Formative Assessment

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Formative assessment Definition Evidence about pupils achievement is elicited, interpreted and used by teachers and learners so as to make

future decisions what they need to focus on to improve learning. Benefits Enable pupils to become more reflective and self-assess themselves Teachers are able to see what their learners already know and what they need to improve Pupils are motivated to learn because they can set their own goals Pupils take responsibility of their own learning Focuses on how pupils learn Teachers can cater for all learners Encourages pupils to take risks and make mistakes Assessment methods: Selective response Pupils select the best response from a list provided: Multiple choice, true/false, matching, short answer, fill-in questions Extended written response Pupils construct a written answer in response to a question or task: Compare Analyze Interpret. Solve a problem and explain work Describe in detail Performance assessment Assessment is based on observing a performance and making a judgment. Its also based on final products. Personal communication Determine what a pupil has learned through personal interaction with them: Interviewing them; Asking questions during instructions;

Some useful assessment activities: The traffic light Teachers ask students to hold up a green, amber or red sign to indicate whether they understand, think they understand but are not quite sure, or do not understand. They spend more time with students showing amber and red. Thinking time instead of hands- up Teacher gives pupils between 3 seconds and several minutes and then calls upon a student. As a result the quality of responses improves a great deal as pupils have time to think. Can-do-statements Pupils are encouraged to reflect upon what they have learnt and self-evaluate themselves. They need to tick the box corresponding to their ability, e.g. A- excellent, B- very good, C- good. Some final thoughts Formative Assessment:

Refers to what happens on a daily basis in the classroom

Provides teachers with information about specific next instructional steps for students: Assessment Drives Instruction.

Students know where they are at instructionally and where they need to

go On-going assessment provides continual feedback that helps students progress over time

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