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SPM 2005
48 The following equation represents the decay of uranium nucleus. Persamaan berikut mewakili pereputan satu nucleus uranium.

SPM 2006
48 Diagram 29 shows three types of radioactive rays, X, Y and Z, directed towards a sheet ofpaper, a sheet of aluminium and a sheet of lead. Rajah 29 menunj ukkan tiga jenis sinaran radioaktif, X, Y dan Z, dihalakan kepada kepingan kertas, kepingan alurninium dan kepingan plumbum.

What are the values of x and y? Berapakah nilai X dan Y? X 0 1 1 2 Y 1 1 2 2

[A] [B] [C] [D] 49

What is the radioisotope that can be used to determine the age of a fossil? Apakah radioisotop yang, boleh digunakan untuk menentukan usia suatu fosil? [A] [B] Radon-222 Uranium-238 [C] [D] Carbon-l4 Iodine-131

Which of the following rays are represented by X, Y and Z? Antara sinaran berikut, yang manakah diwakili oleh X, Y dan Z? X Alpha Alfa Beta Beta Gamma Gama Gamma Gama Y Gamma Gama Alpha Alfa Alpha Alfa Beta Beta Z Beta Beta Gamma Gama Beta Beta Alpha Alfa

[A] [B] [C] [D]


Which of the following statements is a characteristic of gamma radiation? Antara pernyataan berikut, yang manakah sifot sinaran gama? [A] [B] [C] It has a positive charge Mempunyai cas positif It is an electromagnetic wave Sejenis ge lombang elekt romagnet It has a higher ionizing power than alpha radiation Kuasa pengionan lebih tinggi daripada sinaran alfa It has a lower penetrating than beta radiation Kuasa penembusan yang lebih rendah daripada sinaran beta



The initial mass of a radioactive element is 10 g and its half-life is 6 days. Which of the following statements about the mass of the radioactive element is true? Jisim awal su.atu unsur radioaktif ialah l0 g dan separuh hayatnya ialah 6 hari. Antara pernyataan berikut, yang manakah benar tentang jisim unsur radioaktif itu? [A] [B] [C] [D] 6 days earlier, the mass is 20 g 6 hari sebelumnya, jisimnya ialah 20 g 12 days earlier, the mass is 80 g 12 hari sebelumnya, jisimnya ialah 80 g 6 days later, the mass is 2.5 g 6 hari selepasnya, jisimnya ialah 2.5 g 12 days later, the mass is 5.0 g 12 hari selepasnya, jisimnya ialah 5.0 g


Which statement is true about the use of radioactive substance? Pernyataan yang manakah benar tentang kegunaan bahan radioaktif? [A] [B] To determine the sex of a foetus Menentukan jantina janin dalam rahim To determine the contents in the baggage of air plane passengers Menentukan knndungan bagasi penumpang kapal terbang To detect leakage in underground pipes Mengesan kebocoran paip dalam tanah To identify counterfeit bank-notes Mengenal pasti wang kertas palsu

[C] [D]

Bank Soalan Fizik - SMAPT


SPM 2007
48 A negatively charged particle moves towards a nucleus of an atom. Which of the following diagrams shows the correct path of the particle? Satu zarah bercas negatif bergerak menuju ke arah nukleus satu atom. Antara rajah berikut, yang manakah menunjukkan lintasan yang betul bagi zarah itu?

SPM 2008
48 Diagram 30 shows the radioactive decay series of nucleus R to nucleus Y. Rajah 30 menunjukkan siri pereputan radioaktif nukleus R kepada nukleus Y.

How many alpha and beta particles are emitted in this process? Berapakah bilangan zarah alfa dan zarah betayang dipancarkan dalam proses ini?


Table 1 shows the half-lives of four types of liquid isotopes which radiate particles . Jadual 7 menunjukkan separuh hayat bagi empat jenis cecair isotop yang memancarkan zarah .


The half-life of arsenic is 18 days. A sample contains a certain amount of arsenic. After 12 days, only l0 g of the arsenic still remains. What is the initial mass of the arsenic? Separuh hayat bagi arsenik ialah 18 hari. Suatu sampel mengandungi sejumlah arsenik. Selepas 72 hari, hanya l0 g arsenik dalam sampel itu yang masih tinggal. Berapakah jisim asal arsenik itu? [A] [C] 160g 80g [B] [D] 90g 72g .

Which of the following isotopes is suitable to detect blood clotting? Antara isotop berikut, yang manakah sesuai digunakan untuk mengesan pembekuan darah? [A] [C] 50 P R [B] [D] Q S


The following equation shows the nuclear fission of Persamaan berikut menunjukkan pembelahan nukleus bagi

In the fission reaction for an atom uranium-235, the energy produced is 2.9 x 10-11 J. What is the total loss of mass in the reaction? Dalam suatu tindak balas pembelahan nukleus bagi satu atom uranium-235, tenaga yang dihasilkan ialah 2.9 x l0-11 J. Berapakah jumlah kehilangan jisim dalam tindak balas itu? [A] [C] 3.22 x 10-28 kg 2.61x 106 kg [B] [D] 9.67 x 10-20 kg 1.03 x 1019 kg

What is X? Apakah X? [A] [C] - particle Zarah - Energy Tenaga [B] [D] - pariicle Zarah - - ray Sinar -

Bank Soalan Fizik - SMAPT


SPM 2009
48 Which diagram shows the structure of the atom the composition of its nucleus? Rajah manakah yang menunjukkan struktur atom dan komposisi nukleusnya? and

SPM 2010
48 The process of combing two lighter nuclei to form a heavier nucleus is known as process menggabungkan dua nukleus yang ringan untuk membentuk satu nukleus yang Iebih berat dikenali sebagai [A] [B] [C] Nuclear fusion pelakuran nukleus Nuclear fission pembelahan nukleus Chain reaction tindak balas berantai


Diagram 38 shows the beginning of a chain reaction. Rajah 38 menuniukkan permulaan suatu tindak balas berantai.


The initial mass of polonium is l0 g and its half-life is 138 days. Which graph shows the decay curve of polonium? Jisim asal polonium ialah l0 g dan setengah hayatnya ialah 138 hari. Graf manakah yang menunjukkan lengkuk reputan bagi polonium? A chain reaction takes place because Tindak balas berantai berlaku kerana [A] [B] U is highly radioactive U mempunyai sifat keradioaktifan yang tinggi the two nuclei Sr and Xe are still radioactive kedua-dua nukleus St dan Xe masih bersifat radioaktif the number of neutrons released is continuously multiplying as time increases bilangan neuton yang dibebaskan berganda secara berterusan dengan pertambahan masa the energy released during the nuclear reaction is very high tenaga yang dibebaskan semasa tindak balas nuklear adalah sangat tinggi




When a sample of Radium-226 decays, the energy released is 7.81 x 10-13 J. What is the mass defect? Apabila satu sampel Radium-226 mereput, tenaga yang dibebaskan ialah 7.81 x 10-13 J. Berapakah cacat iisim? [A] [C] 8.68 x 10-30 kg 3.84 x 1020 kg [B] [D] 2.60 x l0-2r kg 1.15 x 102e kg


A large amount of energy is released when two light nucleus combine to form a heavy nucleus. What is the name of this process? Jumlah tenaga yang besar dibebaskan semusa dua nukleus yang ring,an bergabung membentuk satu nukleus yang berat. Apakah nama proses ini? [A ] [C] Chain reaction [B] Tindak balas berantai Nuclear fission [D] Pembelahan nuclear Nuclear reaction Tindak balas nuklear Nuclear fusion Pelakuran nuklear

Bank Soalan Fizik - SMAPT

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