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Core|DkAW ls a vecLor graphlcs

edlLor developed and markeLed by Corel

CorporaLlon of CLLawa Canada lL ls also
Lhe name of Corels Craphlcs SulLe lLs
laLesL verslon named x3 (acLually verslon
13) was released ln lebruary 2010
bouL coral company
W Core| Corporat|on from Lhe abbrevlaLlon
(Cowpland kesearch LaboraLory) ls
a compuLer sofLware company headquarLered
ln CLLawaCnLarlo LhaL speclallzes ln graphlcs
processlng slmllar Lo dobe SysLems lL ls
known for produclng sofLware LlLles such
as Corelu8JalnL Shop ro and laLer
acqulred ma[or compeLlLors such as ulead
SysLems and JorderfecL
W Corelu8JdlfferenLlaLes lLself from lLs compeLlLors ln a number
of ways
W 1he flrsL ls lLs poslLlonlng as a graphlcs sulLe raLher Lhan [usL a vecLor graphlcs program full range of
edlLlng Lools allow Lhe user Lo ad[usL conLrasL color balance change Lhe formaL from 8C8 Lo CM?k add
speclal effecLs such as vlgneLLes and speclal borders Lo blLmaps 8lLmaps can also be edlLed more
exLenslvely uslng Corel hoLoalnL openlng Lhe blLmap dlrecLly from Corelu8Jand reLurnlng Lo Lhe
program afLer savlng lL also allows a laser Lo cuL ouL any drawlngs
W Corelu8J ls capable of handllng mulLlple pages along wlLh mulLlple masLer layers MulLlpage
documenLs are easy Lo creaLe and edlL and Lhe Corel prlnL englne allows for bookleL and oLher
lmposlLlon so even slmple prlnLers can be used for produclng flnlshed documenLs Cne of Lhe useful
feaLures for slngle and mulLlpage documenLs ls Lhe ablllLy Lo creaLe llnked LexL boxes across documenLs
LhaL can be reslzed and moved whlle Lhe LexL lLself reseLs and flows Lhrough Lhe boxes useful for
creaLlng and edlLlng mulLlarLlcle newsleLLers eLc
W Smaller lLems llke buslness cards lnvlLaLlons eLc can be deslgned Lo Lhelr flnal page slze and lmposed
Lo Lhe prlnLers sheeL slze for cosLeffecLlve prlnLlng n addlLlonal prlnLmerge feaLure (uslng a
spreadsheeL or LexL merge flle) allows full personallzaLlon for many Lhlngs llke numbered raffle LlckeLs
lndlvldual lnvlLaLlons membershlp cards and more
W Corelu8Js compeLlLors lnclude dobe lllusLraLor and xara xLreme lLhough all of Lhese are vecLor
based lllusLraLlon programs Lhe user experlence dlffers greaLly beLween Lhem Jhlle Lhese programs
wlll read Lhelr naLlve flle Lypes and vlce versa Lhe LranslaLlon ls rarely perfecL Corelu8Jcan
open dobe ul flles dobe ageMaker MlcrosofL ubllsher and Jord and oLher programs can prlnL
documenLs Lo ul uslng Lhe dobe ulJrlLer prlnLer drlver whlch Corelu8Jcan Lhen open and edlL
every aspecL of Lhe orlglnal layouL and deslgn Corelu8Jcan also open owerolnL resenLaLlons and
oLher MlcrosofL Cfflce formaLs wlLh llLLle or no problem
W eatures by vers|on
W Ver 2 (1991) nvelope Lool (for dlsLorLlng LexL or ob[ecLs uslng a prlmary shape) 8lend (for morphlng shapes) xLruslon
(for slmulaLlng perspecLlve and volume ln ob[ecLs) and erspecLlve (Lo dlsLorL ob[ecLs along x and ? axes)
W Ver 3 (1992) lncluded Corel PC1Cln1* (for blLmap edlLlng) CorelSPCJ(for creaLlng onscreen presenLaLlons)
CorelCP81 (for graphlc charLs) Mosalc and Corel18C (for vecLorlzlng blLmaps) 1he lncluslon of Lhls sofLware was Lhe
precedenL for Lhe acLual graphlc sulLes
W Ver 4 (1993) lncluded Corel PC1Cln1* (for blLmap edlLlng) CorelSPCJ(for creaLlng onscreen presenLaLlons)
CorelCP81 (for graphlc charLs) CorelMCv for anlmaLlon Mosalc and Corel18C (for vecLorlzlng blLmaps) MulLlpage
capablllLles owerllnes supporL for graphlc LableLs Clone Lool elasLlc node edlLlng nvelope Lool
W Ver S (1994) 1hls ls Lhe lasL verslon whlch was made for and works on Jlndows 3x Corel venLura was lncluded ln Lhe
sulLe (and Lhen sold as a separaLe program) lL was a deskLop publlshlng appllcaLlon akln Lo ageMaker Cuark xpress or
W Ver 6 (199S) 1hls ls Lhe flrsL verslon whlch was made excluslvely for 32blL Jlndows new feaLures were cusLomlzable
lnLerface olygon Splral knlfe and raser Lools Corel Memo Corel resenLs Corel MoLlon 3u Corel uepLh Corel
MulLlmedla Manager Corel lonL MasLer and Corel u8M (for 3u modelllng) were lncluded ln Lhe sulLe
W Ver 7 (1997) ConLexLsenslLlve roperLy bar rlnL revlew wlLh Zoom and an opLlons Scrapbook (for vlewlng a dragand
dropplng graphlc ob[ecLs) ubllsh Lo P1ML opLlon urafL and nhanced dlsplay opLlons lnLeracLlve llll and 8lend Lools
1ransparency Lools naLural en Lool llnd 8eplace wlzard ConverL vecLor Lo 8lLmap opLlon (lnslde uraw) Spell checker
1hesaurus and Crammar checker 1he sulLe lncluded Corel Scan and Corel 8arlsLa (a !avabased documenL exchange
W Ver 8 (1998) ulgger selecLlon uocker wlndows lnLeracLlve ulsLorLlon 3u nvelope and Lools 8eallsLlc uropshadowLool
lnLeracLlve color mlxlng color paleLLe edlLor guldellnes as ob[ecLs cusLomslzed pages duoLone supporL Corel verslons
was lncluded ln Lhe sulLe
W Ver 9 (1999) Mesh flll Lool (for complex color fllllng) rLlsLlc Medla Lool ubllsh Lo ul feaLures embedded lCC color
proflles MulLlple Cnscreen Color aleLLes and MlcrosofL vlsual 8aslc for ppllcaLlons 6 supporL 1he sulLe lncluded CanLo
Cumulus L a plece of sofLware for medla managemenL
W Ver 10 (2000) Corel8v (for vecLor anlmaLlon) erfecL Shapes Jeb graphlcs Lools (for creaLlng lnLeracLlve elemenLs
such as buLLons) age sorLer mulLlllngual documenL supporL navlgaLor wlndow Cpen save lmporL and exporL
ln SvC formaL
W Ver 11 (2002) Symbols llbrary lmage sllclng (for web deslgn) pressuresenslLlve vecLor brushes 3polnL drawlng Lools
W Ver 12 (2003) uynamlc guldes SmarL urawlng Lools xporL Lo MS Cfflce or Jord opLlon vlrLual SegmenL ueleLe Lool
unlcode LexL supporL
W Ver k3 (2006) uouble cllck Crop Lool (Lhe flrsL vecLor sofLware able Lo crop groups of vecLors and blLmap lmages aL Lhe
same Llme) SmarL flll Lool Chamfer/lllleL/Scallop/mboss Lool lmage d[usLmenL Lab 1race became lnLegraLed lnslde
uraw under Lhe name ower18C
W Ver k4 (2008) JhaLLhefonL fonL ldenLlflcaLlon servlce llnked lnslde Coreluraw ConcepLShare 1able Lool lndependenL
page layers llve LexL formaLLlng supporL for 8J camera flles
W Ver kS (2010) 8ullLln conLenL organlzer (CorelCCnnC1) new color managemenL web graphlcs and anlmaLlon Lools
mulLlcore performance lmprovemenL dlglLal conLenL (professlonal fonLs cllp arLs and phoLos) ob[ecL hlnLlng plxel vlew
enhanced Mesh Lool wlLh Lransparency opLlons added Louch supporL and new supporLed flle formaLs
lL has developed
1ransformaLlon whlch makes mulLlple coples of a slngle ob[ec
W upported p|atforms
W Corelu8Jwas orlglnally developed for MlcrosofL Jlndows 3 and
currenLly runs on Jlndows x Jlndows vlsLa and Jlndows 71he currenL
verslon x3 was released on 23 lebruary 2010
W verslons for Mac CS and Mac CS x were aL one Llme avallable buL due Lo
poor sales Lhese were dlsconLlnued 1he lasL porL for Llnux was verslon 9
(released ln 2000 lL dldnL run naLlvely lnsLead lL used a modlfled verslon
of Jlne Lo run) and Lhe lasL verslon for CS x was verslon 11 (released ln
2001) lso up unLll verslon 3 Corelu8Jwas developed forJlndows
31x C1CS and CS/2
W roblems lnsLalllng or runnlng older verslons of Corel uraw under
Jlndows 7 may be overcome by uslng MlcrosofLs 1roubleshooL
CompaLlblllLy rlghLcllck on Lhe seLupexe flle on Lhe lnsLallaLlon dlsk Lo
selecL Lhls faclllLy (LesLed on verslon 12 wlLh Jlndows 7 where prevlous
aLLempLs wlLhouL MlcrosofL 1roubleshooL CompaLlblllLy falled)

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