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English test

Unit 5, The Past Tense

Name: .......................................................................................................................
/ 30.5 pts


Grade: ................................
Date: ..................................
1) Watch the text type and circle
Observa el texto tipo y encierra en un crculo (1 pt.)

a) e mail
b) letter
c) blog

2) Read the text and circle the time expressions seen in class
Lee el texto y encierra en un crculo las expresiones de tiempo vistas en clase. (3

3) Read the text and circle the past tense of be.

Lee el texto y encierra en un crculo el pasado del verbo be (7.5 pts.)

English test
Unit 5, The Past Tense

4) Read the text and answer

Lee el texto y responde (4 pts.)

a) Name of the owner of the blog

b) Place he went
c) Name of the best thing he
d) Name of the thing he didnt

5) Read the text again and complete with the information.

Lee el texto nuevamente y completa con la informacin (5 pts.)

6) Answer the questions about Rafael`s trip. Write short answers.

Responde las preguntas del viaje de Rafael. Escribe respuestas cortas. (6 pts.)

a) Was he in Pamplona?________________________________________________________

English test
Unit 5, The Past Tense

b) Were Rafael`s parents in Spain?________________________________________________

c) Was he happy with the bullfights?______________________________________________
d) Was the festival originated in 1980?_____________________________________________
e) Did he like the trip? __________________________________________________________
f) Was the bull running dangerous?________________________________________________

7) Order the sentences.

Ordena las oraciones. (4 pts.)

a) He did where go - ?
b) Happy was he - ?
c) You play - Did - ?
d) Classmates were they ?

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