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u L 8
L M l L A n
ls ls a posslble ouLcome?
ls ls an lmposslble ouLcome?
9obablllLy ls Lhe aLlo of Lhe numbe
Llmes an evenL occu Lo Lhe numbe of
9obablllLy of an evenL A 9%A)
numbe of Llmes evenL occus
numbe of Llals
Whee as 09%A)1
1ry th|s quest|on
1 A sLudy was conducLed ln a school lnvolvlng
1200 sLudenLs on Lhe klnd of games favoed by
sLudenLs 1he followlng daLa was ecoded
1ype of
Iootba|| 8adm|nton Squash 1enn|s
Number of
S30 3SS 1SS 160
llnd Lhe pobablllLy LhaL a selecLed sLudenL llkes
a) looLball b) 8admlnLon
c) Squash d) 1ennls
a) 9%l) 330 33
1200 120
b) 9%8) 333 71
1200 240
c) 9%S) 133 31
1200 240
d) 9%1) 160 2
1200 13
1ry th|s quest|on
2 A goup of 43 sLudenLs aLLends a moLlvaLlonal camp
20 of Lhem ae glls lf a sLudenL ls selecLed flnd Lhe
pobablllLy LhaL lL ls
a) gll
b) boy
1ry th|s quest|on
2 A goup of 43 sLudenLs aLLends a moLlvaLlonal camp
20 of Lhem ae glls lf a sLudenL ls selecLed flnd Lhe
pobablllLy LhaL lL ls
a) gll
b) boy
(G) 20 4
4S 9
(8) 2S S
4S 9
3 1he Lable below shows Lhe MaLhemaLlcs esulL ln
Lhe flnal examlnaLlon ln lom 4 Alpha
llnd Lhe pobablllLy LhaL a selecLed sLudenL
a) passes
b) geL excellenL esulLs
c) does noL geL excellenL esulLs
esu|ts Lxce||ent Good ass
numbe of sLudenLs 10 14 6
3 1he Lable below shows Lhe MaLhemaLlcs esulL ln
Lhe flnal examlnaLlon ln lom 4 Alpha
llnd Lhe pobablllLy LhaL a selecLed sLudenL
a) passes
b) geL excellenL esulLs
c) does noL geL excellenL esulLs
esu|ts Lxce||ent Good ass
numbe of sLudenLs 10 14 6
6 1
30 S
10 1
30 3
20 2
30 3

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