Computer History Household Item Assignment

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Intro to Computers n|story of 1echno|ogy

Answer Lhe followlng quesLlons abouL a Lechnology lLem LhaL you choose Use comp|ete sentence
1 @hlnk of a household lLem LhaL you Lhlnk ls lmporLanL LlsL Lhe lLem below

2 WhaL need does Lhls lLem flll?

3 WhaL do you Lhlnk Lhe flrsL one looked llke? llnd a plcLure and pasLe lL below

4 Pow has Lhe lLem changed over Llme?

3 Pow could Lhe lLem sLlll be lmproved ln Lhe fuLure?

6 WhaL mlghL Lhls lLem look llke ln Lhe fuLure?

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