Steve Jobs

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Presented 8y:
Allen Lopes, ||S
Steven PauI Steve Jobs -orn Fe-ruary
24, 1955) Is an AmerIcan entrepreneur and
He Is cofounder, chaIrman, and former
chIef executIve offIcer of Apple NC
Jo-s also prevIously served as chIef
executIve of PIxar AnImatIon studIo
He -ecame a mem-er of the -oard of
dIrectors of The Walt 0Isney Company In
2006, followIng the acquIsItIon of PIxar -y
Steven PauI Steve Jobs -orn Fe-ruary 24,
1955) Is an AmerIcan entrepreneur and Inventor.
He Is cofounder, chaIrman, and former chIef
executIve offIcer of Apple NC
Jo-s also prevIously served as chIef executIve
of PIxar AnImatIon studIo
He -ecame a mem-er of the -oard of dIrectors
of The Walt 0Isney Company In 2006, followIng
the acquIsItIon of PIxar -y 0Isney.
n the late 1970s, Jo-s, wIth Apple co
founder Steve WoznIak, hIke and others,
desIgned, developed, and marketed one of
the fIrst commercIally successful lInes of
personal computers, the AppIe II serIes.
After losIng a power struggle wIth the -oard
of dIrectors In 1985,
Jo-s resIgned from
Apple and founded NeXT, a computer
pIatform development company specIalIzIng
In the hIghereducatIon and -usIness markets
Apple's su-sequent 1996 -uyout of NeXT
-rought Jo-s -ack to the company he co
founded, and he served as Its CED from 1997
untIl 2011
Dn August 24, 2011, Jo-s announced hIs
resIgnatIon from hIs role as Apple's CED
|uch has -een made of
Jo-s' aggressIve and
demandIng personalIty.
Fortune wrote that he Is
consIdered one of SIlIcon
7alley's leadIng egomanIacs
He was awarded the NatIonal |edal of
Technology from PresIdent Fonald Feagan
In 1984
Dn Novem-er 5, 2009, Jo-s was named
the CED of the decade -y Fortune
Even though Jo-s earned only S1 a year as CED of Apple, he holds
5.426 mIllIon Apple shares, as well as 1J8 mIllIon shares In 0Isney.
For-es has estImated hIs net wealth at S8.J -IllIon In 2010, makIng
hIm the 42nd wealthIest AmerIcan
Jo-s Is lIsted as eIther prImary Inventor or coInventor In JJ8 US
Such as Ipad, Iphone, Ipod , Ipad 2 etc.
Dne of the great thIngs a-out Steve Jo-s Is what comes out
of hIs mouth.
t's really hard to desIgn products -y focus
groups. A lot of tImes, people don't know what
they want untIl you show It to them.
usness Week, |ay 25 1998
Apple has some tremendous assets, -ut -elIeve
wIthout some attentIon, the company could,
could, could 'm searchIng for the rIght word
could, could dIe.
Dn hIs return as InterIm CED, In %me, Aug. 18,
Apple clock radIo
ElectronIc Apple Car

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