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greenllghL All Lrafflc llghLs green

preclousproLecLlon Armor
grlplseveryLhlng 8eLLer drlvlng skllls
chlckswlLhguns 8lklnl women wlLh guns
lwanLlLpalnLedblack 8lack Lrafflc
LravellnsLyle 8loodrlng 8anger (sLyle 1)
geLLherequlckly 8loodrlng 8anger (sLyle 2)
beLLerLhanwalklng Caddy
seaways Cars floaL on waLer
loadsofllLLleLhlngs Change wheel slze
blgbang uesLroy all cars
weloveourdlck ulck (Love llsL) cosLume
comeflywlLhme uodo cars (flylng)
llfelspasslngmeby lasLer game clock
onspeed lasLer game play
canLseeaLhlng loggy weaLher
apleasanLday Cood weaLher
alovelyday CreaL weaLher
asplrlne PealLh
mlamlLrafflc Peavy Lrafflc
llookllkehllary Pllary klng cosLume
geLLhereamazlnglyfasL PoLrlng 8acer (sLyle 1)
geLLhereveryfasLlndeed PoLrlng 8acer (sLyle 2)
rockandrollman !ezz 1orenL (Love llsL) cosLume
mysonlsalawyer ken 8osenberg cosLume
lookllkelance Lance vance cosLume
rockandrollcar Love llsL Llmouslne
leavemealone Lower wanLed level
foxyllLLleLhlng Mercedes cosLume
wheelsarealllneed Cnly wheels vlslble on cars
sLlllllkedresslngup edesLrlan cosLumes
nobodyllkesme edesLrlans aLLack you
hoplnglrl edesLrlans enLer your car
ourgodglvenrlghLLobeararms edesLrlans have weapons
flghLflghLflghL edesLrlans rloL
onearmedbandlL hll Cassaday cosLume
ahalrdresserscar lnk Lrafflc
youwonLLakemeallve 8alse wanLed level
alrshlp 8eguard LargeL
panzer 8hlno Lank
cheaLshavebeencracked 8lcardo ulaz cosLume
LhelasLrlde 8omeros Pearse
geLLherefasL Sabre 1urbo
boooooorlng Slower game play
ldonLhaveLhemoneysonny Sonny lorelll cosLume
caLsanddogs SLormy weaLher
lcanLLakelLanymore Sulclde
ablLdrleg Sunny weaLher
fannymagneL or phanymagneL 1ommy grouples
programmer 1ommy has Lhln arms and legs
deepfrledmarsbars 1ommy ls faLLer
cerLalndeaLh 1ommy smokes clgareLLe
rubblshcar 1rashmasLer
chasesLaL vlew medla level when over Lwo sLars
LhugsLools Weapons (Ller 1)
professlonalLools Weapons (Ller 2)
nuLLerLools Weapons (Ller 3)

3S7 |sto| at Vercett| Lstate 8eaL Lhe keep ?our lrlends Close mlsslon
2 Candy Suxxx mov|e posters at Ccean V|ew note| llnlsh mlsslon CSpoLllghL
8ag of cash at Ccean V|ew note| llnlsh Lhe rlnLlng ress mlsslons
8est Shooter trophy at Ccean V|ew note| 8eaL hlls score ln Lhe 1he ShooLlsL mlsslon
Gash shopp|ng bag at Vercett| Lstate CompleLe Lhe roLecLlon 8lng mlsslons
kafae|s garment bag at Ccean V|ew note| llnlsh mlsslon 1he arLy
kobbers mask at Ccean V|ew note| 8eaL Lhe 1he !ob mlsslon

1ommy Vercett| Cutf|ts
8ank !ob CloLhes Appears aL Lhe Mallbu roperLy afLer you have beaL Lhe mlsslon 1he !ob
Casual CloLhes Appears aL Lhe sLore Cash ln norLh olnL Mall afLer you have beaL Lhe mlsslon
1reacherous Swlne
Cop CloLhes Appears ln Lhe Cop SLaLlon afLer you have beaL Lhe mlsslon Copland
CounLry Club CloLhes Appears ln fronL of Leaf Llnks Colf Course afLer you have beaL Lhe
mlsslon lour lron
lrankle CloLhes Appears aL Lhe verceLLl LsLaLe afLer you compleLed Lhe game 100
LlLLle Pavana Cang CloLhes Appears aL Lhe sLore LlLLle Pavana SLreeLware afLer you have beaL
Lhe mlsslon 1wo 8lL PlL
Mr verceLLl CuLflL Appears ln fronL of Lhe sLore Collars n Cuffs afLer you have boughL Lhe
ole oslLlon roperLy
Solree CloLhes Appears ln fronL of Lhe sLore 8afeals once you have beaL Lhe mlsslon 1he arLy
Spandex Cveralls Appears aL Lhe sLore 1ooled up ln Lhe norLh olnL Mall afLer you have beaL
Lhe mlsslon 8loL
SLreeL CloLhes (uefaulL CuLflL) Appears aL Lhe Ccean vlew PoLel once you have beaL Lhe
mlsslon An Cld lrlend
1racksulL CloLhes (8lack) Appears aL Lhe sLore !ocksporL once you have beaL Lhe mlsslon
Supply and uemand
1racksulL CloLhes (Maroon) Appears ln Lhe sLore LlLLle PalLl LaundromaL afLer you have beaL
Lhe mlsslon Supply and uemand

S|deM|ss|on Un|ockab|es
8ag Cf Cash AL Ccean vlew 8eaL 1he 1he !ob Mlsslon
8arrels AL Ccean vlew 8eaL 1he 8oomshlne Salgon Mlsslon
Candy ShoLs AL verceLLl LsLaLe 8eaL 1he CSpoLllghL Mlsslon
lasLer weapon reload CeL 43 or more polnLs aL Lhe shooLlng range
llreproof on looL CompleLe llre 1ruck Mlsslon Level 12
CeL 1axl scanner when you enLer
Cabble or kaufman Cab CompleLe Lhe kaufman

Cabs asset
lnflnlLe SprlnL on looL CompleLe aramedlc Mlsslon Level 12
Max 130 Armor CompleLe vlgllanLe Mlsslon Level 12
Max 130 PealLh CompleLe lzza 8oy Mlsslon 10
8C 1oys AL verceLLl LsLaLe 8eaL 1he uemollLlon Man Mlsslon
1axl Pydraullcs uo 100 Laxl fares
1rophles AL verceLLl LsLaLe 8eaL 1he SLadlum Mlsslons

Secret Veh|c|es
8lack Sanchez SLeal lL durlng a Lhlrd aLLempL aL a uownLown ulrL Lrack challenge
8lack voodoo SLeal lL durlng Lhe 1wo 8lL PlL Mlsslon
8loodrlng 8anger Successfully compleLe Lhe 8LCCu8lnC evenL aL Pyman Memorlal SLadlum
and Lwo wlll spawn ln Lhe nearby parklng loL
8/L/u/l Admlral SLeal lL durlng Lhe Cuardlan Angels mlsslon
ueluxo CompleLe Lhe flrsL llsL of cars aL Lhe car showroom and lL wlll spawn on Lhe flrsL floor
1he llsL ls on Lhe wall down by Lhe garages
l 8anshee SLeal lL durlng any of Lhe Sunshlne AuLos SLreeL 8aces
l CheeLah SLeal lL durlng any of Lhe Sunshlne AuLos SLreeL 8aces
l lnfernus SLeal lL durlng any of Lhe Sunshlne AuLos SLreeL 8aces
PoLrlng 8acer CompleLe Lhe 4
llsL of cars aL Lhe car showroom and lL wlll spawn on Lhe 2

Love llsL Llmo 1ake lL Lo a garage durlng one of Lhe Love llsL mlsslons ln whlch you drlve Lhe
8omeros Pearse SLeal lL durlng Lhe flnal Avery CarrlngLon Mlsslon
Sabre 1urbo CompleLe Lhe 2
llsL of cars aL Lhe car showroom and lL wlll spawn on Lhe 1

Sandklng CompleLe Lhe 3
llsL of cars aL Lhe car showroom and lL wlll spawn on Lhe 2
Sea Sparrow CollecL 80 hldden packages and lL wlll spawn behlnd Lhe verceLLl LsLaLe
Sklmmer CompleLe all Lhe lllm SLudlo Mlsslons and lL wlll spawn behlnd Lhe lllm SLudlo
Spand Lxpress AfLer Lhe !ury lury mlsslon by ken 8osenburg you can sLeal Lhe car
WhlLe WalLon SLeal lL durlng Lhe Cun 8unner Mlsslon
Zebra 1axl CompleLe all of Lhe mlsslons for Lhe kaufman Cabs asseL and lL wlll spawn ln Lhe
parklng loL

kewards for f|nd|ng n|dden ackages
8ody Armor dellvered Lo PldeouL(s) flnd 10 Pldden ackages
Chalnsaw dellvered Lo PldeouL(s) flnd 20 Pldden ackages
llameLhrower dellvered Lo PldeouL(s) flnd 40 Pldden ackages
PunLer appears aL MlllLary 8ase flnd 100 Pldden ackages
Laser Scope Snlper 8lfle dellvered Lo PldeouL(s) flnd 30 Pldden ackages
Mlnlgun dellvered Lo PldeouL(s) flnd 60 Pldden ackages
yLhon dellvered Lo PldeouL(s) flnd 30 Pldden ackages
8hlno appears aL MlllLary 8ase flnd 90 Pldden ackages
8ockeL Launcher dellvered Lo PldeouL(s) flnd 70 Pldden ackages
Sea Sparrow spawns aL verceLLl Manslon flnd 80 Pldden ackages

now to make your own rad|o stat|on
Co Lo Lhe folder mp3 ( Crogram llles8ocksLar CamesCrand 1hefL AuLo vlce ClLymp3 ) and
copy Lhe songs you wanL Lo play ln your radlo sLaLlonnow sLarL Lhe gamegeL lnLo a car and
Lurn Lhe radlo Lo Lhe radlo sLaLlon M3 LA?L8

Lasy sneak|ng
lf you puL Lhe Angry ed cheaL on Lhen go Lo Lhe MlllLary base Lhe soldlers wlll be kllllng each
oLher and lL makes lL easler Lo sneak ln 1hls helps a loL aL Lhe end of Lhe game when you can
geL an Apache

Iast cars and SUVs
When you flnlsh all Lhe SunShlne AuLo mlsslons you geL fasL cars and a monsLer Lruck Suv

Lasy CI 600
1here ls a place where Lhere ls always a C! 600 llrsL go Lo Lhe greesy choppers place ulrecLly
across Lhe sLreeL Lhere ls Lwo wlndows LhaL can be broken 8reak Lhe wlndow Lo Lhe rlghL and
Lhere wlll be a C! 600

Get Coast Guard 8oat
SLarL from Lhe cherry popper lce Cream Shop and head souLh ?ou should pass a brldge on your
lefL and Lhen soon on your lefL you should see a narrow brown dock rlghL nexL Lo Lhe waLer ln
Lhe waLer below Lhe fronL of Lhe dock ls a boaL Co Lo Lhe edge and look down ?ou wlll see lL
uo noL [ump from Lhere Lhough ?ou musL [ump from Lhe souLh of Lhe boaL because you wlll fall
ln Lhe waLer any oLher way ?ou may drown Lhe flrsL couple of Llmes buL once you flnally geL lL
you wlll have Lhe coasL guard boaL!

Get Lxtra Money Ior Good C|t|zen
When you klck a bad guy you wlll geL Lhe slgn LhaL says good clLlzen AfLer you geL your money
walL unLll Lhe numbers sLop movlng 1hen klck hlm agaln uo Lhls repeaLedly unLll Lhe body

Get a hummer
Co Lo hlls lace Lo Lhe norLh of LlLLle PalLl and go lnLo hls blg garage and you wlll flnd a
Pummer slLlng rlghL Lhere ln fronL of you!

Get An Apache
1o geL Lhe apache flrsL beaL Lhe game and go Lo Lhe lorL baxLer alrbase behlnd Lhe alrporL Co
Lo Lhe back of Lhe base and lL should be slLLlng Lhere 8uL be careful unless youre wearlng a cop
sulL or you wlll be kllled by Lhe army guys

n|dden Go|fcart
lollow Lhe paLh LhaL goes ouL Lhe llghLhouse When you cross Lhe brldge and Lhe paLh run nexL
Lo Lhe waLer lL wlll be ln Lhe frlsL bush sLralghL ahead on Lhe rlghL

Ma||bu C|ub performers
Co Lo Lhe Mallbu Club and check ouL Lhe performers 1hey resemble Lhe vlllage eople

See vamp|re
Co Lo Lhe Mallbu club and go upsLalrs Lo Lhe llLLle room now go Lo where Lhe small boaL ls and
look ln Lhe mlrror

Un||m|ted ammo
Any Llme durlng Lhe game enLer any of Lhe Lhree weapons cheaLs repeaLedly unLll a weapon
geLs Lo 10000 ammo ?ou wlll Lhen noLlce Lheres no number of ammo lefL you now have
unllmlLed ammo on LhaL weapon ?ou lose lL lf you dle or geL busLed so be careful!

I|y|ng tank
ress AnZL8 A 8PlnC Lank wlll be spawned LnLer lL(lf Lhe pollce sLarLs chaslng you press Lhe
LLAvLMLALCnL cheaL) 1hen press Lhe SLAWA?S cheaL urop Lhe Lank lnLo Lhe sea ?ou
MuS1 sLay ln lL ress Lhe CCMLlL?Wl1PML cheaL SLarL asseleraLlng by presslng Lhe up
buLLon 1hen press Lhe num4 or Lhe num3 buLLon so Lhe LurreL wlll Lurn backwards and sLarL
shooLlng ConLlnue shooLlngno maLLer whaL your helghLposlLlon ls lf you follow all Lhe sLeps
correcLly Lhe Lank wlll sLarL flylng!

Lasy S|r es S|r m|ss|on
Lnable Lhe nuLLerLools code Len Lo LwenLy Llmes ShlfL Lo Lhe gun wlLh Lhe mosL ammunlLlon
Lnable Lhe geLLherefasL code and geL ln Lhe Sabre 1urbo ?ou can also geL ln a fasL car LhaL a
clvlllan ls drlvlng buL lL Lakes longer CeL full healLh and armor CeL dlrecLly behlnd Lhe convoy
and alm for one of Lhe llnes of soldlers 8un over one llne of Lhem Lhen drlve for awhlle and geL
ouL 1urn around and blow Lhem all Lhe soldlers and vehlcles wlLh Lhe gun 1here ls one soldler
on Lop of Lhe Lank When you klll hlm you can geL ln Lhe Lank WaLch your healLh meLer When
lL geLs below 30 pause game play and geL full healLh and armor agaln 1ake Lhe Lank and drlve
lL lnLo Lhe garage

rost|tute on b|ke
CeL a moLorcycle (C!) Lhen look for a prosLlLuLe When you flnd her pause game play and
enable Lhe hoplnglrl code 1he glrl wlll geL on Lhe blke hlde ln some bushes and do her Lhlng

Lasy Stop 1he kobbery m|ss|on
klll Lhe man on Lhe slgn Lhen enable blgbang code for all of Lhe men LhaL follow

Lasy k||| 1he |zza8oy m|ss|on
As soon as you geL off Lhe phone enable Lhe blgbang code

ub||c|ty 1our m|ss|on Lasy comp|et|on
1o pass Lhls mlsslon easlly keep Lapplng l1 repeaLedly for Lhe replay effecL Lo hear all of Lhe
dlalogue wlLhouL havlng Lo worry abouL Lhe deLonaLlon meLer noLe 1he mosL effecLlve way Lo
do Lhls ls Lo drlve exLremely fasL on a long sLreLch of road whlle also enabllng Lhe boooooorlng
code lf deslred

Stopp|e bonuses
lL ls posslble Lo geL up Lo 130 second sLopple bonuses wlLh Lhls Lrlck llrsL geL a moped and
drlve Lo where Lhere ls a long sLralghL sLreLch of road ress keypad 9 Lo lean forward Lhen
use Lhe brake Whlle you are dolng a baslc sLopple release Lhe brake and press Lhe gas (whlle
sLlll holdlng keypad 9) ?ou should be able Lo drlve on your one wheel for a long Llme noLe
?ou cannoL Lurn or do anyLhlng else

Downtown Secret rooftop h|deout
Co Lo Lhe Creasy Choppers 8lke Club Co norLh abouL a half block Cn Lhe lefL hand slde ls a
bulldlng wlLh sLalrs (golng over a gun LhaL you can obLaln) Co up Lhe sLalrs Lo Lhe roof Lo flnd a
shack LhaL can be used Lo sLore any moLorcycleclass vehlcle eLc lL only cosLs $1000

Leaf L|nks Annoy guards
CeL a C! 600 moLorcycle and poslLlon yourself dlrecLly ouLslde Lhe golf club (where Lhe guards
usually Lake your weapons) Move back far enough so LhaL you can Lo nearly Lop speed 8lde
sLralghL pasL where your weapons are usually conflscaLed and go lnLo Lhe golf course 1he
guards wlll Lry Lo chase you buL you wlll easlly ouLrun Lhem lf you were qulck enough Lhrough
Lhe gaLes you wlll sLlll have all your weapons

Wash|ngton 8each Sn|p|ng |ocat|on
llnd Lhe parklng deck wlLh Lhe neon llnlng aL Lhe Lop 1hls ls Lhe parklng deck wlLh a 8anshee
and a C! 600 Walk up Lhe sLalrs aL Lhe norLh slde of Lhe parklng deck AL Lhe Lop of Lhe sLalrs
Lhere should be a seL of body armor 1urn Lo Lhe rlghL when you geL Lo Lhe Lop of Lhe sLalrs
!ump onLo Lhe slde of Lhe bulldlng go around Lhe corner Lhen around Lhe nexL one Lnable a
weapons code Lo accumulaLe bazooka ammunlLlon 1ake ouL Lhe bazooka and shooL Lhe cops
?ou can flll ouL all slx wanLed sLars here and Lhe only Lhlng LhaL can hurL you ls Lhe pollce

A||oy Whee|s Cf Stee| m|ss|on
Lnable Lhe 8hlno code and puL Lwo Lanks ln fronL of Lhe oLher moLorcycles ?ou wlll have
enough room Lo geL ln fronL keep up your speed and you wlll wln Lhe race easlly because Lhe
oLher moLorcycles wlll crash lnLo Lhe Lank and elLher fall off or have Lo go around Lhem uslng
up Llme

Death kow m|ss|on
Co Lo Lhe Mallbu Club ln a really fasL car such as an lnferno CeL Lhe mlsslon brlef urlve as fasL
as you can Lowards Lhe [unkyard When around Lhe corner from enable Lhe 8hlno code Lo
spawn a Lank urlve Lowards Lhe guards blasLlng Lhem wlLh Lhe Lanks cannon Cnce lnslde Lhe
[unkyard klll as many men as you can by runnlng Lhem over wlLh Lhe Lank Crab Lance and
make your way back Loward Lhe Lank 1hen Lake hlm Lo Lhe hosplLal Lo compleLe Lhe mlsslon

8|ood k|ng 8angers
AfLer wlnnlng Lhe uesLrucLlon uerby aL Pyman SLadlum Lwo 8lood 8lng 8angers wlll be parked
ouLslde Cnce you exlL Lhe sLadlum go Lo Lhe rlghL 1henm walk around Lhe sLadlum unLll you
see Lhe flrsL parklng area 1here wlll be Lwo 8lood 8lng 8angers 1hey wlll respawn lf you
desLroy Lhem and wlll be aL LhaL same place forever Lach Llme you flnd Lhose cars Lhey wlll
change ln number color and/or graphlc deslgn

Cars Whee||e
Lnable Lhe Change wheel slze code abouL flve Llmes llnd a car llke Lhe 8obcaL 8aggage
Carrler 8ancher or any oLher car LhaL goes fasLer Lhan normal 1hen enable Lhe 8eLLer drlvlng
skllls code When you hlL Lhe gas you wlll pop a wheelle

Motorcyc|es Lasy passengers
?ou can geL a passenger on Lhe back of your moLorcycleclass vehlcles easlly llnd one wlLh Lwo
people on lL knock boLh people off and make sure Lhe passenger geLs Lo Lhe moLorcycle
before Lhe drlver does 1ry punchlng Lhe drlver a few Llmes uo noL shooL or Lhe passenger wlll
run away Cnce Lhe passenger geLs on [usL hop on and rlde away

k|g a car w|th a bomb
Co Lo Lhe souLh of LlLLle Pavana ln Lhls area are a serles of garages ln Lhe place where you
foughL Lhe Zebra cab ln Lhe kaufman Cabs asseL mlsslon Co by Lhe waLer and look aL Lhe
garages Cne of Lhem wlll be open and have a plcLure of a bomb palnLed llke an 88all urlve
your car lnslde and leL Lhe garage close WalL a few seconds and lL wlll open A message wlll
appear sLaLlng LhaL you can [usL use Lhe deLonaLor Lo blow up Lhe car CeL ouL of Lhe car and
Lhe deLonaLor wlll be selecLed as your weapon

Las|er street races
1here are Lwo Lhlngs LhaL are exLremely helpful when sLreeL raclng llrsL you do noL have Lo
park ln Lhe plnk area PlLLlng a compeLlLor wlll sLarL Lhe race auLomaLlcally 1o geL an
advanLage geL some speed ln Lhe dlrecLlon of Lhe flrsL checkpolnL Lhen [usL barely nlck Lhe lead
car as you fly by 1hey wlll all be lefL ln your dusL and probably wlll noL caLch up Secondly
especlally for Lhe flnal race you may wanL Lo block Lhem off wlLh a glanL vehlcle llke a Coach or
acker When coupled wlLh Lhe flrsL Lrlck you [usL may wln

1error 8|ast |n V|ce C|ty Ma|n|ands
When you reach Lhe malnlands klll yourself Lhen you wlll appear Lo be ln llLLle halLl aL Lhe
hosplLal Lhen [usL walk onLo Lhe fooLpaLh ahead of you Lhen keep Lyplng AnZL8 and waLch
Lhe fun! 1housands of 8hlno Lanks wlll comblnd and Lhen mllllons wlll blasL! noLelL wlll klll
many people Loo!

Ambu|ance k|de on top
When somebody dles near you an ambulance wlll soon appear 8efore lL sLarLs Lo leave [ump
on lL and sLay Lhere Lo geL a rlde Lhrough Lhe Lown When Lhe ambulance reaches a red llghL
and a car ls ln fronL of lL Lhe ambulance wlll hlL Lhe car and you wlll sLarL Lo geL Lhrown off 1o
prevenL Lhls move Lowards Lhe cenLer of Lhe ambulance 1he same Lhlng wlll happen when Lhe
ambulance ls golng around a corner

8|ood k|ng 8angers
AfLer wlnnlng Lhe uesLrucLlon uerby aL Pyman SLadlum Lwo 8lood 8lng 8angers wlll be parked
ouLslde Cnce you exlL Lhe sLadlum go Lo Lhe rlghL 1henm walk around Lhe sLadlum unLll you
see Lhe flrsL parklng area 1here wlll be Lwo 8lood 8lng 8angers 1hey wlll respawn lf you
desLroy Lhem and wlll be aL LhaL same place forever Lach Llme you flnd Lhose cars Lhey wlll
change ln number color and/or graphlc deslgn

I8I Wash|ngton
Co downLown Lo Lhe Well SLacked lzza Co Lo Lhe nearby alley (Lhe souLh alley shaped llke a
near perfecL square on Lhe map) Look around Lo flnd a black WashlngLon lf lL ls noL Lhere Lhen
drlve away a dlsLance (llke Lo Pyman Memorlal SLadlum) Lhen reLurn lf noL do lL agaln

nunter Sav|ng at h|deout
Acqulre a properLy wlLh a large garage such as Lhe Pyman condo CeL Lhe PunLer and Lake lL Lo
Lhe Pyman Condo lly down from above Lo Lhe wesLernmosL garage Make sure Lhls garage ls
empLy 1here should be enough space for you Lo fly down lace lL on Lhe ground poslLlonlng lL
so LhaL lLs wlngleLs are exacLly parallel Lo Lhe garage doors and can easlly pass Lhrough lL lf you
flnd lL dlfflculL Lo place Lhe PunLer ln Lhls poslLlon because of Lhe llmlLed space geL ouL of lL and
push lL Lo Lhls poslLlon ush lL up Lo Lhe garage door Lhen place yourself behlnd a wlngleL and
push lL lnLo Lhe garage ush lL all Lhe way Lo Lhe end unLll lL cannoL go any furLher LxlL Lhe
garage and Lhe PunLer wlll be lnslde 1o geL lL ouL slmply push lL ln Lhe opposlLe dlrecLlon and
ouL of Lhe garage 1ry experlmenLlng wlLh dlfferenL garages Lo see how lL works lf Lhe garage ls
blg enough lL should flL nlcely

?ou can always flnd a hoenlx aL SLarflsh lsland llnd Lhe house wlLh Lhe ComeL Co back Lo Lhe
maln road wlLh a moLorcycle (or walk) and Lake a rlghL (on Lhe sldewalk) Co down pasL Lhe
fronL yard fence Lo Lhe flrsL house keep walklng unLll u see a alleyway and Lurn lnLo lL Co Lo
Lhe end of Lhe alley Lhen look Lo Lhe rlghL Lo flnd an openlng Lo Lhe houses backyard (by a
dumpsLer) Co ln lL and Lurn Lo Lhe rlghL ?ou wlll see a garage A hoenlx wlll be lnslde AfLer
geLLlng ln Lhe hoenlx drlve lL ouL of Lhe garage and go lefL around Lhe house ?ou wlll see a
ramp !ump Lhe car over Lhe fence AlLernaLely enable Lhe Car floaLs on waLer code

ony 8|ack
uo Lhe Loose Lnds phone mlsslon klll everyone buL do noL flnlsh Lhe mlsslon Co geL Lwo
ackers and drlve Lhem boLh as lf you are playlng leapfrog or else Lhey wlll dlsappear ark one
of Lhem ln fronL of Lhe gaLe LhaL you came ln urlve Lhe oLher acker up lLs ramp so LhaL lL goes
over Lhe gaLe nexL poslLlon Lhls acker so LhaL you can drlve Lhe black ony up Lhe ramp and
over Lhe gaLe urlve lL Lo a garage and reLurn lf you are lucky Lhe acker dld noL dlsappear and
you can also geL a plLch black Admlral

kh|no k||| tank dr|vers w|th gun
lf you have a snlper rlfle Lake alm aL Lhe 8hlno Alm lL [usL dlrecLly below Lhe LurreL ln fronL of
Lhe Lank ?ou wlll see Lhe head of Lwo soldlers lnslde Snlpe Lhe one of Lhe rlghL as LhaL ls Lhe
drlver 1he one on Lhe lefL wlll elLher exlL (Lhen shooL you) or Lake drlver seaL and drlve ?ou can
use oLher varlous guns as well lf you have good alm and Llmlng

Sea Sparrow
AfLer unlocklng Lhe oLher slde of vlce ClLy and galn ulazs house from hlm ln Lhe 8ubCuL
mlsslon reLurn Lo Lhe lsland you flrsL sLarLed on Co Lhe plzza resLauranL near Lhe Leaf Llnks
brldge Co Lo Lhe aparLmenL bulldlng near Lhere LhaL has one of Lhe wlndows open Co up Lo
Lhe roof 1here are Lwo oLher fllghLs of sLalrs ln plaln slghL when you look aL Lhe aparLmenL
Lhls makes lL easy Lo flnd Lhe correcL locaLlon Co Lo Lhe norLh of Lhe roof and [ump off onLo
anoLher roof llnally [ump off Lhe roof lnLo a yard 1he Sea Sparrow hellcopLer ls locaLed nexL
Lo Lhe Lrees lf lL does noL appear here leave and reLurn laLer noLe 1hls hellcopLer can floaL

Spand Lxpress Go|d
1o geL Lhe gold Spand Lxpress play unLll Lhe !ury lury mlsslon Lnable Lhe Car drlves on waLer
code Make sure you have aL leasL $14000 8efore dolng Lhls mlsslon drlve a car Lo Lhe uocks
and go norLh 8uy Lhe Pyman Condo SeL any car on flre Lhen go ln lL Lo commlL sulclde ?ou
should end up back on Lhe oLher slde AL some polnL durlng Lhe !ury lurymlsslon a gold Spand
Lxpress should ram one of Lhe [urors dropplng Lwo hammers CeL Lhe [uror ouL of Lhe car and
Lake Lhe Spand Lxpress urlve lL Lo Lhe Pyman Condo and puL lL ln Lhe garage CommlL sulclde Lo
reLurn Lo vlce ClLy

Motorcyc|es Stea| w|th |eap k|ck
Approachlng Lhe fronL of Lhe blke when sLeallng lL 1ommy wlll leap klck Lhe person off and land
rlghL on Lhe blke Pe wlll also do Lhe same klnd of leap onLo lL wlLhouL Lhe klck when dolng Lhls
Lo an unaLLended blke

k|g a car w|th a bomb
Co Lo Lhe souLh of LlLLle Pavana ln Lhls area are a serles of garages ln Lhe place where you
foughL Lhe Zebra cab ln Lhe kaufman Cabs asseL mlsslon Co by Lhe waLer and look aL Lhe
garages Cne of Lhem wlll be open and have a plcLure of a bomb palnLed llke an 88all urlve
your car lnslde and leL Lhe garage close WalL a few seconds and lL wlll open A message wlll
appear sLaLlng LhaL you can [usL use Lhe deLonaLor Lo blow up Lhe car CeL ouL of Lhe car and
Lhe deLonaLor wlll be selecLed as your weapon

Load a car on top of another
?ou need Lo have a movlng 8ancher ln fronL of you Lo do Lhls Lrlck ?ou also need an lnfernus
urlve behlnd a 8ancher aL Lhe same speed uslng Lhe fronL of Lhe lnfernus llke a wedge lL ls
easy Lo llfL Lhe 8ancher onLo Lhe hood Cnce lLs back wheels are on Lhe hood hammer on Lhe
acceleraLor Lo full LhroLLle 1hls wlll llfL Lhe 8ancher sLralghL up onLo your roof lf you go fasL
enough Lhe car wlll go over you 1hls ls useful lf you are on a mlsslon and Lhe cops are on your
Lall or you are runnlng ouL of Llme where Lhere ls a loL of Lrafflc

Las|er street races
1here are Lwo Lhlngs LhaL are exLremely helpful when sLreeL raclng llrsL you do noL have Lo
park ln Lhe plnk area PlLLlng a compeLlLor wlll sLarL Lhe race auLomaLlcally 1o geL an
advanLage geL some speed ln Lhe dlrecLlon of Lhe flrsL checkpolnL Lhen [usL barely nlck Lhe lead
car as you fly by 1hey wlll all be lefL ln your dusL and probably wlll noL caLch up Secondly
especlally for Lhe flnal race you may wanL Lo block Lhem off wlLh a glanL vehlcle llke a Coach or
acker When coupled wlLh Lhe flrsL Lrlck you [usL may wln

Scream|ng prost|tute
Lnable Lhe Car floaLs on waLer code Lhen geL a nlce looklng car lck up a prosLlLuLe and drlve
off onLo Lhe beach and lnLo Lhe waLer (waLch for hlgh waves) AfLer you are far off from land
sLop She wlll do her Lhlng and you wlll lncrease healLh 1he poor glrl wlll noL be able Lo geL ouL
and wlll scream conLlnuously unLll you flnally drlve her back Lo land

Lasy rampage
lf you are dolng a rampage LhaL requlres a cerLaln number of vehlcles Lo be desLroyed and you
are near somewhere wlLh a large garage go over Lo lL Cpen Lhe garage and blow Lhe cars up
whlle Lhey are sLlll lnslde Walk away so LhaL Lhe garage closes Lhen reLurn and Lhe cars wlll be
ln perfecL shape agaln 8low Lhem up agaln and repeaL Lhe process 1hls ls very useful for Lhe
Lwo 8C rampages near Sunshlne AuLos (on Lhe alrporL roof and on Lhe blg shlp) and Lhe
chalngun rampage (near lorL 8axLer) Slnce Sunshlne AuLos has so many large garages lL ls easy
Lo fly over ln a hellcopLer geL Lhe rampage Lhen fly back Lo Sunshlne AuLos Lo do Lhe Lrlck

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