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8rlef 8ook CuLllne

1he lnLroducLlon Lo 1toos 8oJles 1toos 5elves ls belng wrlLLen by Ienn|fer I|nney8oy|an hu auLhor of
11 books lncludlng her memolr 5bes Not 1bete Ms 8oylan wlll employ her llLerary skllls Lo palnL a
plcLure of Lhe sLorles of Lransgender llves
cboptet 1 Oot Mooy 5elves
1hls chapLer wlll explore our many ldenLlLles and ways of undersLandlng ourselves lL ls belng wrlLLen by
Iresh Wh|te founder of AfflrmaLlve AcLs Llfe Coachlng and no||day S|mmons a communlLy educaLor
for Lambda Legal
cboptet 2 CeoJet uevelopmeot
1hls chapLer ls belng wrlLLen by ,|qq| G||bert hu a wrlLer and phllosophy professor aL ?ork
unlverslLy Lvan Sm|th hu a psychology professor aL LllzabeLhLown College and Laura Lr|ckson
Schroth Mu MA Lhe book's edlLor lL wlll walk readers Lhrough Lhe soclal psychologlcal and sclenLlflc
Lheorles of gender LhaL lnfluence gender sLudles Loday
cboptet J CeoJet AtoooJ tbe wotlJ
1hls chapLer ls belng wrlLLen by Iam|e koberts !u a ubllc uefender and leader of Ceorgla LquallLy and
Anne||ese S|ngh hu a psychology professor aL Ceorgla SLaLe lL wlll provlde examples of dlfferenL
socleLles' approaches Lo gender ln order Lo glve readers an ldea of Lhe way gender lnfluences people's
llves ouLslde of norLh Amerlca
cboptet 4 comloq Oot
1he comlng ouL chapLer ls belng wrlLLen by ke|d Vanderburgh MA LMl1 a wellknown Lrans LheraplsL
and auLhor of 1toosltloo ooJ 8eyooJ who wlll Lake readers Lhrough Lhe process of comlng ouL as
cboptet 5 llvloq os Ootselves
1hls chapLer ls belng wrlLLen by neath keyno|ds a former Lransgender care coordlnaLor aL Callen Lorde
CommunlLy PealLh CenLer and 2|| Go|dste|n 8n an acLlvlsL and Lrans nurse lL wlll explore Lhe
everyday llves of Lransgender and gender nonconformlng people as we navlgaLe Lhe world go
shopplng use baLhrooms play sporLs buy blnders or bras eLc
9art 2 nLAL1n AND ,LDICAL CAkL
cboptet 6 Ceoetol ooJ 5exool neoltb
N|ck Gorton Mu a physlclan aL Lyon MarLln PealLh Servlces and experL ln Lransgender medlclne ke||an
8aker a Senlor ollcy AssoclaLe aL Lhe naLlonal CoallLlon for LC81 PealLh and kebecca Iox ulrecLor of
Lhe naLlonal CoallLlon for LC81 PealLh are wrlLlng Lhls chapLer lL wlll lnclude lnformaLlon on general
healLh care relaLlonshlps beLween Lrans people and Lhe medlcal communlLy and sexual healLh
cboptet 7 Meotol neoltb
1hls chapLer ls belng wrlLLen by kuben nopwood hu CandldaLe CoordlnaLor of Lhe 1ransgender
PealLh rogram aL lenway PealLh and Lore D|ckey hu CandldaLe a psychology lnLern aL uuke
unlverslLy lL wlll dlscuss Lhe ways ln whlch we can Lake care of our menLal healLh as Lrans and gender
nonconformlng people
cboptet 8 1toosltlookeloteJ MeJlcol cote
1hls chapLer ls belng wrlLLen by ,add|e Deutsch Mu a naLlonal experL on Lransgender healLh and wlll
dlscuss Lhe medlcal aspecLs of LranslLlonlng lncludlng hormones and surgery
cboptet 9 lomllles
1hls chapLer ls belng wrlLLen by Cara kodr|guezIucc| a genderqueer parenL Lralned as a doula and Av|
8ow|e MSW a PealLh Care lnLegraLor aL new AlLernaLlves for Chlldren lL wlll lnclude lnformaLlon on
sLarLlng a famlly glvlng blrLh adopLlng and creaLlng poslLlve relaLlonshlps wlLh our chlldren and our
own parenLs
cboptet 10 commooltles
1hls chapLer ls belng headed by ;u|nce ,ounta|n an experL on Lransgender llfe and rellglon lL wlll
cover lssues sLorles and resources relaLed Lo communlLles formed based on dlsablllLy rellglon culLure
class eLc
cboptet 11 kelotloosblps
1hls chapLer wlll cover relaLlonshlps wlLh romanLlc parLners and ls belng wrlLLen by ne|en 8oyd auLhor
of My nosbooJ 8etty and her parLner 8etty Crow
cboptet 12 5exoollty
1he sexuallLy chapLer wlll be auLhored by 9atr|ck Ca||f|a a LheraplsL and auLhor of more Lhan LwenLy
books on sex eroLlclsm and Lransgender pollLlcs
cboptet 1J cbllJteo
k|m 9earson ulrecLor of 1rans?ouLh lamlly Allles and Io C|son Mu adolescenL medlclne physlclan aL
Lhe Chlldren's PosplLal of Los Angeles wlLh appearances on ur hll and A8C's 20/20 wlll auLhor Lhls
chapLer all abouL Lransgender and gender nonconformlng chlldren
cboptet 14 oooq AJolts
Lance n|cks a youLh acLlvlsL and Sassafrass Lowrey auLhor of klcked CuL AnLhology are wrlLlng Lhls
chapLer whlch wlll focus on adolescenLs and Lhelr unlque challenges
cboptet 15 Aqloq
1hls chapLer ls belng wrlLLen by Ioe Ippo||to syu LCSW coordlnaLor of Lhe hlladelphla 1ransgender
PealLh Conference 1arynn W|tten hu a researcher conducLlng a sLudy on aglng ln Lhe Lransgender
populaLlon and ,oonhawk k|verstone former chalr of Lhe lnLernaLlonal loundaLlon for Cender
LducaLlon and wlll explore aglng ln Lhe Lrans communlLy
9art S Ak1 AND CUL1UkL
cboptet 16 lopolot coltote ooJ MeJlo
1hls chapLer ls belng wrlLLen by Iam|son Green hu wellknown auLhor of 8ecomloq o vlslble Moo and
Da||as Denny former dlrecLor of Lhe Amerlcan LducaLlonal Cender lnformaLlon Servlce and edlLor of
1toosqeoJet 1opestty magazlne lL wlll explore Lhe way Lransgender and gender nonconformlng people
are represenLed ln Lhe medla and popular culLure
cboptet 17 Att lltetotote Moslc lllm uooce
kestry| Lowrey a performance arLlsL and acLlvlsL and Iae 1ruesde|| who sLudles Lransgender
phoLography are wrlLlng Lhls chapLer on arL llLeraLure fllm muslc dance eLc LhaL has been creaLed by
Lransgender arLlsLs
cboptet 18 nlstoty
1he hlsLory chapLer ls belng wrlLLen by Genny 8eemyn hu ulrecLor of Lhe SLonewall CenLer aL Lhe
unlverslLy of MassachuseLLs
cboptet 19 leqol lssoes
1he legal chapLer ls belng wrlLLen by ky|ar 8roadus !u a professor aL Llncoln unlverslLy a LradlLlonally
black unlverslLy ln Mlssourl and Shannon ,|nter !u Lhe Legal ulrecLor aL Lhe naLlonal CenLer for
Lesblan 8lghLs
cboptet 20 lolltlcs Actloo Otqoolzloq
1hls chapLer ls belng wrlLLen by Sad|ekyanne Vasht| a cllenL advocaLe for PlS (Pelplng lndlvldual
rosLlLuLes Survlve) and communlLy organlzer wlLh Lhe uC 1rans CoallLlon and 9au||ne 9ark chalr of
n?AC8A Lhe new ?ork AssoclaLlon for Cender 8lghLs Advocacy
Al1kwOku 1he 8osLon Women's PealLh 8ook CollecLlve
1he orlglnal founders of Lhe 8osLon Women's PealLh 8ook CollecLlve Lhe auLhors of Oot 8oJles
Ootselves wlll be wrlLlng an afLerword Lo conLexLuallze Lhe publlcaLlon of Lhls new book

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