabbayanee
And, out of kindness, lower to them the wing of humility, and say: "My Lord! bestow on them
thy Mercy even as they cherished me in childhood." (17:24)

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Rabbi ighfir lee waliwalidayya waliman dakhala baytiya muminan walilmumineena
waalmuminati wala tazidi alththalimeena illa tabaran
"O my Lord! Forgive me, my parents, all who enter my house in Faith, and (all) believing
men and believing women: and to the wrong-doers grant Thou no increase but in Rabbana waijAAalna muslimayni laka wamin thurriyyatina ommatan muslimatan laka waarina
perdition!" (71:28) manasikana watub AAalayna innaka anta alttawwabu alrraheemu
"Our Lord! make of us Muslims, bowing to Thy (Will), and of our progeny a people Muslim,
bowing to Thy (will); and show us our place for the celebration of (due) rites; and turn unto us
(in Mercy); for Thou art the Oft-Returning, Most Merciful. (2:128)

Hunalika daAAa zakariyya rabbahu qala rabbi hab lee min ladunka thurriyyatan tayyibatan innaka
sameeAAu aldduAAai
Wamina alnnasi man yattakhithu min dooni Allahi andadan yuhibboonahum kahubbi Allahi There did Zakariya pray to his Lord, saying: "O my Lord! Grant unto me from Thee a progeny
waallatheena amanoo ashaddu hubban lillahi walaw yara allatheena thalamoo ith yarawna that is pure: for Thou art He that heareth prayer! (3:38)
alAAathaba anna alquwwata lillahi jameeAAan waanna Allaha shadeedu alAAathabi
Yet there are men who take (for worship) others besides Allah, as equal (with Allah.: They
love them as they should love Allah. But those of Faith are overflowing in their love for
Allah. If only the unrighteous could see, behold, they would see the penalty: that to Allah
belongs all power, and Allah will strongly enforce the penalty. (2:165)
Wazakariyya ith nada rabbahu rabbi la tatharnee fardan waanta khayru alwaritheena
And (remember) Zakariya, when he cried to his Lord: "O my Lord! leave me not without
offspring, though thou art the best of inheritors." (21:89)

Rabbana hab lana min azwajina wathurriyyatina qurrata aAAyunin waijAAalna lilmuttaqeena WEALTH
"Our Lord! Grant unto us wives and offspring who will be the comfort of our eyes, and
give us (the grace) to lead the righteous." (25:74)


Waitha raaw tijaratan aw lahwan infaddoo ilayha watarakooka qaiman qul ma AAinda Allahi khayrun
Rabbi hab lee mina alssaliheena mina allahwi wamina alttijarati waAllahu khayru alrraziqeena
O my Lord! Grant me a righteous (son)!" (37:100) But when they see some bargain or some amusement, they disperse headlong to it, and leave
thee standing. Say: "The (blessing) from the Presence of Allah is better than any amusement
or bargain! and Allah is the Best to provide (for all needs)." (62:11)

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Waallatheena jaoo min baAAdihim yaqooloona rabbana ighfir lana waliikhwanina
allatheena sabaqoona bialeemani wala tajAAal fee quloobina ghillan lillatheena amanoo
rabbana innaka raoofun raheemun
Wala tuminoo illa liman tabiAAa deenakum qul inna alhuda huda Allahi an yuta ahadun mithla ma And those who came after them say: "Our Lord! Forgive us, and our brethren who came
ooteetum aw yuhajjookum AAinda rabbikum qul inna alfadla biyadi Allahi yuteehi man yashao before us into the Faith, and leave not, in our hearts, rancour (or sense of injury) against those
waAllahu wasiAAun AAaleemun Yakhtassu birahmatihi man yashao waAllahu thoo alfadli who have believed. Our Lord! Thou art indeed Full of Kindness, Most Merciful." (59:10)
"And believe no one unless he follows your religion." Say: "True guidance is the Guidance of VICTORY OVER ENEMIES
Allah. (Fear ye) Lest a revelation be sent to someone (else) Like unto that which was sent unto
you? or that those (Receiving such revelation) should engage you in argument before your
Lord?" Say: "All bounties are in the hand of Allah. He granteth them to whom He pleaseth:
And Allah careth for all, and He knoweth all things." For His Mercy He specially chooseth
whom He pleaseth; for Allah is the Lord of bounties unbounded. (3:73) Walamma barazoo lijaloota wajunoodihi qaloo rabbana afrigh AAalayna sabran wathabbit aqdamana
waonsurna AAala alqawmi alkafireena
Our Lord! Bestow on us endurance and make our foothold sure and give us help against
those who reject faith. (2:250)

Sayuhzamu aljamAAu wayuwalloona alddubura

Soon will their multitude be put to flight, and they will show their backs. (54:45)

Falithalika faodAAu waistaqim kama omirta wala tattabiAA ahwaahum waqul amantu Wama kana qawlahum illa an qaloo rabbana ighfir lana thunoobana waisrafana fee amrina wathabbit
bima anzala Allahu min kitabin waomirtu liaAAdila baynakum Allahu rabbuna aqdamana waonsurna AAala alqawmi alkafireena
warabbukum lana aAAmaluna walakum aAAmalukum la hujjata baynana wabaynakumu Our Lord! Forgive us our sins and the lack of moderation in our doings, and make firm our
Allahu yajmaAAu baynana wailayhi almaseeru steps and give us victory against those who deny the truth. (3:147)
Now then, for that (reason), call (them to the Faith), and stand steadfast as thou art
commanded, nor follow thou their vain desires; but say: "I believe in the Book which Allah has
sent down; and I am commanded to judge justly between you. Allah is our Lord and your
Lord: for us (is the responsibility for) our deeds, and for you for your deeds. There is no
contention between us and you. Allah will bring us together, and to Him is (our) Final Goal.
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Allatheena yaqooloona rabbana innana amanna faighfir lana thunoobana waqina AAathaba alnnari
(Namely), those who say: "Our Lord! we have indeed believed: forgive us, then, our sins, and
save us from the agony of the Fire;"- (3:16)

Allatheena yathkuroona Allaha qiyaman waquAAoodan waAAala junoobihim wayatafakkaroona fee

khalqi alssamawati waalardi rabbana ma khalaqta hatha batilan subhanaka faqina AAathaba alnnari
Men who celebrate the praises of Allah, standing, sitting, and lying down on their sides, and
contemplate the (wonders of) creation in the heavens and the earth, (With the thought): "Our
Qala rabbi innee aAAoothu bika an asalaka ma laysa lee bihi AAilmun wailla taghfir lee Lord! not for naught Hast Thou created (all) this! Glory to Thee! Give us salvation from the
watarhamnee akun mina alkhasireena penalty of the Fire. (3:191)
Noah said: "O my Lord! I do seek refuge with Thee, lest I ask Thee for that of which I have no
knowledge. And unless thou forgive me and have Mercy on me, I should indeed be lost!"

Rabbana waatina ma waAAadtana AAala rusulika wala tukhzina yawma alqiyamati innaka
la tukhlifu almeeAAada
Rabbana wasiAAta kulla shayin rahmatan waAAilman faighfir lillatheena taboo waittabaAAoo "Our Lord! Grant us what Thou didst promise unto us through Thine apostles, and save us
sabeelaka waqihim AAathaba aljaheemi from shame on the Day of Judgment: For Thou never breakest Thy promise." (3:194)
"Our Lord! Thy Reach is over all things, in Mercy and Knowledge. Forgive, then, those who
turn in Repentance, and follow Thy Path; and preserve them from the Penalty of the Blazing
Fire! (40:7)

Lakini allatheena ittaqaw rabbahum lahum jannatun tajree min tahtiha alanharu khalideena feeha
nuzulan min AAindi Allahi wama AAinda Allahi khayrun lilabrari
Rabbana la tajAAalna fitnatan lillatheena kafaroo waighfir lana rabbana innaka anta alAAazeezu On the other hand, for those who fear their Lord, are Gardens, with rivers flowing beneath;
alhakeemu therein are they to dwell (for ever),- a gift from the presence of Allah. and that which is in the
"Our Lord! Make us not a (test and) trial for the Unbelievers, but forgive us, our Lord! for presence of Allah is the best (bliss) for the righteous (3:198)
Thou art the Exalted in Might, the Wise." (60:5)

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Waqul rabbi adkhilnee mudkhala sidqin waakhrijnee mukhraja sidqin waijAAal lee min ladunka
sultanan naseeran
Say: "O my Lord! Let my entry be by the Gate of Truth and Honour, and likewise my exit by
the Gate of Truth and Honour; and grant me from Thy Presence an authority to aid (me)."

WaijAAalnee min warathati jannati alnnaAAeemi

"Make me one of the inheritors of the Garden of Bliss; (26:85)

Wala tukhzinee yawma yubAAathoona

"And let me not be in disgrace on the Day when (men) will be raised up;- (26:87)

Rabbana waadkhilhum jannati AAadnin allatee waAAadtahum waman salaha min

abaihim waazwajihim wathurriyyatihim innaka anta alAAazeezu alhakeemu
"And grant, our Lord! that they enter the Gardens of Eternity, which Thou hast promised to
them, and to the righteous among their fathers, their wives, and their posterity! For Thou
art (He), the Exalted in Might, Full of Wisdom. (40:8)

Rabbana AAalayka tawakkalna wailayka anabna wailayka almaseeru

Our Lord! In You we have placed our trust, and to You do we turn in repentance, for unto
You is the end of all journeys. (60:4)

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