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Pow Lo wrlLe a Cv

Cv Currlculum vlLae 8esume

os and on'Ls
1hls ls a llsL of lnformaLlon LhaL could be easlly
o noL lle ln your resume
use bulleL sLyle
lollow lnsLrucLlons however make lL unlque
(LemplaLe / paper / fonL/ order / colours)
Avold 'l' form
8e conslsLenL!
keep your Cv on 1 page!
ConLacL lnformaLlon
Work experlence
CompuLer skllls
LecLures / courses / workshops
ersonal skllls
o noL wrlLe '8esume' Cover leLLer or Cv as a
headlng lL ls self explanaLory
?ou can puL your name and enlarge Lhe polnL
lL ls noL pracLlce Lo puL your phoLo Powever
lf Lhe employer lnslsLs make sure lL ls a
professlonal plcLure ln the rlghL Lop corner
ConLacL lnformaLlon
name (lf you puL your name as a headlng don'L repeaL lL)
1elephone number
Lmall address (remove hyperllnk!!)
lva[hoLmallcom lva[hoLmallcom
o noL puL daLe of blrLh unless lL ls speclflcally requlred Make
sure you use Lngllsh way of wrlLlng daLes
21031986 March 21 1986
LlsL your schools chronologlcally
SLarL from Lhe mosL recenL (presenL)
?ear / name of Lhe school / ClLy / your LlLle
?ear year of your graduaLlon nC1 enrolmenL
lf you haven'L flnlshed college yeL puL expecLed year
of your graduaLlon
2012 LlberLas 8uslness College Zagreb
8achelor of sclence
Work experlence
LlsL work experlence sLarLlng from Lhe mosL recenL
[ob (2009 presenL)
?ou MuS1 puL dates pos|t|on company c|ty and
descr|pt|on of your respons|b|||t|es!!!
lf you worked durlng summer puL
!un AugusL 2009)
o noL wrlLe 'l have no work experlence' or [usL
'WalLer' wlLh no oLher lnformaLlon or 'l work ln my
dad's company'
8egin wlLh Lhe language you speak besL!
CroaLlan naLlve (only lf you are sendlng your
Cv Lo a forelgn company)
Lngllsh fluenL
Cerman advanced
Spanlsh baslc
talian passlve
CompuLer skllls
MS Cfflce
LlsL oLher programmes you use
rlvlng llcence caLegory '8' 2008
1CLlL 2009 (means 1esL of Lngllsh as a
lorelgn Language)
LCL 2009 (means Luropean CompuLer
rlvlng Llcence)
uL oLher quallflcaLlons you are proud of
(flrsL ald quallfled skllng lnsLrucLor Lennls
LecLures / courses / workshops
1ry Lo remember Lhlngs you have done before
Make sure you aLLend lecLures / sLudenL acLlvlLles /
workshops provlded by college
1here ls a 8 workshop LhaL wlll be held on LlberLas
on Aprll 10
1here are also number of lecLures held aL Lhe college
1ltle of tbe lectote oome of tbe speoket oome of
lostltotloo wbete lt 8 belJ yeot
ersonal skllls
lf Lhere ls some space on Lhe paper llsL some of Lhe skllls LhaL
descrlbe you besL
Self moLlvaLed
Culck learner
1eam player
Lasy golng
Pard worklng
AdopLable Lo changes
Coal orlenLed
1ask orlenLed
llnal Llps
?our Cv ls Lhe flrsL sLep for geLLlng a [ob and lL's Lhe
only way Lo become a candldaLe out of all appllcanLs
Lmployers geL around 300 Cv per poslLlon make
sure you dlsLlngulsh yourself
LllmlnaLe all posslble Lypos (spellcheck and have
someone proofread lL!)
Make lL unlque buL well organlzed and easlly
use your Llme aL college Lo galn skllls and
knowledge! ?ou can accompllsh a loL!
Memorlzlng pure lnformaLlon won'L geL you
8emember it's "Mlnd over MaLLer!!!
CeL some work experlence don'L be lazy
durlng summer!
Cood luck!

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