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Irish Amateur Archery Association Ltd

Cumann Boghdireacht Amaitireach na hireann Teo Affiliated to: Olympic Council of Ireland and F.I.T.A.


This form must be completed in BLOCK CAPITALS throughout, except where signatures are required
Section One Details of proposing club

Club Name Club Secretary E-mail address

Section Two Details of proposed member

Club Address

We, an IAAA Affiliated Club, do hereby apply for membership of the Irish Amateur Archery Association on behalf of Name Address Date of birth (if aged under 18) Phone
(Home) (Office / Mobile) Section Three Declaration by applicant

E-mail address

I agree to abide by the Rules and Articles of Association of the IAAA. Signature
Member Section Four Declaration by club / sponsors


I, as a member of the above-named club, propose this application and declare the applicant to be sufficiently competent and knowledgeable to take part in the sport of Archery and participate in Archery Competitions. Proposed by
Club Member/Coach

I, as Secretary of the above-named club, support this application and declare that the applicant has been accepted as a member of the club and has been instructed in the rules of the IAAA. Signature
Club Secretary

Type of membership (tick applicable category) Senior Junior Student

Fees: Juniors / Students Seniors Family


50 90 150

Amount enclosed:

If making a Family application, please state the names of the other two included and attach their individual forms to this one.
Section Five For office use

1 2

Date received
Please return the completed form, with fees to Hon.

Proposed & approved at

Executive Meeting Date

Secretary IAAA, Mr. Declan Bowles, 14 Oaktree

Applicants become IAAA members and have the necessary insurance cover only on receipt of their IAAA membership card. Membership cards will be sent to the Club Secretary. Incomplete forms will be returned. See www.archery.ie for further information about the IAAA and archery in Ireland.

Green, Castleknock, Dublin 15.

Family membership consists of Two adults and Two Junior/student members. Member Application

form IAAA-2

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