A Heart

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A Heart

There was once a man.

He had broken heart.
No man,
Or the man himselI
Knew why.
Then one day
The man met a girl.
The girl took the man`s heart.
She polished it and held it close,
Protecting it Irom the elements.
His heart was on the mend.
This was only good Ior a time.
The girl leIt the man.
Yet again he lay aside,
With broken heart in hand.
He waited.
Tried to mend it himselI.
But to no avail.
A girl came to him.
The girl took the man`s heart.
Held it close,
She did more than just dust it oII,
And give it a like new shine;
She started to mend it.
She started on the inside.
The man had no idea what to think,
Or do.
He let her take him to a place he`d never been.
He had Iound love once again.
A love he`d thought would never come.
The man was at last happy.
He had Iound the one thing in all liIe
That he truly,
He Iound his girl.

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